View Full Version : fiancee show money and worried about tax history

9th March 2013, 22:29
hi everyone
i was wondering if someone could put my mind at rest on a few things .shortly i will be going to china to meet the lady ive been chatting with for almost a year .we have been thinking ahead and we are planning on marrying if we get on in the future as we both love each other but i have some questions which hopefully someone can put my mind at rest as im slightly worried
i have been a non registered carer to my parents for 20+ years ,basicly they have been supporting me while i cared for them so i have never worked in my life ,you may think at first ive been lazy but this is how my life has turned out and its suited me and my parents .the question i have is my lady freind is concerned that as i have never paid any tax to the goverment or worked in my life the immigration may be suspicisous of me when they check me out and will want to know how i plan on supporting myself in the future.
i am useing my savings as the show money for the fiancee visa as i have sold my collection of cars which i was given when i was younger ,i do have my own place to which and will be living there with my intended but i am worried that the immigration will check up on me on the tax issues .also as i will be useing my own savings for the show money is it 18,600 i have to show for the fiancee visa
many thanks in advance

10th March 2013, 00:14
If you are relying on savings alone my friend you are looking at £62,500 the £18,600 is the minimum salary if working under the new rules, if you are in receipt of carers allowance for looking after your parents then you will be exempt from the this and you will just have to show adequate maintenance to support her...

10th March 2013, 02:11
i thought it was more than £62,500

10th March 2013, 12:18
If you are relying on savings alone my friend you are looking at £62,500 the £18,600 is the minimum salary if working under the new rules, if you are in receipt of carers allowance for looking after your parents then you will be exempt from the this and you will just have to show adequate maintenance to support her...


Yep, spot on Mark
Without income the savings level is £62,500 MINIMUM
These savings must have been held for MINIMUM 6 months.

In principle (if nothing changed) you'd need to show the same level of savings at FLR(M) time 30 months later.
(unless either you or your wife had income to offset)

UKBA will not be looking into your 'lack of tax history'

You only need to meet the financial requirement.

10th March 2013, 17:21
ok thanks for your answer as i was quite worried that they would check me out .so what what your saying is if i come up with 62.500 in my account and its been in my account for 6 months the immigration would wave me by so to speak . do you know what other requirements as her sponser i would need .i have half the money now but my parents have said they will help me out and will give me a a cash sum into my account ,is this allowed ? as i think it will take me a while to raise all of the 62.500 obviously i will wait for 6 months intill i apply for the fiancee visa .
another thing is my lady freind said i need to prove that i am singel when i apply for the fiancee visa is this correct ..and how do i go about this as ive nothing to say that i am singel right now .
many thanks

10th March 2013, 17:29
you will get a cni (certificate of no impediment) to show you are not married, i beleive it is valid for 6 months, if getting married in philippines, you exchange it there for a local version,

correct me if im wrong but i thought it was only needed to marry and not to be engaged?

10th March 2013, 18:02
..so what what your saying is if i come up with 62.500 in my account and its been in my account for 6 months the immigration would wave me by so to speak .

Well in principle, and only as compliance with Financial Requirement, yes you could put it that way
But only if they felt comfortable that it was your own money totally under your control. Sudden large deposits in bank accounts will always create doubts and investigation as to the origin. (eg was the money obtained via a loan or gifted by family etc etc)
Tread cautiously on that strategy and avoid large deposits that cannot be fully explained.

..do you know what other requirements as her sponser i would need...

Take a look here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39869-All-New-Guide-How-to-apply-for-a-Fiance-Visa) and be sure to follow all those important links.

...i have half the money now but my parents have said they will help me out and will give me a a cash sum into my account ,is this allowed ?

See my comments above. Strictly speaking this kind of activity is not allowed.

....another thing is my lady freind said i need to prove that i am singel when i apply for the fiancee visa is this correct ..

Firstly, you will not be applying. YOU are not the applicant, your fiancee is the applicant. You are the sponsor.
You are not required to prove being single. When you organise the wedding the bans will be done beforehand.

In Philippines it's easy to provide a CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record) if necessary
I have no knowledge of such matters in China regarding what your fiancee could provide.

10th March 2013, 22:46
ok thanks for all your comments it is appreciated ,i have sold some of my cars already and i think i will put cash into my account in small lots to spread it out so it dont look suspicious ,i do have letters of ownership from the dvla saying i no longer own the cars ive sold so i will keep these just incase they question how i come to have this show money when i apply .
so from what ive read on the link above i show £62.500 when i apply for the fiancee visa and again when she applys for further leave to remain at the end of the 30 months so i cant touch that money in my account unless i put it in high savings account but i dont think i will get much interest to live of that.
my lady freind has said she has her own cash savings and sais we can live of that intill she gets a job as she does want to work eventually .if she was declare her savings in our fiancee aplication would this be in favour of the application .she also owns property in china which she will sell once shes settled here would mentioning that also help
many thanks

17th March 2013, 22:38
Hi,in chinese they called cenomar as singleness and singleness must be translated to chinese language and authenticated to foreign affairs.this is 1 of the requirements of Taiwan R.O.C.Much better to ask your gf to inquire about the documents you have to bring in china,It's so complicated.Good luck....