View Full Version : Pakistani soldier stoned to death over romance; girlfriend may be shot

15th March 2013, 20:22
:NoNo:barbaric and uncivilized 'people'

"We took the girl into custody and took the boy to the local graveyard where he was stoned to death and buried."


Ako Si Jamie
15th March 2013, 20:30
Unbelievable! :icon_rolleyes:

stevie c
15th March 2013, 20:50
Barbaric medievil law :yikes::cwm23:

15th March 2013, 21:20
Yes, and we've welcomed so many of them and their quaint little belief system into our midst. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
15th March 2013, 21:44
A very primitive action in the 21st century, if that happened in the uk most of us would be dead now!:NoNo:

16th March 2013, 01:05
its comming to a town near you soon :yikes: