View Full Version : 'Cops' rob tourist in Ermita

Ako Si Jamie
18th March 2013, 20:21
A Polish tourist was robbed by two “police officers” in front of a mall in Ermita, Manila Thursday morning, police said yesterday.

Jerzy Stanczsyk, 65, said he was walking along Maria Orosa street at around 11 a.m. when a black sport utility vehicle, with license plate RNR-363, pulled over next to him and its occupants introduced themselves as policemen.

He said the two police officers told him that he was being apprehended for jaywalking and ordered him to get into the car and empty his pockets. Stanczsyk said they also checked the contents of a bag he was holding. He said the men then threw his bag out of the vehicle and told him to pick it up lest passersby take it.

He said when he alighted from the car and checked his belongings, he found out that the men had taken his money. He added that he tried to chase the men but they had sped off.

Stanczsyk, a retired government economist, arrived in the country for a vacation two weeks ago, drawn by the stories he read about the Philippines being a good place to live after retiring, according to Police Officer 3 Adonis Aguila.

The tourist, who is currently billeted at an inn in Ermita, has given a description of the two police officers to a police cartographer, Aguila said. He added that Stanczsyk will be taken to the Manila Police District headquarters tomorrow so he could look at the photos of the MPD’s police officers.


18th March 2013, 22:09
Something strange about this story IMO :Erm:

robbie bobby
19th March 2013, 01:40
should have looked at the colour of the reg plate: police and government vehicles have a different colour, something does not sound right here

19th March 2013, 02:22
This has happened a few times in the past to Foreigners and tourists in Ermita..
These guys are usually armed..
Im not sure what I would do if that happened to me to be quite honest... Depends on the location and how many people are around at the time.
The best form of defense is not to carry around more than you can afford to lose..Secondly,keep your ATM card well hidden as these guys have been known to drive with their victims to different banks to wipe out their accounts..
Be careful walking around in Manila!!.

19th March 2013, 07:54
I wouldnt walk around on my own in any city not even here. Maybe the robbers are just dressed as cops. It does sound strange.

19th March 2013, 10:10
I wouldnt walk around on my own in any city not even here. Maybe the robbers are just dressed as cops. It does sound strange.

You're being too cautious, the centre of London is very safe and we walk around it most weekends. Walked along the Regents Canal the other week to Camden and then through to Kings Cross, beautiful houses as we went through Regents Park.
It's the suburbs where you should be careful, especially at night.

23rd March 2013, 08:56
It is a well know scam, If anyone has read a Lonely Planet book it is mentioned!

23rd March 2013, 09:09
You're being too cautious, the centre of London is very safe and we walk around it most weekends.Walked along the Regents Canal the other week to Camden and then through to Kings Cross, beautiful houses as we went through Regents Park.
It's the suburbs where you should be careful, especially at night.

You cant be too careful these days. I think the main point is knowing your area. I dont care for London personally the only time I would go there is to show the Mrs the sights when she comes here. Give me those nice picturesque english villages to walk around anyday.