View Full Version : Living with family - letter of consent

20th March 2013, 20:19

This is my first time posting on the forum, and I have to say the information provided has been most useful! Thanks to all the contributors for tips :)

My fiancee and I are about to apply for a visa for her to come to the UK. I am bout to send my letters to my fiancee so she can proceed with the application. However, I currently live my family in shared how, my father being the owner of the house. It's a 4 bedroom house and 4 of us currently live there (father, mother and sister) so it's not considered overcrowded by any mean. However, from what I understand I need a supporting consent letter from my father as well in support of the application purely because I live with my family - is this correct?

What needs to be included in this letter of consent? I don't want to send something which seems quite basic, unless if something basic will do.

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Arthur Little
21st March 2013, 01:03
:icon_sorry: ... not sure - and am hesitant to reply to your questions - for fear that I could give out wrong information on some [otherwise] minor technicality.

However, I'm confident someone's likely to be able to answer them tomorrow. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Meanwhile, :welcomex: to our friendly, online filipino/uk community.

robbie bobby
21st March 2013, 02:13
I had a mate in a position like this and as long as you yourself have the qualifying funds and/or job to meet the threshhold it should not be an issue,the house owner(your dad) would need to send a covering letter with the title deeds to show he owns the house and you will not just be staying there short term and show you will have at least 1 bedroom for yourself and your fiance.It actually would be better for him to make up a small lease for you to say he is renting you the space,it would be much easier

21st March 2013, 10:55

This is my first time posting on the forum, and I have to say the information provided has been most useful! Thanks to all the contributors for tips :)

My fiancee and I are about to apply for a visa for her to come to the UK. I am bout to send my letters to my fiancee so she can proceed with the application. However, I currently live my family in shared how, my father being the owner of the house. It's a 4 bedroom house and 4 of us currently live there (father, mother and sister) so it's not considered overcrowded by any mean. However, from what I understand I need a supporting consent letter from my father as well in support of the application purely because I live with my family - is this correct?

What needs to be included in this letter of consent? I don't want to send something which seems quite basic, unless if something basic will do.

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Bij,
Based on the information you've shared you should have no problems on the accommodation side of things.

Yes, as owners of the property your parents do need to provide a simple letter of permission for your fiance to live there with you.

I would suggest including land registry documentation as proof of ownership and also a couple of recent proof of address documents.(council tax and utility bill). Although not mandatory these are good supporting documents that are easy and cheap to obtain and greatly help with minimising risks. Land registry printed online is fine.

The letter should also include a brief description of the property giving the number of rooms, how many people live in the house and details of the bedroom that is to be made available for your exclusive use.
Some folks even a couple of photo's as evidence as well.

Take a look at these UKBA links to gain a better understanding of the detail:-

Accommodation: General Requirements (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/guidance/ecg/maa/#header6)

Overcrowding (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/guidance/ecg/maa/#header11)

I wouldn't mention anything about how long you intend to live there, and I wouldn't suggest setting up any kind of lease/tenancy (unless you have special circumstances)

Good luck with your application.

20th May 2013, 14:52
Thanks for advice guys :)

23rd May 2013, 12:26
Every supporting document is useful. When we did our application we included letters from my sons and from other relations welcoming my Filipino Fiancee into the family.

it all helps. You don't want to drown the officer in paperwork with unnecessary documents but letters like this can really help to convince them. That's my experience anyway.

Dave and Lolit