View Full Version : Nick Clegg tackles issue of visa 'overstayers'

22nd March 2013, 12:00

The Deputy Prime Minister will say in a speech today that visa "overstayers" are one of the biggest challenges faced by the immigration system:


22nd March 2013, 12:01
Cleggs speech :blahblah:


22nd March 2013, 12:07
This idiot has suddenly realised that failing to front up to the appalling immigration mess is a vote loser

22nd March 2013, 12:10
Yes but he did not say which countries are to be targeted. As usual half the facts.

22nd March 2013, 12:18
How many years too late is this ? :NoNo:

Apparently the visa 'bond' wiil be sensitively applied so as not to upset certain groups.

No need to wonder who they will be...the same sort of people who's preaching of hatred in the middle of major London streets was tolerated, as well as 'hate' demonstrations ? :mad:

No chance us tax-paying born and bred indigenous citizens will be given any slack, when merely wishing to have our chosen life-partners come to stay. :icon_rolleyes:

22nd March 2013, 12:32
I agree.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2013, 13:26
As far as I understand it, this proposal isn't aimed at those on settlement visa's.
How would the bond get refunded?

22nd March 2013, 13:29

22nd March 2013, 13:45
I actually thought it made interesting reading with one or two interesting points ie Bonds, doubling of fines for employing illegals and making people who don't stick to English courses pay for their own translation services.
However I can't help bet feel that this speech and the one Cameron will make on Monday is being driven by their fear of UKIP rather than a genuine desire to attack the problems in the country at the moment. Their is no attempt to stop another mass influx of undesirables from January next year which is only going to add to our problems.
So for me it's a case of trying to say the right thing but really doing nothing.

22nd March 2013, 14:10
tough :76: the libs :laugher:

they know they will be wiped out at the next election :doh

Nick Clegg Abandons Immigrant Amnesty Plan, Adopts Policy Previously Slammed By Lib Dems


22nd March 2013, 14:43
Out-of-touch tossers the lot of them. :mad:

22nd March 2013, 17:17
You mean if an immigrant stays illegally in the UK he/she wont get the bond money back?....well thats a big detterent isnt it (NOT)!

I sometimes think our politicians are living on another planet to the rest of us!

22nd March 2013, 19:20
if theyre already here illegally working i dont think theyre going to be bothered about their bond as theyre earning more than they paid the governments out of touch idiots:laugher::laugher::laugher:

Michael Parnham
22nd March 2013, 19:28
Hi Peter, with what you mentioned about those with settlement 'visas' if that were the case it's easy, they could be refunded when they fly to Philippines for holiday, hence holiday money:Jump::Jump::Jump: