View Full Version : British rivers stripped of fish by East European poachers

23rd March 2013, 10:25
Fears that Eastern European poachers are decimating Britain’s freshwater fish stocks have forced conservationists to start a nationwide poster campaign – in five languages.


Another fine example of immigration benefiting the country

23rd March 2013, 10:30
not just the fish, the ducks and swans on the lakes are in danger too, amazing aint it what people think they can do in a foreign land, would you do the same in their country i dont think so, just another nail in the coffin of the great british society what use to be

23rd March 2013, 11:54
Steve, the country that we once knew is gradually being brought to its knees by this infestation of cockroaches from undisciplined East European countries and other immigrants who are here purely for personal gain.

Unfortunately it is now impossible to roll back to where we once were.

We have had a succession of governments who have been foolish and naive in their pandering to the Trojan Horse of 'diversity' and 'multiculturism', rather than in looking after the interests of the majority native population.

In doing so they have rendered the country helpless against this ever-expanding plague of parasites.

Very sad.

Exiting the EU will help, but the seeds have been well and truly sown for civil unrest in the future. :NoNo:

23rd March 2013, 14:00
Steve, the country that we once knew is gradually being brought to its knees by this infestation of cockroaches from undisciplined East European countries and other immigrants who are here purely for personal gain.

Unfortunately it is now impossible to roll back to where we once were.

We have had a succession of governments who have been foolish and naive in their pandering to the Trojan Horse of 'diversity' and 'multiculturism', rather than in looking after the interests of the majority native population.

In doing so they have rendered the country helpless against this ever-expanding plague of parasites.

Very sad.

Exiting the EU will help, but the seeds have been well and truly sown for civil unrest in the future. :NoNo:

Graham your last few words are the most frightning, can you imagine civil unrest in a large city here, then war factions from different people living in the same city,

23rd March 2013, 14:13
You only need to look to Beirut, Bosnia, Kosovo, Israel, Northern Island, India after 1947, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc.

Cities and countries with different religions, factions, loyalties, origins. = conflict.

Even the American Civil War.

History has a habit of repeating itself...especially when its lessons are ignored, as they have been here, for the past 50 years. :NoNo:

23rd March 2013, 20:15
Thats history Ded its been going on for years mate.

23rd March 2013, 20:17
British rivers stripped of fish by East European poachers ...

This is a major issue here in Northamptonshire, and in fact has been for a number of years.
Despite plenty of money getting spent and Police and Bailiff initiatives nothing has been changed.

The old excuse of not understanding the British Laws begins to wear a bit thin, especially when gangs get regularly caught
taking fish with big nets :cwm23:

23rd March 2013, 20:39
It all adds up to us just being too SOFT.

Too many 'cautions' and not enough SEVERE PUNISHMENTS. :mad:

24th March 2013, 01:28
It all adds up to us just being too SOFT.

Too many 'cautions' and not enough SEVERE PUNISHMENTS. :mad:

Exactly all punishments need to be a deterrent and sadly none of ours nowadays are. Contract it out to Singapore