View Full Version : boris johnson

24th March 2013, 10:36
who is this man, he comes across so funny and his mouth does run away sometimes,but you know what i do like how he comes across

24th March 2013, 10:47
I've just watched him on BBC Andrew Marr show.
Bumbling buffoon. Why? Because he's trying to be too PC and all things to all men.
He should really be himself and be honest. But he can't because he has career aspirations and want to remain with the inner circle.

Sometimes questions can be answered with a simple yes or no.

24th March 2013, 11:11
well he should make a great pm one day then

24th March 2013, 12:40
Boris Johnson struggles in harsh TV interview


24th March 2013, 13:06
Quite frightening that he could lead our country. Our own version of George W Bush. Complete Bufoon.


24th March 2013, 13:18
is there anyone better that comes to mind, remember he is the one in front to take all the s---t and then there is always someone behind to follow, but remeber also this is coming from someone who dont vote and to tell the truth, dont care whos in or out because whos ever in dont give a damm

24th March 2013, 13:19
forgot to add, its just my thoughts no offence ment to anyone