View Full Version : Mother leaves baby in car with note saying she is shopping

25th March 2013, 14:22
:yikes: ther're some really :crazy: people out there :doh

A mother in New Zealand left her newborn baby in the car with a note saying she was shopping and to call her if the infant needed anything.

"[The note] was written from the baby's perspective, and it said 'My mum's in doing the shopping, call her if I need anything', and it had the cellphone number.

read more here ..http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/9952207/Mother-leaves-baby-in-car-with-note-saying-she-is-shopping.html

25th March 2013, 14:25
Crazy! :crazy:

25th March 2013, 15:51
Another example of someone who should be prevented from breeding. :NoNo:

25th March 2013, 17:36

25th March 2013, 18:10
Some of these stories are just unbelievable :crazy:
What a mother eh :NoNo: