View Full Version : And Finally

1st September 2007, 16:44
I was chatting to Jet, this morning, before leaving for the office.
(Yes, I know it is Saturday... Some people do have to go in to work, so that some other people can afford to stay on the dole.)
Anyway, she was worried because her passport hadn't come back from the Embassy yet, and it took me a while to reassure her that it will be soon.
I could sense that she wasn't too sure of it:NoNo:..

So I made my way to Warrington, and the office.

A couple of hours later, as I was at my desk, Jet phones me on the mobile, and she was laughing and crying at the same time, trying to tell me that the Passport arrived by courier a few minutes before.
I must admit that I was stunned myself by the news.... Surprised... All the pent up anxiety, frustrations, etc, all gone.
Replaced by adrenaline, I was really excited.

Soon enough Jet will be here, where we both think she belongs... Together.

I am looking forward to a very long chat tonight.
The port and stilton are ready, in case i need a snack.

I will open a nice bottle of Riesling (I don't do supermarket wine) with my dinner tonight, and that big f:censored: off cigar from Tenerife...
I feel reborn.

1st September 2007, 16:57
CONGRATS AND WELL DONE!!!!! :cwm12::cwm12:

1st September 2007, 17:00
Reisling - i get mine from the supermarket.
I do have a real problem getting Parmeggiano reggiano tho, some M&S have it.
Great news mate - enjoy yourself and i wish you both all the happiness there is.:BouncyHappy:

1st September 2007, 17:07
Reisling - i get mine from the supermarket.
I do have a real problem getting Parmeggiano reggiano tho, some M&S have it.
Great news mate - enjoy yourself and i wish you both all the happiness there is.:BouncyHappy:

Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, Asda, they all do decent Parmigiano Reggiano, although I must say that the Aldi stuff is slightly better than the rest.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Riesling.............. You need re-educating, lad...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2007, 18:23
Congrats Aromulus- your waiting is over. :xxgrinning--00xx3:. I know what its like:doh, I think its our turn soon

1st September 2007, 19:39
:xxgrinning--00xx3: about time :D

work on a saturday :icon_lol: no way :D

warrington :icon_lol:

opps :cwm24:

1st September 2007, 20:57
I would say check the visa stamp is all correct but im sure your lovely wife jet has probably shown the Stamp to roughly half of her town today and the rest will see it tomorrow.

Great news that its in her hand, but serious note make sure she checks everything is fine just in case although i have no idea what a family permit looks like:Erm:

My wifes visa was stamped so she could leave several days before we intended to fly back and had requested on our application which could of caused problems if we had been delayed a little longer with regards ilr and all that jazz a few years down the line.

Lets hope for a nice summery September so she has some time to settle in before winter hits.

1st September 2007, 21:26
On the application, we quoted 30th july, because I was under the impression that it was going to be a walk in the park...:Brick:

I am waiting for Jet to come online, so I can ask her to show me, the dates, and validity of the visa.
I also need to get her a flight. The 11th is now out of financial bounds, because is too soon, the price shot up by zillions. So it will have to be the 20th.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We haven't had a summer.......... So as soon as she gets here, in readiness for an eventual winter, it will be Matalan, Primark, TJ Hughes, maybe JJBs, and definitively Tesco...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Shoes, boots, slippers, thermals, long johns, electric over and under blankets....:doh And grandma's knitted knickers...:xxgrinning--00xx3: with velcro fastenings...:rolleyes:

1st September 2007, 21:39
On the application, we quoted 30th july, because I was under the impression that it was going to be a walk in the park...:Brick:

I am waiting for Jet to come online, so I can ask her to show me, the dates, and validity of the visa.
I also need to get her a flight. The 11th is now out of financial bounds, because is too soon, the price shot up by zillions. So it will have to be the 20th.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We haven't had a summer.......... So as soon as she gets here, in readiness for an eventual winter, it will be Matalan, Primark, TJ Hughes, maybe JJBs, and definitively Tesco...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Shoes, boots, slippers, thermals, long johns, electric over and under blankets....:doh And grandma's knitted knickers...:xxgrinning--00xx3: with velcro fastenings...:rolleyes:

Im sure we had summer for at least a day down here:Erm: maybe i dreamt it.
Don't forget to get the triple glazing and termonuclear reactor to ensure the temperature doesn't drop below 30 for the first few weeks or months. I almosted evaroprated away due to the heat the first few days i came back from work. Luckliy my wife adapted and seems to almost enjoy the cold more than the heat which she moans about more than me.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2007, 19:31
Last night I Xoomed to Jet 400 quid for the flight...:bigcry:

Gave her, also, a full set of instructions for what to do monday...
CFO sticker collecting...:xxgrinning--00xx3: Short trip to the local Qatar Airways office, to book her seat for the 20th...

And if there is a slight chance, to book an earlier flight.

I got her to print the itinerary and the charge from the Airline Website $597 one way...

If there is a leaving party at all, to keep it extremely low key, as I don't really want to feed the 5000, exclusively close family.
I suppose this will be a little out of the question, because Filipino like to show off a little, and if they have a chance to make somebody envious of them... They will take it. :D

Fortunately, Jet is not like that, but, dammit, she likes parties and fiestas...:NoNo:

So the saga is nearly over, soon she will join me here in the land of milk and honey, high taxes, speed cams, fortnightly bin collections, cold weather,and what have you...

What will she think of the UK...??? Will she miss home?

Thinking ahead, I did leave a pc with her, in May last year, with full broadband.
So that we could communicate every day,without her having to resort to walk ,in all weather, the local internet cafes.
Will it be enough for her to keep in touch with the family...??? I dearly hope so.

Thanks for all your good wishes, guys and dolls.
I really appreciate your sincerity.

2nd September 2007, 19:41
God bless you both Dom. I am so happy for you. :)


2nd September 2007, 20:04
Last night I Xoomed to Jet 400 quid for the flight...:bigcry:

Gave her, also, a full set of instructions for what to do monday...
CFO sticker collecting...:xxgrinning--00xx3: Short trip to the local Qatar Airways office, to book her seat for the 20th...

And if there is a slight chance, to book an earlier flight.

I got her to print the itinerary and the charge from the Airline Website $597 one way...

If there is a leaving party at all, to keep it extremely low key, as I don't really want to feed the 5000, exclusively close family.
I suppose this will be a little out of the question, because Filipino like to show off a little, and if they have a chance to make somebody envious of them... They will take it. :D

Fortunately, Jet is not like that, but, dammit, she likes parties and fiestas...:NoNo:

So the saga is nearly over, soon she will join me here in the land of milk and honey, high taxes, speed cams, fortnightly bin collections, cold weather,and what have you...

What will she think of the UK...??? Will she miss home?

Thinking ahead, I did leave a pc with her, in May last year, with full broadband.
So that we could communicate every day,without her having to resort to walk ,in all weather, the local internet cafes.
Will it be enough for her to keep in touch with the family...??? I dearly hope so.

Thanks for all your good wishes, guys and dolls.
I really appreciate your sincerity.

The pc left over there as your im sure aware needs to be kept up to date with os updates and the same with any av or anti spyware on the computer. Is there someone ok with doing that? Also make sure the broadband bill is payed as and when, not always the highest prioty for some families.
Also not sure of the family setup etc, but make sure the people who use it realsie its a communcation tool not a games centre. A few times my Wifes younger Bro and Sis have had to be told off for loading on manga screensavers and games etc.
Also my Wifes sister younger sister goes to a posh school in manila and when we were last over she had to load on files to the laptop from her usb stick only used on the school network computers we had a few nasty virus suddenly pop up.

Your still need a cheap way of ringing via landline and mobile as its unlikely they will have on the pc all the time plus your wife will need/want to speak to other realtives who don't have pcs trust me.

2nd September 2007, 20:39
Jet's still "nubile" sister will be left in charge of the pc.
She also uses it to keep in touch with her friends, video cam is used every day by us, so they can do the same.

Jet's daughter, only uses it once a week for school research, and she doesn't do games, she has a fully functional brain.

They are under strict orders not to download anything, and the Grandparents are very protective of the damn thing.
Any kid found lounging around the pc desk, gets a clip aroung the ears.:icon_lol:
The OS, gets regular updates. so does AVG, which runs in tandem with McAfee, together they do a damn good job.

Besides I can always troubleshoot from here, via MSN remote assistance.

The pc is in good hands. We will still send a few bob every month for the upkeep, I understand the Filipino "priorities", and Jet is in charge of making sure that the bills get paid.

She is a force to be reckoned with:Brick:, even her father asks for her opinion and accepts her input in everything. :ARsurrender:

So we are kind of sorted. thanks for the tip anyway, it is appreciated.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2007, 21:28
Jet's still "nubile" sister will be left in charge of the pc.
She also uses it to keep in touch with her friends, video cam is used every day by us, so they can do the same.

Jet's daughter, only uses it once a week for school research, and she doesn't do games, she has a fully functional brain.

They are under strict orders not to download anything, and the Grandparents are very protective of the damn thing.
Any kid found lounging around the pc desk, gets a clip aroung the ears.:icon_lol:
The OS, gets regular updates. so does AVG, which runs in tandem with McAfee, together they do a damn good job.

Besides I can always troubleshoot from here, via MSN remote assistance.

The pc is in good hands. We will still send a few bob every month for the upkeep, I understand the Filipino "priorities", and Jet is in charge of making sure that the bills get paid.

She is a force to be reckoned with:Brick:, even her father asks for her opinion and accepts her input in everything. :ARsurrender:

So we are kind of sorted. thanks for the tip anyway, it is appreciated.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sounds like you got it sort there Sir remote assitance can sort a lot of problems but not all sadly.

Although this belongs in the Pc nerdy tech section, I left a full back up disk which basicaly you bung in and the answer file does every to set up with no input needed from the people at the disk. A few mintues updating the pc after that and its all back to normal. Just in case the worse happens

I even left a Hard disk which a few realitives have been showned how to swap over in case we have another hard disk failure on the machine. Pcs out there so seem to suffer from the heat and humidty which we just dont get for the sustained times they do.

2nd September 2007, 21:54
All back-ups, documents, pics, music, you name it... OS, AVs and drivers are all in a mini 80 gig USB powered external plug and play hard drive.
Basically they only have to follow the on-screen instructions. Yes... That is worrying....:Erm:
To swap hard drives is dead easy, because it is stored in the bottom of the case, it plugs straight in.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:


Nice piece of kit.
Installed an extra fan inside, so that the heat won't build up as fast.

2nd September 2007, 23:15
Looks real funky:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd September 2007, 04:01
again congRats to you dom & jet :BouncyHappy:

3rd September 2007, 05:18
Congratulations to you both! All the hard work paid off! I'm sure you'll have quite a time chatting about all the things you plan to do as soon as Jet gets there. The cigar/wine plan sounds excellent. I'm hoping that we can do the same in the future. I was really praying for an indian summmer but does that ever happen in the UK?

If i remember correctly, I think summer 2007 in Edinburgh fell on a Saturday, the 5th of August:D

We are sending in our application this week so I hope everything goes as well as yours! Congratulations again and best wishes to you both.
Warm Regards,


3rd September 2007, 08:49
We are sending in our application this week so I hope everything goes as well as yours!


Yes it paid off in the end, thanks.

It is not as difficult as it seems, if all the stuff on the checklist is present and correct, in ascending order, you won't have a problem. You will breeze through it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It is the waiting that gets you down, the insecurity, anxiety... Doubts keep surfacing in your mind, and start questioning yourself wether there was anything else that could have been done...:NoNo:

This morning at 3 am, Jet phoned me in panic, wanting to know how long I have lived in the UK, for CFO purposes....

Tomorrow as it stands will be my anniversary here... 34 years of toil and tears...:doh 04-09-1974.....:NoNo:

Anyway, she has got the CFO sticker on her passport today... And as I post, she just booked a flight with Qatar on the 20th to Manchester....:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::Hellooo:

I am starting to act my shoe size and not my age........:D

3rd September 2007, 09:22
Congratulations Dom :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I would have replied sooner but my internet connection has been dodgy all weekend.

3rd September 2007, 09:44
Congratulations to you both Dom, wow, you pair have really been through the mill compared to most of us. Oops, I suppose now some of the old hands on here are going to say something like "you don't know your born" , "in the old days..........."

Louella & Iain.

3rd September 2007, 11:13
Congratulations to both you and Jet Aromulus, hope you have many happy years together. Ricky and Gingx2

3rd September 2007, 18:28
Come here to Phils and look for Terry's they have there...if not they have also..parmeggiano padano

3rd September 2007, 19:07



3rd September 2007, 21:27
Vi auguro entrambi tutta la felicità nel mondo.

Let's get the Italian thing going here.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ou bien en francais -

Je vous souhaite les deux tout le bonheur dans le monde.

My brain hurts now. :doh


3rd September 2007, 21:56
From myself and also on behalf of my wife, I wish to thank every one for the warm wishes extended.

It is truly appreciated.

Maraming salamat.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2007, 09:08
congratz to both of you guys, wow thats a good news

4th September 2007, 09:31
Congratulations Dom :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I would have replied sooner but my internet connection has been dodgy all weekend.

The local woolly meat had chewed through his cable :)

4th September 2007, 11:43
The local woolly meat had chewed through his cable :)

You know what the real problem was?


"The original cable was cut with a saw of some sort" :cwm24:
" replacement cable had been damaged by gunshots " :omg: