View Full Version : when will the weather get warmer

1st April 2013, 19:49
well its April and when do you think the weather will improve, a little sun and warmth on our faces is all i am thinking and life will be feeling better,

stevie c
1st April 2013, 20:00
All i know steve it will improve vastly when im in the phils in 3 weeks time :biggrin:

1st April 2013, 20:09
not here, have to go to phil:biggrin:

1st April 2013, 20:13
All i know steve it will improve vastly when im in the phils in 3 weeks time :biggrin:

you are a lucky bugger, :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
1st April 2013, 20:41
According to the weather reports it will be cold for around another 2 weeks yet! By the end of April, we've usually had some nice warm weather. Really need it soon as what with being out of work since the end of November, this long cold winter has really dragged and I've got fed-up of being stuck inside on my own all that time!

1st April 2013, 20:43
be nice to have warm weather for that time, be in france then for a few days,
Still no joy in finding work then????

South-east boy
1st April 2013, 20:46
be nice to have warm weather for that time, be in france then for a few days,
Still no joy in finding work then????

No, still nothing and getting fed-up & frustrated! Applied for quite a few jobs, but they are all through agencies and never hear anything back. I must be registered with 15-20 different agencies and not one single agency has got me even one interview! Getting a bit desperate now!

Ako Si Jamie
1st April 2013, 20:53
It was warmer when I left for the Phils at 3am in mid Feb.

Heard it is going to reach a balmy 8 degrees on Wednesday. :Cuckoo:

1st April 2013, 20:54
No, still nothing and getting fed-up & frustrated! Applied for quite a few jobs, but they are all through agencies and never hear anything back. I must be registered with 15-20 different agencies and not one single agency has got me even one interview! Getting a bit desperate now!

well good luck in the search Tim,

2nd April 2013, 06:22
Its great in Mindanao :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd April 2013, 09:26
soooonnn, it will happen :biggrin:

:sunshine: stevewool.

Applied for quite a few jobs, but they are all through agencies and never hear anything back.

:cwm3: :Erm: I am the same.. i started applying Jan this year :cwm25: my husband always says... it will come. oh well, All the best for us..

2nd April 2013, 10:24
No, still nothing and getting fed-up & frustrated! Applied for quite a few jobs, but they are all through agencies and never hear anything back. I must be registered with 15-20 different agencies and not one single agency has got me even one interview! Getting a bit desperate now!

I don't know what line of work you are in but why not try approaching all the firms in your area DIRECTLY by sending a CV and covering letter. You could probably find all the addresses and people hiring on google and make a note of the phone numbers as well. After a week , phone them to ask if they got your letter and if it was of interest. If not, ask if they can suggest anyone who is hiring. Your more likely to get work through a direct approach as firms don't like paying agencies. You could also try offering, in your covering letter, to work for a probationary period at a reduced rate, so you can prove how brilliant you are.

Now i have given you all that advice, i am going to follow it myself as although i am employed, i need to be earning what i was 12 years ago! I have also had absolutely no luck with agencies etc despite applying for hundreds of jobs.

The other thing to try is to target your CV to the place your applying so you mention all the things they are looking for. Good luck! hope it helps. Some say that you should approach searching for work as a full time job. Also try contacting old colleagues to see if they know who is hiring. Word and mouth is a better way to find work.

South-east boy
2nd April 2013, 10:38
soooonnn, it will happen :biggrin:

:sunshine: stevewool.

:cwm3: :Erm: I am the same.. i started applying Jan this year :cwm25: my husband always says... it will come. oh well, All the best for us..

Good luck to you too Han!

South-east boy
2nd April 2013, 10:59
I don't know what line of work you are in but why not try approaching all the firms in your area DIRECTLY by sending a CV and covering letter. You could probably find all the addresses and people hiring on google and make a note of the phone numbers as well. After a week , phone them to ask if they got your letter and if it was of interest. If not, ask if they can suggest anyone who is hiring. Your more likely to get work through a direct approach as firms don't like paying agencies. You could also try offering, in your covering letter, to work for a probationary period at a reduced rate, so you can prove how brilliant you are.

Now i have given you all that advice, i am going to follow it myself as although i am employed, i need to be earning what i was 12 years ago! I have also had absolutely no luck with agencies etc despite applying for hundreds of jobs.

The other thing to try is to target your CV to the place your applying so you mention all the things they are looking for. Good luck! hope it helps. Some say that you should approach searching for work as a full time job. Also try contacting old colleagues to see if they know who is hiring. Word and mouth is a better way to find work.

Thanks for the helpful advice Lordna. That's what I'll do next, but it's a little tricky as not knowing companies that might have positions that I could do. My job was called a Technical Designer, but on other companies, I guess they would call it a CAD Technician. I drew up the designs for an upmarket interior furniture company-mostly kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. I know a lot of interior furniture companies have sales people that also design the room layouts as well as draw them up. Although if I have knowledge of the product I could easily talk about and sell it, these companies want experienced salespeople first more than Designer-CAD Technicians.

2nd April 2013, 12:29
we have a nice :sunshine: here in Barnstaple, the wind is a bit chilly but it's okay :smile:

2nd April 2013, 14:12
Thanks for the helpful advice Lordna. That's what I'll do next, but it's a little tricky as not knowing companies that might have positions that I could do. My job was called a Technical Designer, but on other companies, I guess they would call it a CAD Technician. I drew up the designs for an upmarket interior furniture company-mostly kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. I know a lot of interior furniture companies have sales people that also design the room layouts as well as draw them up. Although if I have knowledge of the product I could easily talk about and sell it, these companies want experienced salespeople first more than Designer-CAD Technicians.

Probably a bit off topic as we are chatting about the weather! However, why not just target all businesses that would employ a CAD technician, offer to work at a reduced salary to prove you can do it .ie transfer your skills to another industry. Might just find another application of CAD you enjoy! Try to format your CV highlighting those transferable skills. As your an experienced technician i bet you could pick up another use of it in 6 months so its a Win win situation for you and the employer. Good luck!

Arthur Little
2nd April 2013, 16:35
well its April and when do you think the weather will improve

Hmm ... :anerikke: ... your guess is as good as mine, Steve! :icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
2nd April 2013, 16:54
:cwm25: ... I seem to recall your having made a lovely job of redesigning your bathroom about a couple of years back, Tim. I think you took *photos of it at the time, too!! This is just an :idea: ... but, it might be worth your while sending copies of *those to the likes of MFI, as a means to an end.

Arthur Little
2nd April 2013, 17:06
This is just an :idea: ... but, it might be worth your while sending copies of *those to the likes of MFI, as a means to an end.

...................................... :yeahthat: ... after all, as they say ... "there's nothing to be gained by hiding your light under a bushel"! :NoNo:

stevie c
4th April 2013, 21:32
Its the 4th of april & its been snowing on & off all day today :doh :NoNo:

4th April 2013, 23:28
I spent my bank holiday freezing my cobs off at York drag strip. :freezin:

Postman Pat was there too. :smile:




5th April 2013, 00:00
Ok in Harrogate bright and sunny and slowly getting warmer:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2013, 07:13
its 36degrees celcius here quezon city phil,god its too hot,as early as 8 am you sweating.best time to enjoy halo-halo at chowking:biggrin:

5th April 2013, 10:20
I'll swap places with you ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
5th April 2013, 11:34
3rd day in a row with light snow/sleet on & off!

5th April 2013, 11:56
Blue sky and sunshine but still plenty of brass monkeys looking for a welder:biggrin:

5th April 2013, 13:43
I'll swap places with you ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Let me think about that LOL:icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th April 2013, 14:04
Today...cold and sunny, but comfortable. :smile:


5th April 2013, 15:27
Roll on May.
I love May. Used to get a little homesick for nice British May weather :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2013, 17:40
Its nice and sunny the other day and its my off day , I am out all day with my daughter :xxgrinning--00xx3:..today another off day it is sunny but a very cold breeze , inside the house with our fleece onesies and socks :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2013, 18:35
Its nice and sunny the other day and its my off day , I am out all day with my daughter :xxgrinning--00xx3:..today another off day it is sunny but a very cold breeze , inside the house with our fleece onesies and socks :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nice bonding time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2013, 18:39
Nice bonding time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks ..she has to put up with me:icon_lol::icon_lol: