View Full Version : Change.org Petition - Iain Duncan Smith

2nd April 2013, 12:42
Yesterday, Iain Duncan Smith said that he could live in £53 in a week. A petition was started right away of him proving he could do that. In just over an hour, more than 30K has signed the petition. It has now over 170K petition signers. Want to join, here's the link.. https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/iain-duncan-smith-iain-duncan-smith-to-live-on-53-a-week

2nd April 2013, 13:11
:xxgrinning--00xx3: now over 190k

2nd April 2013, 16:15
Does anyone take any notice of this pathetic little man.
I remember him being caught out lying about his CV some years ago. Even the Tories couldn't trust him to lead them in a general election.

Arthur Little
2nd April 2013, 16:23
:laughitupsmilie: ... ANOTHER deluded toff who should put his money where his mouth is!

My signature's on its way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd April 2013, 16:23
Does anyone take any notice of this pathetic little man.
I remember him being caught out lying about his CV some years ago. Even the Tories couldn't trust him to lead them in a general election.

Not exactly a livewire although he's doing a job Labour never dared do - root out the benefit scroungers.

In our town there was a notorious late 50 something, jack the lad disability benefit sponger who could be seen in the pubs all days at all hours. He's now stacking shelves in Poundworld with a T Shirt emblazoned STAFF on the back. I'd rather have seen him get 12 months for benefit fraud.

IDS line about living on £50 a week though is plain stupid.

2nd April 2013, 19:44
The problem they have got is the one shoe fits all syndrome. There are lots of people out there over 50 who want to work but there are no jobs. I would go as far to say if you are over 45 these days its tough to get a job. Its going back to the lord of the manner days after all thats what tories are about. When will people realise they are not a working mans party.:doh. Any way I have signed the petition.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
3rd April 2013, 01:53
There are lots of people out there over 50 who want to work but there are no jobs. I would go as far to say if you are over 45 these days its tough to get a job.

Aye ... :gp: ... tell me about it, Andy! God knows :icon_rolleyes: ... I was just one of countless thousands of over fifties thus affected - after retiring prematurely from years of pen-pushing with Social Services.

Arthur Little
3rd April 2013, 02:32
But ... :anerikke: ... as I mentioned on a separate thread, I happened to be in the fortunate position of being able to get a reasonably good deal from the Local Authority.

3rd April 2013, 03:59
why shouldnt you get a good deal Arthur. You have paid into the system.:xxgrinning--00xx3:.

4th April 2013, 10:23
IDS challenged to live on £53 a week by man who gets £156

The market trader who challenged Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 a week is receiving three times that amount himself.

Whichever way you look at the figures just don't add up IMO

Also, whichever way you look at, it was stupid thing for IDS to say.

4th April 2013, 10:49
When will people realise they are not a working mans party.:doh. Any way I have signed the petition.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You're referring to the Labour party Andy, 1997 - 2010 is a good example. Cosied up to the banks and City of London, failed to renationalise the utilities , railways etc, shafted the British working man employment and housing wise by opening the immigration floodgates and of course encouraged and supported benefit scroungers. Labour abandoned the working man years ago.