View Full Version : Police cautions under review!!!

3rd April 2013, 08:24
So it now appears the police have been giving cautions for violent attacks and repeat offenders :doh .... so not only do the government have no common sense, but neither do the police :NoNo: :thumbsdown:

I always thought a caution was for a first time minor offence, if you did it again you got nicked and went to court, and the judge would say you have been a naughty boy and let you go home :crazy:

Now wonder this country is SCREWED :Rasp:

3rd April 2013, 09:05
also it makes the reported crime figures look lower than they are :cwm25:

3rd April 2013, 09:11
Well according to the GOV you get a caution for a minor offence like Graffitti provided you admit it.
As a caution is not a criminal record perhaps this is a way of keeping crime figures down. I can't think of another reason but someone really needs to explain why violent offenders are receiving cautions


3rd April 2013, 09:31
At least the government is finally starting to take note of the advice we've been giving them on this board for so long. :ReadIt:

A crime is a crime, not something to pussyfoot around.

On the 'Today' radio programme this morning, the Chief Constable of Notts was giving some mealy-mouthed excuse as to why 'low-level' assaults swearing in the street etc (we've all seen it on these fly on the wall policing programmes) were often given 'cautions'. ...All in the interests of the local community, bla bla bla.

Rubbish !

Decent law-abiding people want to be able to go out into their own town centres and neighbourhoods without having to put up with ANY of this CRIMINAL behaviour by ignorant, foul-mouthed, drunken violent thugs ! THAT is what the law is there for !

Enforce the damned law ! :mad:

3rd April 2013, 09:50
I don't have to be drunk to be foul-mouthed :icon_lol:

3rd April 2013, 10:01
I fall asleep before getting to the foul-mouthed stage. :biggrin: