View Full Version : "No Use In Crying Over Spilt Milk"

Arthur Little
8th April 2013, 21:04
Or ... in this case, coffee!

Coffee? Yes ... :toocoffee:! Allow me to elaborate:

As is my wont - being a "creature of habit" - breakfast (the more cynical types might call it "brunch"! :biggrin:) for ME is rounded off with a steaming mug of Nescafe' Instant 'Original' - [usually] somewhat precariously perched within easy reach of my right hand - when settling down to peruse 'Today's Posts' on the forum.

Well ... :anerikke: ... I had been warned that such a practice amounted to "an accident waiting to happen" ... and happen it DID ... this forenoon!

Yes ... you've guessed! Due to a simple, momentary lapse in concentration upon hearing my wife's approaching footsteps (:nono-1-1: it was THIS website I'd been accessing - NOT one of the kind likely to cause an :olddude: like me any embarrassment from a guilty conscience :NoNo: - honest!) I inavertently knocked over a practically-full mug of coffee onto my computer keyboard. :omg:

:doh ... no use in :bigcry: over spilt coffee!

Whilst Myrna mopped up the ensuing sticky mess, I rummaged frantically through our linen cupboard :pray:ing silently that I'd still be able to lay my hands on the cardboard box containing my OLD keyboard.

Phew! Luckily it was still there, the connecting cable fitted my present model ... and, as we say north of the Border, "Bob's yer uncle"! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th April 2013, 21:08
Lucky escape Arthur.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
8th April 2013, 21:27
Hmmmm what a mug pardon the pun :biggrin:
Only joking sir arthur glad no damage was done :doh

8th April 2013, 22:04
I wondered why one of your posts ended with cK]/,ahl 83BKHHVf- mp8;y v ;, dCXZSDJ SZDD#' ! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
9th April 2013, 00:44
I wondered why one of your posts ended with cK]/,ahl 83BKHHVf- mp8;y v ;, dCXZSDJ SZDD#' ! :biggrin:

Well ... :anerikke: ... NOW you KNOW!

9th April 2013, 10:59
Lucky that you're not one of those folks who throw everything away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I always keep things I no longer use 'just in case'.

I'm a 'closet hoarder' if the truth be known.

Glad you back in business Arthur

Arthur Little
9th April 2013, 12:09
Ah, Peter ... you're RIGHT; some of us CAN be "closet *hoarders" and, even though I'm said to look more like my mum (aside from my bald pate and whiskers, of course! :icon_lol:) I must take after my dad in *that respect. Away back in 1977 when he was sixty-five - younger than I am now - he suffered a massive heart attack ... which he survived, but was hospitalised for 3 weeks ... and someone at my work kindly gave me a collection of the 'Scots Magazine' for him to read during his recuperation. Oh ... how he enjoyed reading this publication, since it provided an otherwise extremely active man with "something to occupy his mind" at least, and helped ease his frustration at having to give up work (despite having already surpassed the normal retiral age).

Anyway ... from that time onwards, an order was placed with the local Post Office to ensure he regulary received his monthly copy - a trend that continued up until his death in January 1989.

Then ... when my mum died at the end of the year 2000, my dad's prized collection - by this point numbering more than 100 copies of the treasured magazine - came into MY possession, was promptly stored in another large carton and, for the ensuing 12 and a bit years, lay LARGELY forgotten. Until yesterday ... when ... by an odd quirk of fate - caused by a moment of carelessness on my part - I came across them again while searching for my old computer keyboard ... !

Ironic, eh? :wink:

9th April 2013, 12:43
I love opening up long ago closed boxes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2013, 14:59
Arthur, if you were left handed like me :Rasp:
There would have been no bother :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Mick. :cwm25:

9th April 2013, 15:03
I never chuck owt out....AND I'm left-handed. :biggrin: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2013, 16:06
Buy a refurb stinkpad Arthur (I haven't done this with mine yet)


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