View Full Version : Filipino cold calling scams

12th April 2013, 14:31
I'm regularly getting calls where the number shows up as INTERNATIONAL or WITHELD the caller in an obvious Filipino accent launches into their spiel.

I've just had this one :

"Hello Sir, how are you ?, my name is James I'm calling from mycharity dot com, this is not a sales call"

I interjected there to tell him I was a busy man, just about to go into intensive care and said I'd enjoyed talking to him and hoped he had a great weekend. Bye bye phone down

I know they're just trying to earn money but there do seem to be increasing numbers of these or survey type calls obviously originating from the Philippines.

Anyone else getting them ?

12th April 2013, 16:45
I never answer my landland unless I know the caller. I'm a miserable git that way.
Besides, the caller can easily leave a message.

Same applies to my cell phone and not many folks get that number from me.

I do have a recurring issue with an international call that's actually a fax m/c, they never give up until my answer phone is full. :cwm23:
BT don't have any solution. :NoNo:

I'm sure the callers are just doing what they get paid for though

12th April 2013, 16:50
I do the same as you Peter....unless I'm up for a bit of amusement. :biggrin:

12th April 2013, 16:55
Lately the recorded message ones with the PPI rubbish have been coming up displaying a fake UK number. I've all but given up answering it when INTERNATIONAL shows but like you Graham often up for some mischief. I've got a mobile number for some Pikey tree loppers / driveway technologists that I often give out

12th April 2013, 18:22
I never answer my landland unless I know the caller. I'm a miserable git that way.
Besides, the caller can easily leave a message.

Same applies to my cell phone and not many folks get that number from me.

Keith does the same thing. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th April 2013, 18:47
Anyone got some ideas how to deal with this International fax that keeps using up my message space?

Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night and I have to unplug the phone. :doh

Arthur Little
12th April 2013, 18:51
Anyone else getting them ?

Yes ... for a while there, WE were getting calls of this nature ... but I hadn't been aware their source was the Philippines. :NoNo:

12th April 2013, 21:12
Anyone got some ideas how to deal with this International fax that keeps using up my message space?

Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night and I have to unplug the phone. :doh

Sorry, can't help you with that one, but it's surprising what useful answers you can get if you google the question. :smile:

12th April 2013, 21:20
Yes ... for a while there, WE were getting calls of this nature ... but I hadn't been aware their source was the Philippines. :NoNo:

I think they're coming from all over the place but lately the accent confirms that a number are from the Phils

12th April 2013, 21:25
Hello sir, and good morrrning. I hab a great opper por you. :biggrin: