View Full Version : well done dedworth

14th April 2013, 08:09
sorry for not noticing before but he's reached 10,000 posts :icon_sorry:

and not been banned :biggrin:

only 6 others have managed to get to 10k, so well done dedworth :appl:

14th April 2013, 08:34
Blimey - into the big 6 :biggrin:- cheers Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2013, 08:50
Blimey - into the big 6 :biggrin:- cheers Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:Well done Ded :coucouchapeau:

14th April 2013, 09:02
Yey, good work Dedworth :appl:
Well done

stevie c
14th April 2013, 10:19
Very well done Ded :appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl:

14th April 2013, 10:27
He's like haemorrhoids, you know he is a pain in the :action-smiley-081: but you can't get rid of him :biggrin:

14th April 2013, 10:35
He's like haemorrhoids, you know he is a pain in the :action-smiley-081: but you can't get rid of him :biggrin:

His hemorrhoids are probably caused by posting on this site or it could be age :smile:

I always enjoy reading your posts and have learned that my country of birth is changing!

Doc Alan
14th April 2013, 11:05
10,000 are certainly piles of posts :biggrin:

Well done, Ded, you're an incurable poster and supporter of the forum with many interesting, informative and sometimes provocative contributions :smile:. Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

14th April 2013, 11:17
Thanks Fellas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2013, 11:36
congratulations Ded:icon_win::appl::appl:

14th April 2013, 11:46
Well done Ded keep up the good work. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2013, 13:17
Welcome to the sad b*****s club Dedworth. :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

14th April 2013, 14:05
Nice one ded.. So 10.000 posts should mean about 8.000 started threads!!
Thats gotta make number one spot I reckon.:icon_lol:

14th April 2013, 14:13
Nice one ded.. So 10.000 posts should mean about 8.000 started threads!!
Thats gotta make number one spot I reckon.:icon_lol:

Top Thread Starters hes number 1 :xxgrinning--00xx3: i'm :yikes:44 :action-smiley-081: him
1 Win2WinRSS 4,714
2 Dedworth 1,786
3 joebloggs 1,742
4 Win2Win 1,370
5 Terpe 1,011
6 stevewool 724
7 Alan 351
8 Arthur Little 350
9 grahamw48 318
10 les_taxi 263

14th April 2013, 14:24
2 Dedworth 1,786

Is that all?:Erm:

14th April 2013, 16:12
Yes well done Dedworth,one of the best thread starters and posters on here:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Never afraid to say how he feels,non pc and thats how I like it:biggrin:

14th April 2013, 18:34
Well Done :xxgrinning--00xx3:
A lot of dedication and of course the knowledge to go with it.

Arthur Little
14th April 2013, 18:47
Ode to Dedworth

Ded :icon_rolleyes: ... you are already famous;
In spite of what your username is :anerikke:
You're very far from being "dead" ...
A real live wire, it must be said:

Each day you tell us - without fail,
Who you deem should go to jail. :biggrin:
:cwm24: Who deserves to be strung-up,
Who's some politician's pup. :puppykisses:

Illegals they must be reported :poke:
Horsewhipped first :xxaction-smiley-047 - and then deported.
Scum that from the trough do feed,
Robbing us all with their pure greed.

Trouble makers :xxsport-smiley-002: and rabble rousers :23_116_6[1]:
Soon to be be sporting their "brown" trousers!!
Although your views are "tongue in cheek",
We know it's commonsense you speak ... _:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

So now that I have had my fun
'Tis time for me to say, "Well Done!"
Please accept from our two nations
Thank you and Congratulations!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2013, 18:54

Very good Arthur. :biggrin:

14th April 2013, 19:12
Really good Arthur-Rep deserved for effort:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th April 2013, 19:30

Very good Arthur. :biggrin:

Thanks, Graham ... for your appreciation. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th April 2013, 19:34
Really good Arthur-Rep deserved for effort:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you too, Les ... for your kind comment - and particulary for the rep award. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2013, 19:44
It will help cheer our Dedworth up in his hour of need!:biggrin:

15th April 2013, 07:59
Ode to Dedworth

Ded :icon_rolleyes: ... you are already famous;
In spite of what your username is :anerikke:
You're very far from being "dead" ...
A real live wire, it must be said:

Each day you tell us - without fail,
Who you deem should go to jail. :biggrin:
:cwm24: Who deserves to be strung-up,
Who's some politician's pup. :puppykisses:

Illegals they must be reported :poke:
Horsewhipped first :xxaction-smiley-047 - and then deported.
Scum that from the trough do feed,
Robbing us all with their pure greed.

Trouble makers :xxsport-smiley-002: and rabble rousers :23_116_6[1]:
Soon to be be sporting their "brown" trousers!!
Although your views are "tongue in cheek",
We know it's commonsense you speak ... _:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

So now that I have had my fun
'Tis time for me to say, "Well Done!"
Please accept from our two nations
Thank you and Congratulations!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Great work there Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Top drawer stuff

15th April 2013, 08:23
Ode to Dedworth

Ded :icon_rolleyes: ... you are already famous;
In spite of what your username is :anerikke:
You're very far from being "dead" ...
A real live wire, it must be said:

Each day you tell us - without fail,
Who you deem should go to jail. :biggrin:
:cwm24: Who deserves to be strung-up,
Who's some politician's pup. :puppykisses:

Illegals they must be reported :poke:
Horsewhipped first :xxaction-smiley-047 - and then deported.
Scum that from the trough do feed,
Robbing us all with their pure greed.

Trouble makers :xxsport-smiley-002: and rabble rousers :23_116_6[1]:
Soon to be be sporting their "brown" trousers!!
Although your views are "tongue in cheek",
We know it's commonsense you speak ... _:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

So now that I have had my fun
'Tis time for me to say, "Well Done!"
Please accept from our two nations
Thank you and Congratulations!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Great stuff Arthur and suitably rewarded :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2013, 16:08
It will help cheer our Dedworth up in his hour of need!:biggrin:

:cwm23: Dodgy Ref

Superb ode from Arthur

Thanks again all :biggrin:

15th April 2013, 16:20
Superb ode from Arthur

I dont think he`s that ode.:cwm25:

15th April 2013, 17:48
Woow Congrats Ded :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2013, 21:13
Well done :biggrin:

15th April 2013, 21:36
Although I dont agree with all your posts Ded well done for taking the time and effort to contribute.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2013, 22:16
Although I dont agree with all your posts Ded well done for taking the time and effort to contribute.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: well he doesn't just moan about things like many people he also takes action . GOYA , get of your :butthead:


15th April 2013, 22:21
:xxgrinning--00xx3: well he doesn't just moan about things like many people he also takes action . GOYA , get of your :butthead:


I agree to this..:xxgrinning--00xx3: I think he's the only one here who often gets replies from Theresa May!!! :omg:

15th April 2013, 23:49
Has anyone mentioned the undercover investigation of the UKBA on ch4 tonight ? :cwm25:

Ako Si Jamie
15th April 2013, 23:55
I reckon we should send Ded away as a special treat for all his sterling work on the forum. Bucharest is meant to be nice this time of year! :icon_lol::wink:

15th April 2013, 23:59
I once went to Mecca....and came away a winner....on the 'pyramid'.

Never went back....kept the cash.

It's true. :biggrin: