View Full Version : Muslim History Should Be Included In School Syllabus.

14th April 2013, 12:12
Faith campaigners have called on the government to include more Muslim history in the national curriculum, as a way of engaging young Muslim pupils, and educating non-Muslims about the contributions of the Islamic world to science and philosophy.


14th April 2013, 12:16
April Fools Day was 2 weeks ago

14th April 2013, 13:09
Oh gawd, whatever next ? :doh

Howabout 'engaging' (detestable expression) people born here with the REALITY of living in a 21st century 1st world country ? :mad:

This is all part of the inexorable breakdown of OUR British culture and traditions.

Drip drip drip.

The pestilent minority nibbling away at the foundations of the interests of the MAJORITY population. :NoNo:

14th April 2013, 19:14
B.....ks to that:biggrin:

14th April 2013, 22:57
I thought it already was.:icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
14th April 2013, 23:13
Faith campaigners have called on the government to include more Muslim history in the national curriculum


:cwm24: ... what NEXT?? :doh

stevie c
14th April 2013, 23:18
You couldnt make this up :yikes:

Arthur Little
14th April 2013, 23:51
"At the same time non-Muslim children will grow up believing that Muslims have contributed nothing of value to Britain or indeed human civilisation"

:anerikke: ... so what?? Neither they have :NoNo: ... they're :crazy: and they've been responsible for creating nothing but trouble!

15th April 2013, 00:02
pathing the way ready for a muslim britain:icon_sorry:

15th April 2013, 01:44
I am against this too. I am not a huge believer but respect those who have views. But like Graham has said it is a slow drip drip drip by the few to the masses. I can remember when I was at school we had a real 'old school' master who could make the bible stories sound exciting and fun, but after he retired we had a 'new age' type of teacher who was Jewish. From that day on I turned off. He forced the Torah down our throats and even made us have to remember and recite different passages of the text and I remember him getting really angry at a lad who refused to do it. He even took us to 'his' synagogue 40 miles away in a bus, just so we could see him praying. From that day on it turned me against faith, but I still remember the stories from our first master, and therefore the moralities of the text. I really do not see that teaching more Islam history is the best for those who don't want to know about it.

15th April 2013, 07:18
I still stand by what I said a long time ago. Mosques should never been allowed to be built in this country.

15th April 2013, 08:52
Will the various barbaric punishments currently on offer by Sharia law be included in the childrens' 'enlightenment' ?

Will a detailed explanation of muslim male attitiudes towards the status of women be forthcoming ?

Will an explanation be given for their wonderful prophet's marriage to a 9 year-old girl ?

Their attititude towards us 'Infidels' ....not considered fit to engage in marriage with a muslim ? :mad:

robbie bobby
15th April 2013, 11:29
least there is one good thing,if u r a muslim you can claim for that extra bedroom you have,saying its a prayer room will render you exempt from paying bedroom tax!


15th April 2013, 12:26
I still stand by what I said a long time ago. Mosques should never been allowed to be built in this country.

Bloody hell Andy we agree on something at last:xxgrinning--00xx3:
My view was also that every time a 'bombing' or terrorist act occurred in Uk then I would like to see 10 mosques removed

15th April 2013, 12:57
there is nothing wrong in researching muslim history, infact without many of their past inventions we would not have much of todays technoligy ,thats fact, research if you dont agree,

but this and muslim religion should not be part of uk school education,:NoNo:

its sad to say but we are already on our way to become a muslim run uk:NoNo:

i agree with andy and les, Mosques should never been allowed to be built in this country.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

and for every time a 'bombing' or terrorist act occurred in Uk then I would like to see 10 mosques removed:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i find it beyond understanding why while at the moment they are a minority, do we give them all they ask, and turn a blind eye to their ways

15th April 2013, 15:27
Im afraid to say it but if we try and close a mosque now we will have world war 3 on our hands.:doh

15th April 2013, 15:41
Im afraid to say it but if we try and close a mosque now we will have world war 3 on our hands.:doh

if it was up to me,,, i would say go for it :biggrin:

Arthur Little
15th April 2013, 16:05
I really do not see that teaching more Islam history is the best for those who don't want to know about it.

DEFINITELY NOT ... :nono-1-1: I slam it! :CompBuster:

15th April 2013, 16:25
I thought it already was.:icon_rolleyes:


So did I !!

15th April 2013, 17:07
I am against this too. I am not a huge believer but respect those who have views. But like Graham has said it is a slow drip drip drip by the few to the masses. I can remember when I was at school we had a real 'old school' master who could make the bible stories sound exciting and fun, but after he retired we had a 'new age' type of teacher who was Jewish. From that day on I turned off. He forced the Torah down our throats and even made us have to remember and recite different passages of the text and I remember him getting really angry at a lad who refused to do it. He even took us to 'his' synagogue 40 miles away in a bus, just so we could see him praying. From that day on it turned me against faith, but I still remember the stories from our first master, and therefore the moralities of the text. I really do not see that teaching more Islam history is the best for those who don't want to know about it.
We wont have any choice it will be forced on us. And anybody who disagrees with our kids being taught it will be fined. You can bet on it.

15th April 2013, 20:00
Some unbelievable opinions on this thread! How can someone say that "Muslims have never contributed anything to human civilisation? How about windmills, parachutes and coffee? And it's just absurd to say that Mosques shouldn't be allowed to be built in this country. People should be free to peacefully practice whichever religion they choose and if they want to build a Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or anything else, then that's fine, as long as they don't expect the tax-payer to fund it.

Also, Muslim history should be taught in schools, along with the history of all the other major religions. They have all played a fundamental part in the history of the human race, including causing many wars and the deaths of millions of people.

However, I'm totally opposed to "Faith Schools". These are a barrier to integration and understanding and should be abolished. Religion should be studied in schools, but should not be forced upon the pupils.

15th April 2013, 20:23
Some unbelievable opinions on this thread! How can someone say that "Muslims have never contributed anything to human civilisation? How about windmills, parachutes and coffee? And it's just absurd to say that Mosques shouldn't be allowed to be built in this country. People should be free to peacefully practice whichever religion they choose and if they want to build a Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or anything else, then that's fine, as long as they don't expect the tax-payer to fund it.

Also, Muslim history should be taught in schools, along with the history of all the other major religions. They have all played a fundamental part in the history of the human race, including causing many wars and the deaths of millions of people.

However, I'm totally opposed to "Faith Schools". These are a barrier to integration and understanding and should be abolished. Religion should be studied in schools, but should not be forced upon the pupils.

No one said "Muslims have never contributed anything to human civilisation? on here,that was from the link,Have you not seen the documentaries on what goes on in some of these Mosques? Twas Where the London bombers hatched their plans and child abuse occured.
Maybe if they encouraged people to in and observe it might be more acceptable?

15th April 2013, 20:30
i think what we all ought to consider is that not all muslims of all muslim races are the same,

its like one bad apple doesnt mean the rest are bad

15th April 2013, 20:50
i think what we all ought to consider is that not all muslims of all muslim races are the same,

its like one bad apple doesnt mean the rest are bad

Yes of course that's true,but the drip drip as Graham mentioned is also true

15th April 2013, 21:03
i think what we all ought to consider is that not all muslims of all muslim races are the same,

its like one bad apple doesnt mean the rest are bad
I agree imagine but the way these mosques hide terrorists is unthinkable. You should visit birmingham and see what its like for yourself.

15th April 2013, 21:17
I agree imagine but the way these mosques hide terrorists is unthinkable. You should visit birmingham and see what its like for yourself.

If you don't want to go to B'ham watch this


15th April 2013, 21:22
Let's get real here.

A community of people from a culture totally alien to our own has set up shop in our country.

They don't like us. They want nothing to do with us or the CHRISTIAN and Jewish faiths, which have been established and accepted in this country for hundreds of years.

Just try testing out their peaceful ways and tolerance. I dare you.

It's a one way street.


We are expected to tolerate and keep our mouths shut about their despicable religion, their despicable 'justice' system, their despicable brain-washing, abuse, both mental and physical of their women and children, and their support of terrorism, both here and in other parts of the world...encouraged by them being permitted to import their own 'Mullahs' (some of whom can't even speak English) to perpetuate the medieval religious nonsense that rules their lives.

I'm tired of listening to all this mumbo jumbo religious :censored:.

It's an insult to human intelligence ! :mad:

15th April 2013, 21:24
And it's just absurd to say that Mosques shouldn't be allowed to be built in this country. People should be free to peacefully practice whichever religion they choose and if they want to build a Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or anything else, then that's fine, as long as they don't expect the tax-payer to fund it.

Not peacefully practising religion here


15th April 2013, 21:28
Good post Ded you want to see there on a friday. Worshipers parked on double yellows and not 1 parking ticket.:doh

15th April 2013, 21:31
Good post Ded you want to see there on a friday. Worshipers parked on double yellows and not 1 parking ticket.:doh

Try doing that outside a Christian funeral service and the wardens would be having a field day

15th April 2013, 21:34
Let's get real here.

A community of people from a culture totally alien to our own has set up shop in our country.

They don't like us. They want nothing to do with us or the CHRISTIAN and Jewish faiths, which have been established and accepted in this country for hundreds of years.

Just try testing out their peaceful ways and tolerance. I dare you.

It's a one way street.


We are expected to tolerate and keep our mouths shut about their despicable religion, their despicable 'justice' system, their despicable brain-washing, abuse, both mental and physical of their women and children, and their support of terrorism, both here and in other parts of the world...encouraged by them being permitted to import their own 'Mullahs' (some of whom can't even speak English) to perpetuate the medieval religious nonsense that rules their lives.

I'm tired of listening to all this mumbo jumbo religious :censored:.

It's an insult to human intelligence ! :mad:

Well said Sir, I couldn't have put it better myself :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2013, 22:19
Try doing that outside a Christian funeral service and the wardens would be having a field day

Do you remember that parking officer (young woman about 23) who ticketed lots of cars in a town centre,the owners had been attending rememberence Sunday!
When confronted she said she heard some music and did not know what it was for:cwm23:

15th April 2013, 22:21
Let's get real here.

A community of people from a culture totally alien to our own has set up shop in our country.

They don't like us. They want nothing to do with us or the CHRISTIAN and Jewish faiths, which have been established and accepted in this country for hundreds of years.

Just try testing out their peaceful ways and tolerance. I dare you.

It's a one way street.


We are expected to tolerate and keep our mouths shut about their despicable religion, their despicable 'justice' system, their despicable brain-washing, abuse, both mental and physical of their women and children, and their support of terrorism, both here and in other parts of the world...encouraged by them being permitted to import their own 'Mullahs' (some of whom can't even speak English) to perpetuate the medieval religious nonsense that rules their lives.

I'm tired of listening to all this mumbo jumbo religious :censored:.

It's an insult to human intelligence ! :mad:

Not all Muslims are the fanatical idiots to which your refer. I've got friends who were brought up as Muslims but are moderate, tolerant and just as outraged by the fundamentalists as you or I.

Fundamentalists of any religion are dangerous and despicable, whether it's the "god hates fags" Christians in America, Sikh separatists in South Asia or the Islamic Jihadists.

Religion should not be practiced in schools and the state should be Secular. People should be free to PEACEFULLY observe any religion they choose. If any of their practices are homophobic, racist, abusive, demeaning to women or anyone else, violent, subversive, supportive of terrorism, criminal, etc. then they should be prosecuted and punished with the full force of the law.

15th April 2013, 22:25
Not all Muslims are the fanatical idiots to which your refer. I've got friends who were brought up as Muslims but are moderate, tolerant and just as outraged by the fundamentalists as you or I.

Fundamentalists of any religion are dangerous and despicable, whether it's the "god hates fags" Christians in America, Sikh separatists in South Asia or the Islamic Jihadists.

Religion should not be practiced in schools and the state should be Secular. People should be free to PEACEFULLY observe any religion they choose. If any of their practices are homophobic, racist, abusive, demeaning to women or anyone else, violent, subversive, supportive of terrorism, criminal, etc. then they should be prosecuted and punished with the full force of the law.

You never seem to read stories about Moderates turning Extremists over to the police though.

15th April 2013, 22:33
religion and politics , both are explosive subjects, turns debate to argument , friends into enemies, followed by hate and war,

they say what goes around comes around, look to history and all the wars and killings, slavery and enforced christianity onto others in this world all in the name of god , maybe the western world is receiving payback :Erm:

15th April 2013, 23:04
im not sure about adding muslim history in general to the school syllabus but some more information on other cultures and other historic events can only benefit any student about the world we live in.

And i have never had a bad experience with muslims, seems the majority here have. My best friend growing up father was a devoted muslim, and he was a really nice guy never pushed his two sons into religion, he let them decide. Also the fathers muslim friends were nice and always good to those around them, even me a non muslim *shock horror*.

Im surprised a site for mainly mixed race couples has such strong opinions on the subject
and yes i agree imagine. religion can bring the best out of people, and also the worst.

i also agree with what jamesey has said

15th April 2013, 23:17
Why should people in 'mixed race' couples not have strong opinions ? :Erm:

We don't have to turn into pc handwringers, feeling obliged to turn a blind eye to some of the nonsense that goes on in this world, just because we chose to marry someone from another country.

Hopefully it shows that I'm not a total bigot, but rather someone who thinks through his arguments and directs his criticism to specific targets....instead of some sheep-like person who simply aquiesces to ' approved opinion'. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm NOT suggesting that ALL, or even a large number of muslims are nasty people or terrorists. That would be ridiculous, and I have certainly NOT stated that in any of my posts on this board. :NoNo:

I have worked closely with lots of muslims in the past (male), and my local corner shop is muslim-owned. They are perfectly polite towards me, but I know I would not be permitted in their church, or be allowed to date one of their women.

What I do not like is a minority culture demanding unreasonable privileges as compared to the majority HOST population.

stevie c
15th April 2013, 23:45
Let's get real here.

A community of people from a culture totally alien to our own has set up shop in our country.

They don't like us. They want nothing to do with us or the CHRISTIAN and Jewish faiths, which have been established and accepted in this country for hundreds of years.

Just try testing out their peaceful ways and tolerance. I dare you.

It's a one way street.


We are expected to tolerate and keep our mouths shut about their despicable religion, their despicable 'justice' system, their despicable brain-washing, abuse, both mental and physical of their women and children, and their support of terrorism, both here and in other parts of the world...encouraged by them being permitted to import their own 'Mullahs' (some of whom can't even speak English) to perpetuate the medieval religious nonsense that rules their lives.

I'm tired of listening to all this mumbo jumbo religious :censored:.

It's an insult to human intelligence ! :mad:
Excellent post Graham a rep is well deserved

15th April 2013, 23:53

Actually, the history and understanding of other religions has for a long time been included in Religious Education lessons in many schools...including the one my kids attended.

Ako Si Jamie
16th April 2013, 00:25
I think the onus should be on getting kids to pan out a career for themselves instead of teaching them menial stuff which isn't going to benefit 99% of them in the future.

As for the mosques, they shouldn't be built here. How would they like it if we went over to Islamabad and opened up an off-licence.

16th April 2013, 00:34
Ah, but that's different mate. :wink:

Like I said...it's a one-way street.

Ako Si Jamie
16th April 2013, 00:41
Ah, but that's different mate. :wink:

Like I said...it's a one-way street.Too true!

16th April 2013, 05:18

16th April 2013, 05:22
take a bow graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2013, 06:01
I work and live in an Islamic country, where Christianity is welcomed, mosques are open for westerners to visit and take photos, and alcohol is available to those who wish to have it.

Islam is heavily misunderstood, because of the fundementalism, which seems to stem from the poorer countries such as Pakistan who blindly follow leaders who misinterpret the religion for their own political gain.
I do think that as part of religious education, students should have a good understanding of Islam, understanding the different denominations such as Sunni, Shia and Ibadi, as well as knowing how the true islam should be interpreted, in that islam promotes individual thinking and peace. But equally they should also be teaching the history of other religions, and it should be mandatory in all schools, including faith schools, that all religions are taught properly.
It's clear reading this thread, that so many people, have so many comments and opinions on a religion that they don't know anything about. So that should be addressed.

Immigration has changed the UK beyond recognition, and that WILL continue, its irreversable, but the UK should still focus on trying to maintain it's values which attracted people there in the first place.

One thing that I do think they have failed on massively in schools is practical life skills though; students should be taught about taxes, finances, bills, practical living, healthy lifestyles, in addition they should all be taught CPR and AED use prior to leaving school, basic first aid and finally an understanding of medicines and drugs, and the real dangers involved.

16th April 2013, 09:21
Why should people in 'mixed race' couples not have strong opinions ? :Erm:

We don't have to turn into pc handwringers, feeling obliged to turn a blind eye to some of the nonsense that goes on in this world, just because we chose to marry someone from another country.
Hopefully it shows that I'm not a total bigot, but rather someone who thinks through his arguments and directs his criticism to specific targets....instead of some sheep-like person who simply aquiesces to '
approved opinion'. :icon_rolleyes:

Exactly - I've seen these sort of sentiments here before sometimes with the undercurrent of criticism of immigration and multiculturalism = racism

16th April 2013, 09:40
I work and live in an Islamic country, where Christianity is welcomed, mosques are open for westerners to visit and take photos, and alcohol is available to those who wish to have it.

Islam is heavily misunderstood, because of the fundementalism, which seems to stem from the poorer countries such as Pakistan who blindly follow leaders who misinterpret the religion for their own political gain.
I do think that as part of religious education, students should have a good understanding of Islam, understanding the different denominations such as Sunni, Shia and Ibadi, as well as knowing how the true islam should be interpreted, in that islam promotes individual thinking and peace. But equally they should also be teaching the history of other religions, and it should be mandatory in all schools, including faith schools, that all religions are taught properly.
It's clear reading this thread, that so many people, have so many comments and opinions on a religion that they don't know anything about. So that should be addressed.

Immigration has changed the UK beyond recognition, and that WILL continue, its irreversable, but the UK should still focus on trying to maintain it's values which attracted people there in the first place.

One thing that I do think they have failed on massively in schools is practical life skills though; students should be taught about taxes, finances, bills, practical living, healthy lifestyles, in addition they should all be taught CPR and AED use prior to leaving school, basic first aid and finally an understanding of medicines and drugs, and the real dangers involved.

With respect Ricky, I was living in an Islamic country before you were born, and for you to declare that contributors to this thread 'don't know anything about' the subject is arrogant nonsense. How do you know what experience and knowledge others have ?

Of course their are variations in lifestyle across the different Islamic nations. One would have to be ignorant or blind not to realise that.

Just because a prison has a group of 'trustees' doesn't make it a safe environment, and in any case the thread is concerned with the goings on in THIS country, not a MUSLIM country where YOU are the guest.

Appeasement is not something that I'm willing to accept, in my own country.

18th April 2013, 07:52
Appeasement is not something that I'm willing to accept, in my own country.
I dont see what choice you have in this democratic country.:biggrin: