View Full Version : Two illegal workers discovered in Lisburn restaurant

16th April 2013, 20:06
15 April 2013

Two illegal workers have been caught following a raid at an Indian restaurant in Lisburn last Thursday evening (11 April).


26th April 2013, 18:31
Illegal immigration is the real issue.The borders should be secured.The companies should hire the workers through legal way.Only the companies with all registered design and proper patent and copyright should be only involved.

26th April 2013, 18:37
Hi anddrview - are there many illegal immigrants in your part of the world - the indian sub continent ?

26th April 2013, 18:50
Illegal immigration is the real issue.The borders should be secured.The companies should hire the workers through legal way.Only the companies with all registered design and proper patent and copyright should be only involved.

Interestingly anddrview, many of the illegal immigrants come from your a part of the world you quite familiar with.