View Full Version : Do you use the same password for everything online?

Ako Si Jamie
17th April 2013, 20:22
I was just going out the door on my way to work this morning when I received an email from google saying that some grub in Indonesia was trying to hack into my account. Fortunately they weren't successful but google said it's best to have different passwords for everything online.

I did use the same password on everything near enough but decided to take their advice. It's a pain but I've come up with a system that is easy to remember.

What about you guys?

17th April 2013, 20:32
i have over 10 different accounts, email and other sites, a different password for each and its a pain in the butt, infact there will be almost 20 passwords, i write them down , iv no choice as id never remember, i need a system too so i can remember them all without need to keep written down,

any ideas for a system?

17th April 2013, 20:37
...............any ideas for a system?

I'd like a neat easy system too......... please :Erm:

17th April 2013, 20:42
i have a great password i can never forget it and its so simple its used for a few of my accounts and sorry i cant tell you how to get it

17th April 2013, 21:22
I usually have the same password for all my accounts. It's easier to remember. But I know no one would be able to guess it. Even Keith can't even remember it whenever I give it to him! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway, the best format for a secure password is to have a mixture of capital letters, numbers and special characters. Keith told me that hackers usually have a hard time guessing passwords when it has special characters. I have never had my emails and other accounts hacked. Facebook one time had sent me a message that someone was trying to access my account and trying to change my password. But it didn't allow that person to do that as I opted my FB account to send me emails and codes to my mobile for any access that would happen (like access on new browsers and new ip addresses that weren't on my list).

17th April 2013, 21:50
I have one main password and another 2 which have add-ons to that password-simple but you would never guess it

17th April 2013, 21:53
Anyone got a system to share?

17th April 2013, 21:57
Yes, I just use my first name spelt backwards for all my accounts. :smile:

Doh ! :doh

17th April 2013, 22:04
Yes, I just use my first name spelt backwards for all my accounts. :smile:

Doh ! :doh

Cheers graham I logged into your account and it said it was overdrawn so I put my estimated cost of Maggies funeral (20p) in for ya:yikes:

17th April 2013, 22:09
depends where the pc is your using, if it's at home then a good virus scanner and fire wall should protect your pc, i also use a keyscrambler program to stop remote key-loggers.

if its not your pc, its someones else or in a Inet cafe your at risk of someone capturing your key presses or even screen captures, so you have to beware even if you reboot the pc.

my passwords are usually a combination of postcodes or telephone numbers or nat insurance number or birthdays etc , easy to remember and over 20+ characters long, difficult to be broken use a dictionary attack as they are most random numbers and letters, and would take along time for a brute force attack (using every number, letter and special characters)

17th April 2013, 22:09
Sorry...can't do that Les.

The name on my account is spelt backwards too...wrong account mate. :icon_lol:


17th April 2013, 22:11
Mine is 6 letters long and the 2 additions have 3 extra numbers and 4 all the same-never been robbed yet lol

17th April 2013, 22:22

21 char password i use says it will take

Massive Cracking Array Scenario:
(Assuming one hundred trillion guesses per second) 1.33 thousand trillion centuries:yikes:

17th April 2013, 22:26
I have different passwords for everything with capitals -lower case and numbers in.
I have a word document with them stored on an offline computer, a printed out copy and on a memory stick.
Ovoid using your mother's maiden name, it is fairly easy to find.

Ako Si Jamie
17th April 2013, 22:27
have 3 extra numbers Just like you do with the meter on your taxi Les. :icon_lol::wink:

17th April 2013, 22:44
Just like you do with the meter on your taxi Les. :icon_lol::wink:
Got me:icon_lol:
Well my simple passwords have never been cracked and never will be,as a part time job fixing pc's I'm immune from all the hype and scaremongering