View Full Version : Stuffs that shouldn't go in the washing machine but do

Ako Si Jamie
20th April 2013, 15:55
Did a wash last night and soon heard jangling about in the drum. Must have been the remainder of my wages I thought, all 83 pence of them.

Fast forward on to today and I couldn't find my keys. :Erm:

Where could they be I thought, then it clicked.

Nice and shiny they were and then there was the central locking key to the van. :Help1:

I didn't think it would work but it did. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th April 2013, 16:12
My friend Russell mislaid his USB memory stick, he looked high and low for it. He never found it and pretty much forgot about it, but every so often he would moan that he hoped someone hadn't found it and got all his personal documents that were on it. Anyway, after about 6 months, he suddenly heard a strange scraping noise in the washing machine, so he stopped it and felt around the rubber seal, only to find his old memory stick. He dried it off, plugged it in and hey-presto! it worked. He showed me it, I even used it after, it was really shiny too.

21st April 2013, 01:31

21st April 2013, 08:14
That awkward moment when you can't find your phone.........................then you hear the washing machine on spin cycle, and you remember putting it in your pocket of those pants you just............

21st April 2013, 08:57
we was putting washing in and our cat got in we didnt see this till it started it looked like one of those toys you stick to car windows on the glass door of washing machine we had too wait for it to unlock water every were but funny none the less

21st April 2013, 10:33
That awkward moment when you can't find your phone.........................then you hear the washing machine on spin cycle, and you remember putting it in your pocket of those pants you just............



21st April 2013, 11:28
I left an expensive ball-point pen in my shirt pocket.
Looked everywhere for it and thought I'd lost it for good. Really miffed.
Found it when I came to iron to shirt. No damage and still worked fine. Still use it everyday now. That was 1999

21st April 2013, 12:23
I left an expensive ball-point pen in my shirt pocket.
Looked everywhere for it and thought I'd lost it for good. Really miffed.
Found it when I came to iron to shirt. No damage and still worked fine. Still use it everyday now. That was 1999

In the years I have lived alone, the only things I have ironed are certs that I scanned to add to computer files:icon_rolleyes:

Even the white shirt I keep for funerals I drip dry to ovoid having to iron :wink:

21st April 2013, 13:47
In the years I have lived alone, the only things I have ironed are certs that I scanned to add to computer files:icon_rolleyes:

Even the white shirt I keep for funerals I drip dry to ovoid having to iron :wink:

My wife doesn't like me to do ironing. She says I'm not good, double creases and take too long.
It's always taken me about 10-15 mins to iron a shirt.

Whoops sorry, I'm off-topic again :icon_rolleyes:

21st April 2013, 13:54
I consider myself to be a top ironer, :ironing: and have passed on my skills to my kids. :xxgrinning--00xx3: (As did the ex, to be fair).

21st April 2013, 14:04
I consider myself to be a top ironer, :ironing: and have passed on my skills to my kids. :xxgrinning--00xx3: (As did the ex, to be fair).

I envy that Graham, I've always wanted to be better at ironing.
My wife is brilliant, and quick.
She even irons stuff I would never consider. Say it's a hygiene thing :icon_rolleyes:

21st April 2013, 17:21
an iron--?

isnt that what you make toasted sandwiches with?

works best without the steam function.

21st April 2013, 19:59
I envy that Graham, I've always wanted to be better at ironing.
My wife is brilliant, and quick.
She even irons stuff I would never consider. Say it's a hygiene thing :icon_rolleyes:

I think it goes back to my dad being in the Royal Navy.

I saw that being smart and taking care of your stuff yourself was not something that need threaten your masculinity in any way (ie..'women's work'). Then I had 22 years as a bachelor to practice. :biggrin:

22nd April 2013, 10:01
I had a Samsung mobile in for a short wash once - put it and battery on a not too hot storage heater for a few hours. Works fine.

Ako Si Jamie
27th April 2013, 16:24
Even the white shirt I keep for funerals I drip dry to ovoid having to iron :wink:
Mick.:Erm: :biggrin: That's the reason I wear t-shirts. Easier to iron.

27th April 2013, 16:50
ipod left in my jacket, always check thou, misses said whats that spinning around in the washing machine :yikes:, dried it out with hairdryer, it slowly came back to life, months later the back light went thou (probably corrosion) but it still works :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and don't put the camera you used to take some pics of your ex before you murdered them in the washing machine :doh

Alexander’s new camera was a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H9. The camera is currently being sold on Amazon for $1,499.99, but likely cost more in 2008 when Alexander bought it.

Police found the camera in the washing machine, after it had been washed along with Alexander’s sheets. Investigators uncovered the explicit pictures on the camera, including pictures that had been deleted.:doh
