View Full Version : Notarzied or certified.

24th April 2013, 18:04
Hi guys.
I have been trying to work out what I need to NOTARIZE & what can be just CERTIFIED.
Can you please help me, as I will be booking "public Notary" soon.

What ones must be Notarzied? These will be my wifes Visa application later.

Birth Certificate.

Summarise are there any documents I have left out that need to be notarzied or certified?

many thanks my friends.


24th April 2013, 22:12
John, please do a quick search and review the difference.
There's nothing that I can think of that needs to be notarised. That is really verification of signature. Needs a notary public. Expensive.

Certified means to attest that a copy of something is a true copy of the original. Plenty of people are able to do that.

What documents are you thinking need to be:-
a) certified
b) notarised

UKBA need most evidential documents to be originals. Only a few can be certified.

A birth certificate does not need either. For additional true copy just order one.
Just a photocopy of photo page of your passport is ok

Just trying to help.

24th April 2013, 22:59
John, please do a quick search and review the difference.
There's nothing that I can think of that needs to be notarised. That is really verification of signature. Needs a notary public. Expensive.

Certified means to attest that a copy of something is a true copy of the original. Plenty of people are able to do that.

What documents are you thinking need to be:-
a) certified
b) notarised

UKBA need most evidential documents to be originals. Only a few can be certified.

A birth certificate does not need either. For additional true copy just order one.
Just a photocopy of photo page of your passport is ok

Just trying to help.

Hi Terpe, you are always a help.
The main document is my visa extension application form, which states "Notarized by a public notary or solicitor authorised to legalise signatures"

As regards the Passport / birth certificate I admit I just assumed such would require this action also.

The documents I am thinking of are what my loves visa application would require from me .. which are my passport / birth certificate, naturally I will not part with my originals.

Many thanks for the valuable information, I can get a good pdf scan of bio page for passport and I can order a copy of my birth certificate on line.

As i said its just the visa application form, looks like no way out of that.

Many thanks


20th October 2013, 18:23
Hi guys,

Just a quick question on this topic.

I have been told that if I decide to have my fiance live with me at my parents while we search for a house, my parents will have to provide a supporting letter and that letter will need to be notarised because it is written by a 3rd party ie. not me or my fiance! Can anybody confirm this for me please?

Thank you. :)

20th October 2013, 20:04
Hi guys.
I have been trying to work out what I need to NOTARIZE & what can be just CERTIFIED.
Can you please help me, as I will be booking "public Notary" soon.

What ones must be Notarzied? These will be my wifes Visa application later.

Birth Certificate.

Summarise are there any documents I have left out that need to be notarzied or certified?

many thanks my friends.

Birth certificate original
Passport scan of the front page and stamps of all pages ''certified' by professionally qualified person ie teacher lawyer engineer etc

20th October 2013, 21:33
Hi guys,

Just a quick question on this topic.

I have been told that if I decide to have my fiance live with me at my parents while we search for a house, my parents will have to provide a supporting letter and that letter will need to be notarised because it is written by a 3rd party ie. not me or my fiance! Can anybody confirm this for me please?

Thank you. :)

You're perfectly free to continue to live at your parents house and also to have your fiancee join you there. The specific accommodation can be just a small bedroom but it must be exclusively for your use.
You don't need a notarised letter. But you do need a letter from your parents.

UKBA are interested in 3 key facts:-

1) the accommodation must be owned or legally occupied by the sponsor
2) its occupation must not contravene public health regulations
3) its occupation must not cause overcrowding as defined in the Housing Act, 1985.

Your parents will need to provide a simple letter stating that they give permission for you and your fiance to stay there.
They need to include evidence that they are the owners. This can be either a downloaded Title of Deeds or a mortgage confirmation letter from the BS etc

They also need to confirm 'adequate accommodation'. Really means that you'll have a bedroom of your own the number of rooms in the property, the approx sizes of bedrooms, number of people living there.
That's it.

If you need more details don't be shy to post here.
Hope it helps

20th October 2013, 21:42
Terpe is correct and I will also add some of what I did.
1. Pics of our room with photo of us in it as proof it ias taken at our house.
2. A letter confirming our permission to be here and
3. Dimensions of the room which has to be more than a certain Square Mtr .
4. Our house was bought before title deeds were recorded so I copied dads title deeds of the house and used that.

hope this helps.. John

20th October 2013, 21:43
My advice is, Contact your local MP. Make an appointment. And get him to confirm that you are the Passport holder. He will do it for free. He is then aware of your case if you need assistance, having an MP on your side will really help your case believe me i did just that.

Good Luck


20th October 2013, 21:57
Thats great guys, thank you all for your help! :)

20th October 2013, 22:47
Another question guys :D

My parents house is a council owned house so what can be used as proof that they are the legal tenants? Would a rent and council tax bill be enough? or will they need more?


21st October 2013, 11:02
Another question guys :D

My parents house is a council owned house so what can be used as proof that they are the legal tenants? Would a rent and council tax bill be enough? or will they need more?


i think UKBA will need a letter from the council stating its ok for your wife.gf to live there, they might come and inspect the property..

21st October 2013, 17:40
i think UKBA will need a letter from the council stating its ok for your wife.gf to live there, they might come and inspect the property..

Yes that's right. The local council will need to provide written permission.
May I also suggest you ask the council to confirm the adequate (per post #6). They may do it free if you lucky, or they may want to charge for it or you just confirm with your own photo's and evidence etc.