View Full Version : Churchill To Appear on Fivers from 2016

27th April 2013, 14:49

Great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sir Winston Churchill to appear on new £5 banknote

Sir Winston Churchill, who led Britain to victory against Nazi Germany in World War II, will be the face of the Bank of England's new £5 note in a redesign that governor Sir Mervyn King said could lead to it being redefined as "a Winston".


27th April 2013, 14:56

Shouldn't Maggie Thatcher should be on the new tenners :xxparty-smiley-004:

27th April 2013, 15:01

Shouldn't Maggie Thatcher should be on the new tenners :xxparty-smiley-004:

That's what I was thinking Jake - it would look good on Loadsamoney's wad - he's a Maggie supporter


27th April 2013, 15:05
if she gets on a tenner, im only going to accept 2 fivers

27th April 2013, 15:05

Great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sir Winston Churchill to appear on new £5 banknote

Sir Winston Churchill, who led Britain to victory against Nazi Germany in World War II, will be the face of the Bank of England's new £5 note in a redesign that governor Sir Mervyn King said could lead to it being redefined as "a Winston".

I love the idea:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2013, 15:09

Great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sir Winston Churchill to appear on new £5 banknote

Sir Winston Churchill, who led Britain to victory against Nazi Germany in World War II, will be the face of the Bank of England's new £5 note in a redesign that governor Sir Mervyn King said could lead to it being redefined as "a Winston".


Yep I have to say I agree with that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2013, 16:27
That's what I was thinking Jake - it would look good on Loadsamoney's wad - he's a Maggie supporter


who is ? Harry Enfield is not :icon_lol:
but if you mean his 'loadsamoney' character, yes it sums up thatchers era of greed:xxgrinning--00xx3:

as for winston churchill, thatcher shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the greatest PM this country had

27th April 2013, 18:20
well Deserved Sir Winston Churchil , about time too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2013, 18:49
How about some special edition fivers with some of Churchills other famous quotes on them ?

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

27th April 2013, 20:24
if she gets on a tenner, im only going to accept 2 fivers

You guys crease me up sometimes.

27th April 2013, 20:26
.... Sir Mervyn King said could lead to it being redefined as "a Winston".

Yep. It's a great idea.
Maybe it'll be called a 'winnie' (they say)

Arthur Little
27th April 2013, 22:59
Yep. It's a great idea.
Maybe it'll be called a 'winnie' (they say)

:iagree: ... NOVEL :idea: ...

... COULD be a 'Winner' - like he was! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th April 2013, 09:05
who ever is on my monny i would not bother, Maggie would be the next choice to go on the notes for me, i must admit though compared to the us dollar our money looks and feels better then theres

28th April 2013, 09:31
He looks a right miserable git. Better with Harold Wilson.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th April 2013, 09:37
Well he was the fifth member of the beatles and did write that great hit 'I think I said that at the Brighton conference'
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/image-3-nostalgia-harold-wilson-life-in-pictures-pic-mirrorpix-580640645.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/image-3-nostalgia-harold-wilson-life-in-pictures-pic-mirrorpix-580640645.jpg.html)

28th April 2013, 09:46
At least he has a smile on his face. And he won 4 elections.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. As for churchill leading us into the war against the germans it a good job the yanks were there to bail us out.

28th April 2013, 09:51
At least he has a smile on his face. And he won 4 elections.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. As for churchill leading us into the war against the germans it a good job the yanks were there to bail us out.

Very patriotic Andy and the Yanks only 'bailed us out' after Japan attacked them,before that they were not interested,we had a price to pay as they put pressure on us to dismantle our great British empire!

28th April 2013, 09:58
You have to admit les without the yanks we would have been history. Another thing about Harold he is the only prime minister that said no to going with the yanks to a war. I admire him for that. He had no soldiers blood on his hands like a few I could mention. Blair being one of them.

28th April 2013, 10:04
I do admit we needed help,up til the Yanks had entered the war they had been making vast profits selling us war items,of course if the french had a set of balls and had put up a proper fight it would have helped the cause.
I hate Blair and simply do not know what the answer is with these countries like Syria,North Korea,Iran etc-what do we do with em,leave alone and hope they turn 'nice' or watch them grow and develop destructive capabilities which they could turn on us:Erm:

28th April 2013, 10:14
Andy what's your view on this scenario,it may be true or not that the regime in Syria has used Sarin gas on some civilians:yikes:
At the moment we are keeping out of the situation as are the U.S.A if it esculated and was used on a mass scale what would you wish to do.
Leave them alone is one option, or the other is use Military force to bring the regime down?

28th April 2013, 15:29
Good question les. We are supplying arms to the rebels spending money over there that we cant afford. Looking at what happened in Iraq and what is happening in aghanistan I would leave them to get on with it. Now let me ask you a question. It might happen here one day. Who will help us out?

28th April 2013, 15:45
Andy and Les have a look at this article in Deds bible :biggrin:

Gives you some idea of the shower of Shiites we are supporting with equipment and money.
I'm inclined to leave them to get on with it as we'll probably end up with a government far worse than Assads.
Brings back memories of The west supporting Bin Laden against the Russians. Look how that ended up.

28th April 2013, 15:53
Thats what I mean Marco :xxgrinning--00xx3:. This is why I am against sending aid to coutries like this and pakistan. At the end of the day we know where the money will end up. And it will be used against us in one way or another.

28th April 2013, 16:12
Im sure Sir Winston would be very honoured but I doubt it wouldn't stop him turning in his grave if he could see the state of his beloved Britain today.:NoNo:

28th April 2013, 16:34
Good question les. We are supplying arms to the rebels spending money over there that we cant afford. Looking at what happened in Iraq and what is happening in aghanistan I would leave them to get on with it. Now let me ask you a question. It might happen here one day. Who will help us out?

I don't have an answer,at first I was inclined to say it's not our problem,but when i saw those poor people possibly having being gassed with all that foam coming out of their noses i was sickened.
Regarding the Uk being attacked it of course depends who is attacking us,so that question is a bit vague:Erm:

28th April 2013, 17:06
Not vague at all les. Terrorism is the biggest threat to us and where does that come from?.And who funds it.?. Where do they get the money from?. As for syria, of course I have sympathy, but who is saying the ones we save wont become terrorists? I would say there is a very good chance if we got involved it would come back to haunt us.

Arthur Little
28th April 2013, 18:24
:iagree: ... NOVEL * :idea: ...

... COULD be a 'Winner' - like he was! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:confused:, though :icon_rolleyes: ... WHY wait for more than seven decades to put *it into practice? I mean, considering the fact that his leadership won us the war away back in 1945!

29th April 2013, 02:55
He looks a right miserable git. Better with Harold Wilson.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wilson tried in 1966 and 67 for Britain to become the 51st state of America thats the sort of :action-smiley-081: he was.

29th April 2013, 09:24
Wilson tried in 1966 and 67 for Britain to become the 51st state of America thats the sort of :action-smiley-081: he was.
I dont know what comic books you read.:icon_lol:

29th April 2013, 10:28
Harold Wilson 'Pound in your pocket' speech (19Nov1967)


29th April 2013, 10:44
Very good Terpe.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. But where has our industry gone and what can we export now?

29th April 2013, 11:46
I dont know what comic books you read.:icon_lol:

you need to learn your history