View Full Version : Indian nine-year-old's Ferrari joyride lands father in trouble

29th April 2013, 11:01
Police in Kerala charge Mohammed Nisham with endangering the life of a child after video of birthday drive goes viral



29th April 2013, 11:26
the kid can drive ok :biggrin:

29th April 2013, 13:08
the kid can drive ok :biggrin:

it would cost more than the Ferrari was worth to insure him :doh

29th April 2013, 16:18
the kid can drive ok :biggrin:

That's what the mother said also :omg:

29th April 2013, 22:24
Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids OR Ferraris. :NoNo:

30th April 2013, 03:54
Spent many a holiday at my friends parents farm and he was driving any vehicle they had on the farm as soon as he could reach the pedals. He taught me how to drive when i was around 10 years old.

Kids who learn to drive at an earlier age on farms or private land are probably better driver's than those who do a few lessons and are given a license.

30th April 2013, 10:35
I too was driving a tractor and trailer (on the road) perfectly legally when I was 13, but a Ferrari on a housing estate is a rather different matter. :NoNo: