View Full Version : Left screaming in agony after his testicles were burned by 99p 'shower gel

30th April 2013, 16:40
Everyone knows that stinging feeling when soap suds go in their eyes.

But spare a thought for Raymond Cuss who was left screaming in agony when the 99p shower gel he was using burned his penis and testicles.

The 42-year-old said a layer of skin was ripped off his privates while his manhood was left glowing bright red after using the Dettol-branded liquid soap.

He was in so much pain that even when his underwear brushed against the affected area he doubled over in pain.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2317095/Carpet-cleaner-left-screaming-agony-testicles-burned-99p-shower-gel.html#ixzz2Rxg2sjw9


Never had a problem with their "grey import" made in UAE or Malaysia soap bars

30th April 2013, 16:46
well you get what you pay for, i bet his testicles never been so clean :icon_lol:

30th April 2013, 17:11
mmmmm how come it was only the testicle area and not the rest of the body skin,

what was he doing in that shower :Erm:

30th April 2013, 17:17
Doesn't say whether it was genuine Dettol product or not. Also doesn't say what was in it.

I had a similar problem one time after using some red chillies in Chilli Con Carne.:yikes:
Sat in a cold bath for a couple of hours bathing with double cream :Cuckoo:

30th April 2013, 17:23
my ass burns like fire the day after a very hot curry , now iv told the world web :Erm:

wonder if i can get an out of court settlment :biggrin: :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
30th April 2013, 17:26
Raymond Cuss (42) said a layer of skin was ripped off his privates - while his manhood was left glowing bright red - after using the Dettol-branded liquid soap

:cwm24: ... OUCH!

:cuss: ... should've bought Cusson's!

30th April 2013, 17:40
Doesn't say whether it was genuine Dettol product or not. Also doesn't say what was in it.

I had a similar problem one time after using some red chillies in Chilli Con Carne.:yikes:
Sat in a cold bath for a couple of hours bathing with double cream :Cuckoo:

It will be genuine Dettol but a grey market product as it's meant for Korea might have been a special CIA bottle meant for Kim Jong-il .

Arthur Little
30th April 2013, 18:02
it's meant for Korea - might have been a special CIA bottle meant for Kim Jong-il .

:Wave: ... CIAO, Kim Jong-un!

Ako Si Jamie
30th April 2013, 19:00
£1000 settlement for all that pain. Meh!

I would have wanted more. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
30th April 2013, 20:28
It will be genuine Dettol but a grey market product as it's meant for Korea might have been a special CIA bottle meant for Kim Jong-il .

Too cheap, and late, for the deceased Dear Leader ... who did tell everyone he was Il :biggrin:

30th April 2013, 20:54
I wondered if I'd typed the dead ones name Doc !

- I meant Fat Boy Kim Jong un

30th April 2013, 22:29
Reminded me of a hair removal product on amazon Ded. Ignore the product but have a read of the reviews. Cracking.
