View Full Version : UKBA E-petition

1st May 2013, 21:16
I received an email from the editor of TNT Magazine, Carol Driver, who I wrote a letter when I was still waiting for my FLR(M). She said that they made an e-petition to improve the UKBA process. Anyway, here's the link for those interested to sign.

http://www.tntmagazine.com/ukba (http://www.tntmagazine.com/ukba)

Here's the email she sent.

Hi all,

I wanted to update you all on where we're at with the UKBA campaign.

Since the government announced the split of the border agency, none of those in power are responding to any questions about how it will work - the home secretary and the immigration minister have both refused our requests for interviews.

At the moment, all we know is that it will be the same staff, answering to the same bosses, doing the same job - so not much of a change!

This week, TNT is joining forces with an established migrants' right group to write a letter to the head of UKBA, asking for our recommendations to be considered moving forwards.

I'm also waiting for responses to questions about statistics from UKBA (although in true UKBA fashion, it's taken so far 40 days to respond to a request which they should have replied to in 20!).

In the meantime, we continue to need your support.

We need to make as much noise as possible about the petition, especially in the next three-four weeks.

If you haven't signed it already, please click through to the link on tntmagazine.com/uk (http://tntmagazine.com/uk) and add your name to our epetition.

Send the link to your friends and families. Post the link on Facebook. Tweet about it on Twitter (be sure to include @tntmagazine and we'll retweet you).

If you're a member of other social groups, tell them about the campaign and what our aims are.

I appreciate for some of you the situation is now resolved and you'll want to forget the nightmare that is UKBA, but others are still caught up in the shambolic system.

Thanks for all your help - hopefully together we can make a difference!

Kind regards, Carol

SIGN OUR GOVERNMENT EPETITION HERE: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/46771
Carol Driver | Group Editor

111 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 5AR
TNT Magazine | tntmagazine.com (http://tntmagazine.com) <http://tntmagazine.com/ (http://tntmagazine.com/)>
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