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1st May 2013, 22:54
Milishambles Part II! Less than 24 hours after dodging question 10 times, Ed finally admits Labour WOULD borrow billions more

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2316998/Ed-Miliband-finally-admits-Labour-WOULD-borrow-billions-more.html#ixzz2S52QifMn

Clueless idiot :crazy:

1st May 2013, 23:22
Milishambles Part II! Less than 24 hours after dodging question 10 times, Ed finally admits Labour WOULD borrow billions more

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2316998/Ed-Miliband-finally-admits-Labour-WOULD-borrow-billions-more.html#ixzz2S52QifMn

Clueless idiot :crazy:
Thats unfair to idiots:biggrin:

2nd May 2013, 07:02
He will have to borrow to get us out of the economical mess the tories have got us into. Get the country moving again. Build houses, Invest in manufacturing.:biggrin:

2nd May 2013, 07:42
He will have to borrow to get us out of the economical mess the tories have got us into. Get the country moving again. Build houses, Invest in manufacturing.:biggrin:


2nd May 2013, 08:17
He will have to borrow to get us out of the economical mess the tories have got us into. Get the country moving again. Build houses, Invest in manufacturing.:biggrin:

Get a grip Andy - what do you think the Conservatives inherited 3 years ago - a booming, expanding debt free economy :laugher: Didn't gormless former Treasury Secretary Byrne leave a note in his desk stating "there's no money" ?

Up until yesterday he'd denied or avoided the fact that Labour's plans would shoulder us for years with countless billions of borrowing.

Like I said he's a clueless idiot

2nd May 2013, 10:21
I just like to see you 2 bite. :laugher:. Nothing you say will change anything. People will vote who they want to vote. According to the latest opinion polls its not looking good for your tory party.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2013, 19:33
I just like to see you 2 bite. :laugher:. Nothing you say will change anything. People will vote who they want to vote. According to the latest opinion polls its not looking good for your tory party.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It was the worst election anyone could win as the Damage Labour did could not be fixed before the next elections come around.
Many of the public think short term,if they are told to tighten their belts by the present goverment no matter who caused the mess,thats the goverment they will oust.
Labour said here's a credit card lets spend til we deep in debt but have fun on the way,Coalition say sorry no-more fun til you have paid your debt back=people pissed off so let's vote labour back in-problem is they have no cash to splash without starting the debt cycle all over again:yikes:

2nd May 2013, 19:43
The bigger the UKIP share the better. :xxgrinning--00xx3: