View Full Version : bank holiday yippy

4th May 2013, 10:21
well its here and the promise of great weather too, well its crap here in derby, raining and dull, yes it may get a little better but who knows, Ems at work all day and me well housework and this and that come on sun where are you:NoNo:

4th May 2013, 10:40
It is overcast and cool here on the Isle of Wight!

But as I am retired every day is a bank holiday to me:wink:

4th May 2013, 10:43
they say the sun will be out later today and monday will be so warm too, yer right lets wait and see

Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2013, 11:35
Yup. Bank holiday indeed. I enjoy the extra day even though I don't get paid for being off.

Weather crap here too. Thought the corner had been turned after Thursday's glorious weather. :thumbsdown:

4th May 2013, 12:23
why dont you get paid , self employed????

4th May 2013, 12:49
I will be working Monday , double pay!!..with or without the sun:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2013, 13:03
why dont you get paid , self employed????:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
4th May 2013, 13:27
Bank Holiday ... AGAIN? :yikes: And then ANOTHER at the end of this month :omg: ... seems they're ALWAYS on holiday (mind you, so am I! :wink:)

4th May 2013, 19:22
Been a funny old day weatherwise round here.
Quite a few dark periods where I though I'd get wet, but no rain so far. Not much sunshine, but not much cool wind.
Nice out on my bike, and watched a guy catch 3 trout in very quick time. Not big, but I'll bet a tasty supper.
He never offered me one though:NoNo:

4th May 2013, 20:10
Been beautiful all day here in York. :smile:

Hopefully winning my bid for a bike on ebay tomorrow.

Monday, going to the drag racing.

Forecast is for a dry, warm and sunny weekend. :Jump:

4th May 2013, 20:40
taking your bike to the drag racing Graham:smile:

4th May 2013, 21:02
Unless my mate gives me a lift....I'll be riding it the 15 miles there, and back. lol


Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2013, 22:15
Well it turned out a nice afternoon here after a dismal morning.

5th May 2013, 08:06
in my work there's no holiday :cwm24: and i only have a day off (if i'm lucky :icon_rolleyes: :icon_lol:) well it's okay at least i'm making money. not a lot but i'm contented :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th May 2013, 10:36
being contented is the most important thing to be:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th May 2013, 12:26
being contented and warm is the most important thing to be:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fixed that for you :wink:

5th May 2013, 13:44
Our May day (labour day) holiday was last Wednesday here in the Philippines. It was sunny!

The strange thing is the only time i have ever had sunburn was the may day holiday in 1988 when we went to the beach in Tenby.

Apply a generous amount of suncream if you are going to the beach :smile:

5th May 2013, 13:47
chance would be a fine thing to get a tan