View Full Version : Getting re-married again in Philippines

4th May 2013, 13:30

Have a question. I was married to a filipina, then got her to the UK and then we are divorced now. I obtained my divorce in the UK. I met a different filipina and would like to get re-married in the Philippines.

I called the British Embassy in Manila, they said I am free to re-marry and it would be valid. They would issue the CNI and thats all I need..


1) Will the judge marrying us request a Cenomar also from me or just the CNI or it depends on the judge perfoming the marriage? I guess they may or may not ask for Cenomar from me? If I have CNI I think it will be ok?

2) After the marriage what would happen with the marriage contract? For the spouse visa I guess the UK embassy in manila would need to see a marriage certificate on NSO paper. Due to my previous marriage does anyone know if NSO would not issue it if they see my name or maybe they would just issue the marriage contract on NSO paper and assume its ok and not put any problem?

Prefer to get married in the Philippines rather than going to Hong Kong but just like to get these issues cleared up. If anyone can give their kind input or advise. Thanks

4th May 2013, 15:09
where's your first marriage took place??...I think you should ask your future 2nd wife-to-be to inquire to the local register(Philippines) on what documents you will be needing for your marriage.

4th May 2013, 15:22
Yes she will ask the judge when she speaks to him on the exact requirements he will need...

4th May 2013, 18:58
you will need your divorce decree absolute

6th May 2013, 16:56
Hello... any more input on my original question from anybody that has gone through the same thing? hehe :) im inpatient but i just want to hear anymore help with this. Thanks!

6th May 2013, 19:50
Hello... any more input on my original question from anybody that has gone through the same thing? hehe :) im inpatient but i just want to hear anymore help with this. Thanks!

Just a re-check on the advice you already received.

As long as you have your UK Decree Absolute you'll be able to secure you UK CNI
With the UK CNI you'll be able to exchange for the local Philippine CNI at the British Embassy.
So far so good.

However..... be cautious of a potential 'banana skin' in line with that intimated by you and additionally mentioned by sars above

Many 'authorities' responsible for issuing a wedding licence have started to request the CENOMAR for the foreign party.
Please do get your fiancee to :-

1. Just for completeness check your CENOMAR for correctness
2. Check with the authority where you'll be getting the marriage licence if they will demand your CENOMAR

In order to minimise any risks relating to the issue of your Marriage Certificate please see this forum thread from sars -
Advance Endorsement Birth ,Marriage and Death Certificate (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/44671-Advance-Endorsement-Birth-Marriage-and-Death-Certificate)

Sorry if nothing new, just trying to help

6th May 2013, 21:43
Hello Terpe Thank you very much. Can you recommend any immigration advisory service here in the UK that you pay a fee for and they help to look over the application and give advise? Thank you

6th May 2013, 23:06
This forum is probably as good as anywhere, to be honest.

7th May 2013, 06:01
Ok. I checked with the british embassy and again they said im free to re-marry there. My only little concern was when it comes to getting the new marriage cert certified by NSO. I called NSO and they inform me that they wont deny my new marriage cert and that they will just issue it. They dont cross-reference between the 2 even I would have a previous record. They are there just to authenticate that its a genuine record. Phew! So can get my new marriage certificate. In Philippines when u speak to a lawyer they say you need annulment or petition for divorce. They all want money, and really its just to change a record with NSO... but doesnt matter as they just issue the new marriage cert anyway on NSO paper without problems.. Thanks

7th May 2013, 17:03
Yes she will ask the judge when she speaks to him on the exact requirements he will need...


Ok. I checked with the british embassy and again they said im free to re-marry there. My only little concern was when it comes to getting the new marriage cert certified by NSO. I called NSO and they inform me that they wont deny my new marriage cert and that they will just issue it. They dont cross-reference between the 2 even I would have a previous record. They are there just to authenticate that its a genuine record. Phew! So can get my new marriage certificate. In Philippines when u speak to a lawyer they say you need annulment or petition for divorce. They all want money, and really its just to change a record with NSO... but doesnt matter as they just issue the new marriage cert anyway on NSO paper without problems.. Thanks

Lovemanila, you didnt answer the question ...wheres your first marriage took place ? what is your nationality? who filed the petition for the divorce ? have you got the divorce decree absolute?

your fiance needs to speak to the local registrars office for the requirements of marriage not the judge...:Erm:

7th May 2013, 19:24
The 1st marriage was in philippines. The divorce was here in the UK and my ex wife is still in UK.... Just for clarification. Thanks

7th May 2013, 19:24
Im british... thanks

7th May 2013, 19:28
Similar circumstances to myself....if I get wed again. :smile:

7th May 2013, 20:37
To my mind the ONLY issue that needs to be resolved is that one your raised right at the start.

Will the authority that issues the marriage licence require you to produce a CENOMAR.
If no then you have no issues

If yes, then you need to take some rectification.

Please don't think I mean to be confrontational. That's not the case. I mean no offence, like others here, just trying to help with the issues/questions that worried you.

Ok. I checked with the british embassy and again they said im free to re-marry there.

I doubt very much that the British Embassy said that to you. How could the British Embassy know that?

The British Embassy can only follow procedure and provide a local CNI in exchange for a UK issued CNI in accordance with Philiippine legal requirements.

Here's what the British Embassy formally state:-

The CNI is an indispensable requirement of Philippine law and in March 1993, the Civil Registrar General ruled that any marriage which takes place without such a Certificate having been issued will be null and void. However, a CNI does not confirm that a particular marriage is recognized under UK law, nor does it give confirmation that no impediment actually exists. There is no central register of marriages in the UK, nor is there any facility for overseas marriages to be registered in the UK.

As long as you can secure a UK issued CNI and you state to the British Embassy that you're free to marry, they will believe you and will issue the required
Philippine version to you. Period.

The British Embassy only follow established procedure in line with their statement above.

...My only little concern was when it comes to getting the new marriage cert certified by NSO. I called NSO and they inform me that they wont deny my new marriage cert and that they will just issue it. They dont cross-reference between the 2 even I would have a previous record. They are there just to authenticate that its a genuine record. Phew! So can get my new marriage certificate...

Well, in principle this is correct. Just as in most countries, including the UK.

... In Philippines when u speak to a lawyer they say you need annulment or petition for divorce. They all want money, and really its just to change a record with NSO... but doesnt matter as they just issue the new marriage cert anyway on NSO paper without problems.. Thanks

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. But just for the record here's what I believe the lawyers may be advising:-

1. If you’re a Filipino national, it doesn’t matter where in the world you file for divorce as Petitioner, such divorce is not recognised as valid in the Philippines. Period

From what you've said previously you are a British Citizen who filed for divorce (petitioner) in UK.

Means that the above does not apply and the UK issued Divorce can be legally accepted and recognised under Philippine Law following specified procedures.

2. If a foreign national files for the divorce and has given the Philippine spouse a registered copy of the final divorce decree, both foreign national and the Philippine spouse can remarry again within the legal boundaries of the Philippines.

After complying with the specified procedure in having the foreign decree of divorce judicially recognized in the Philippines, the Filipino spouse may validly remarry.

In principle this does not apply in your case since your ex-wife is not residing in the Philippines.

However, there is some evidence to suggest that if your ex-wife is not free to re-marry in the Philippines then neither are you.

IMO You need to be 100% certain of your position in the Philippines.

3. A CENOMAR ( Certificate of No Marriage Record) is available from the Philippines National Statistics Office (NSO) and is simply what its name implies.

It is a certification issued by the NSO stating that a person has not contracted any marriage within the Philippines.

Now as I understand you have contracted a marriage within the Philippines. It therefore follows that you may well have a record of marriage at the NSO

So full circle to you original concern.

a) Does the authority who will issue the marriage licence to you require to see YOUR CENOMAR??

Maybe or maybe not. Find out.

b) Probably better (and faster) to just get your CENOMAR (If there is one) and see what it actually states.

You can get it online here at:-

You can even have it delivered to your fiancee.

It's up to you.

Technically as a divorced foreigner with a vaild divorce you may re-marry anywhere.
The problem is that if you are required to produce a valid CENOMAR, you may not be able to do so without some simple rectification at NSO

Personally I wouldn't wait until someone requests your CENOMAR and then you discover a glitch.

Sorry, I made a long post to a simple issue. But COULD be an important one.

8th May 2013, 07:55
So my girlfriend needs to check with the issuing authority if a cenomar is needed. And maybe we need to request a cenomar to check if it says im married or not... OK.. thank you

14th May 2013, 20:24

Have a question. I was married to a filipina, then got her to the UK and then we are divorced now. I obtained my divorce in the UK. I met a different filipina and would like to get re-married in the Philippines.

I called the British Embassy in Manila, they said I am free to re-marry and it would be valid. They would issue the CNI and thats all I need..


1) Will the judge marrying us request a Cenomar also from me or just the CNI or it depends on the judge perfoming the marriage? I guess they may or may not ask for Cenomar from me? If I have CNI I think it will be ok?

2) After the marriage what would happen with the marriage contract? For the spouse visa I guess the UK embassy in manila would need to see a marriage certificate on NSO paper. Due to my previous marriage does anyone know if NSO would not issue it if they see my name or maybe they would just issue the marriage contract on NSO paper and assume its ok and not put any problem?

Prefer to get married in the Philippines rather than going to Hong Kong but just like to get these issues cleared up. If anyone can give their kind input or advise. Thanks

As long as it was YOU who divorced your wife in the UK you won't have a problem. ...on the other hand. .If it was your wife who divorced you The Philippines won't recognise that divorce. ..I was in that situation in 2009.....in other words you must of been the petitioner.
Good Luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Btw. ...Welcome to the forum.

14th May 2013, 20:28
Oh dear.

It's a single life for me then. :cwm3:

14th May 2013, 20:59
Oh dear.

It's a single life for me then. :cwm3:

Graham, don't take what i say as Gospel. .This happened to me in 2009. .as Terpe already pointed out to me, the game's completely changed since then. ..and what with the pretty chick installed as head of state, things could well change. ...let's hope so Graham. .For your sake

14th May 2013, 21:23
Well, when the ex buggered off I just let her get on with it...waited for the divorce papers (her expense), signed and sent back. Didn't even bother to read the lies that her solicitor had told her to write. No mention of her adultery of course. :icon_rolleyes:

I just wanted to keep seeing my son.

That was 2006 when it came through, after 3 years apart.

She went to Sweden in early 2008, kindly 'donating' the boy to me.

She re-married...to a Swedish bloke, about 2010 I think.

14th May 2013, 21:32
Graham, I remember you said that when your ex-wife divorced you, she's already British..so don't worry you're safe..your divorce would be recognise in the Philippines. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2013, 21:37
I'm not sure EXACTLY when she got her British Citizenship Rayna...as I wasn't involved in the process of course.

I seem to think it was AFTER the divorce.:Erm:

How could I find out ?

14th May 2013, 21:38
I'm not sure EXACTLY when she got her British Citizenship Rayna...as I wasn't involved in the process of course. :Erm:


14th May 2013, 21:39
I wanna spill my heart out Graham but I can't. .they have leverage.
You weren't to know Graham, I would of done the same thing..what was important was keep seeing your son. .nothing else matters. .it's hell Graham. .Goodness, you wasn't thinking what if I wanna marry a filipina in the Philippines again. .I know i wouldn't of been thinking about that. .like you, only your son was uppermost in your mind.

14th May 2013, 21:42
Yeah, you're right.

Sort of brings it all back...the hell. :bigcry:

Chins up, eh. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2013, 21:42
I'm not sure EXACTLY when she got her British Citizenship Rayna...as I wasn't involved in the process of course.

I seem to think it was AFTER the divorce.:Erm:

How could I find out ?

Look at your decree absolute Graham. .like my ex wife, it will state her nationality....This is the only proof the Philippine authorities will need.
I could dig mine out and email it.

14th May 2013, 21:48
Oh, thanks, yes of course.

I never got the decree nisi or whatever it's called, becuae it would have gone to my old address.

I was only given a weeks notice by the ex that she was pissing off abroad, and it was up to me to move 60 miles south and find a new home for my son and I, near enough to his school, etc. :icon_rolleyes:

I would have moved mountains for him, so I managed.

...Suppose I'll have to enquire at the court here for my decree wotsitsname.

14th May 2013, 21:54
Oh, thanks, yes of course.

I never got the decree nisi or whatever it's called, becuae it would have gone to my old address.

I was only given a weeks notice by the ex that she was pissing off abroad, and it was up to me to move 60 miles south and find a new home for my son and I, near enough to his school, etc. :icon_rolleyes:

I would have moved mountains for him, so I managed.

...Suppose I'll have to enquire at the court here for my decree wotsitsname.

Decree Absolute. ..that's the one you gotta take to The Philippines to marry your princess!
My chin is up Graham. ..I'm resolved to do right.

14th May 2013, 22:03
Ah, ok thanks. :smile:

Onwards and upwards for both of us then eh. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2013, 22:08
My 'light at the end of the tunnel' (with his Finnish girlfriend). :smile:


14th May 2013, 23:33
You done good Graham. .you must be very proud of him :smile:...a lasting legacy. ..no doubt you'll have grandchildren named after you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th May 2013, 00:04
Yes, I'm proud...and blessed. Thanks. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

He's been a joy this past 19 years. :smile:

16th May 2013, 21:44
For a small fee you can collect Degree Absolute from the Court Office,simple procedure Graham. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th May 2013, 22:46
Oh, thanks sheriel ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Picture of my boy today....
He's made any past struggles and heartaches worthwhile. :smile:


16th May 2013, 23:15
You done good Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th May 2013, 23:29
Thanks mate...I just took that off my facebook.

That's a birthday cake he'd got for his girlfriend today.

Picture taken at his mother's house in Sweden. Soon be back with me though...both he and his girl are coming to live in our/my house. Hmm. :Erm:

17th May 2013, 12:13
Thanks mate...I just took that off my facebook.

That's a birthday cake he'd got for his girlfriend today.

Picture taken at his mother's house in Sweden. Soon be back with me though...both he and his girl are coming to live in our/my house. Hmm. :Erm:

It's time I started applying myself and making the time to do this copying and pasting malarkey on here..any chance you doing some youtube uploads Graham :icon_lol:. ...a serious request :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2013, 13:01

youtube uploads of what ? :Erm:

I've currently got 87 vids on youtube. :biggrin:

The facility for uploading pics direct from your PC seems to have gone from this site now.

Instead, just upload your pics to photobucket/imageshack etc, then copy and paste your link to them straight into your post, using prefix and suffix. :)

17th May 2013, 14:48

youtube uploads of what ? :Erm:

I've currently got 87 vids on youtube. :biggrin:

The facility for uploading pics direct from your PC seems to have gone from this site now.

Instead, just upload your pics to photobucket/imageshack etc, then copy and paste your link to them straight into your post, using prefix and suffix. :)

Cheers Graham. ..I've just wrote those details in my note book. .literally :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What's your name there Graham. .I'll need to subscribe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2013, 20:39
My youtube channel is grahamw56, but quite a few of my vids are 'hidden' (only viewable if I supply the link). You're welcome to have a root around the boring (mostly car) stuff that I've uploaded for public viewing though. :biggrin:

Here's one of the slightly more topical ones...a friend singing Karaoke songs in Tagalog to his g/f, in Manila. Taken on my lady's phone camera, so not brill quality.



18th May 2013, 00:15
Cheers Graham. ..I'll have a look when I get home. .:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2013, 22:45
hey LoveManila i am in exactly the same sitution as you however my ex wife resides in the philippines, did you find out any further information regarding the NSO and the judge requiring it from yourself to marry your new bride to be? From what i can see some people say that the foriegner having the CNI is sufficient enough for the foriegner to re-marry however others state that it is a requirement to have the CENOMAR which means that one would have to go through the long process of obtaining a judicial recognition of the divorce in the philippines courts which of course means more time and more money. :Erm:

21st June 2013, 18:18
Hi Mattluzon, from what I understand it depends on the province. Quezon city doesnt require me to get a Cenomar, Butuan does, Cebu does and other provinces no need.. So easiest thing is to get married in a different province that doesnt need you to get cenomar.. easier that way and less hassle.. thats what i understand so far.. but a pain in the ass to interpret it all properly..

21st June 2013, 20:06
....From what i can see some people say that the foriegner having the CNI is sufficient enough for the foriegner to re-marry however others state that it is a requirement to have the CENOMAR which means that one would have to go through the long process of obtaining a judicial recognition of the divorce in the philippines courts which of course means more time and more money. :Erm:

1. You MUST have a CNI issued buy the British Embassy. This is a requirement of Philippine law. Period

2. SOME authorities that issue a Marriage Licence may ask the foreign partner to submit a CENOMAR.
Philippine law puts a significant responsibility upon the Marriage licence issuing authority to make sure that the marriage will be valid

The CNI will indicate UK 'singleness' - ONLY
The CENOMAR will indicate Philippine 'singleness'

If the NSO records show you are NOT free to marry then you'll need to get that sorted out.

It's not a major issue for you with the Decree Absolute issued.
But if the authorities who will issue the marriage licenece where you will marry want to see your CENOMAR then you'll need to comply. You don't need judicial recognition.

Either you or your fiancee need to do some homework. It's entirely dependent on the Marriage Licence issue in the area

6th February 2014, 07:33
Just to explain what happened to myself in exactly the same position as the thread starter.

In the P.I. it depends which City hall you go to when applying for your marriage license.I went to Angeles City hall where I live.I was told I needed an annulment from my UK Filipino wife,,whom I had divorced in the UK.I told them under the "Philippine Family Code" I didn't need one (Google it).They still refused me.. so we went to Olongapo City ..where she lived before and got one in 15 minutes.

6th February 2014, 09:46
Just to explain what happened to myself in exactly the same position as the thread starter.

In the P.I. it depends which City hall you go to when applying for your marriage license.I went to Angeles City hall where I live.I was told I needed an annulment from my UK Filipino wife,,whom I had divorced in the UK. I told them under the "Philippine Family Code" I didn't need one (Google it). They still refused me.. so we went to Olongapo City ..where she lived before and got one in 15 minutes.

Pot Luck????!! :cwm25:...

pot luck
noun: pot luck; noun: potluck

a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable.

we dont advise such a thing here!! :Erm:

7th February 2014, 03:30
Just to explain what happened to myself in exactly the same position as the thread starter.

In the P.I. it depends which City hall you go to when applying for your marriage license.I went to Angeles City hall where I live.I was told I needed an annulment from my UK Filipino wife,,whom I had divorced in the UK.I told them under the "Philippine Family Code" I didn't need one (Google it).They still refused me.. so we went to Olongapo City ..where she lived before and got one in 15 minutes.

Good post ilang :xxgrinning--00xx3: Obviously The Angeles City Hall didn't know what they were talking about, even though you referred them to look at the Philippine family code, they still wasn't interested :doh

At least Olongapo City Hall showed commonsense :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A deserved rep on it's way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2014, 10:48
Don't expect the Phil's authorities to understand their own laws. :NoNo:

7th February 2014, 17:51
Pot Luck????!! :cwm25:...

pot luck
noun: pot luck; noun: potluck

a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable.

we dont advise such a thing here!! :Erm:

To whom ever gave me a bad rep on my post above: "Post showed disrespect ie; Definition of pot luck to an Englishman"

I would like to remind you that "Englishmen" are not the only persons who use this site and thinking so only shows the complete self indulgent attitude of this member, I was simply advocating that any person going to the Philippines to get married to have such documents in order before hand.

It's irrelevant what you may think of the laws there or anywhere else but it's their law to be respected.

So please don't dump your bad rep on me just because you ''cannot think'' of anything constructive to say.

7th February 2014, 21:15
Must admit don't understand that Mari :doh
I'll counter it with a good one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2014, 00:33
It wasn't me ! :ReadIt:

10th February 2014, 12:56
Must admit don't understand that Mari :doh
I'll counter it with a good one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you to Jake and Yourself for me postive rep :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th February 2014, 21:42
i wouldnt know how to give a bad rep--or a good one.

i dont even know what rep is ive asked this before--still no idea

10th February 2014, 22:57
Press the star at the bottom of a person's post. :wink:

11th February 2014, 11:02
Press the star at the bottom of a person's post. :wink:

aah--thank you Graham--reputation !!

i had thought--rep ort---rep ly

so--ive given you one ( rep - that is )

11th February 2014, 12:07
Haha...no need, but thanks. :xxgrinning--00xx3: