View Full Version : maximum fags tabaco you can bring back from france

6th May 2013, 12:38
what is it, i thought you could bring back as much as you like as long as its for your own use, but i keep reading you are only allowed 1 kg tabaco plus so many fags,

6th May 2013, 12:47
In theory you can bring in as many fags as you want (own use).

Just don't take the p , and cough a lot. :biggrin:

6th May 2013, 12:54
:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:, every little hepls to pay for the fuel to get there and back

6th May 2013, 16:24
:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:, every little hepls to pay for the fuel to get there and back

As Graham suggests, you'll need to use common sense.
Strictly speaking make sure they’re for your own use or a gift.

Not many folk get pulled out, but if it's you then you'll likely only get grilled if you have more than 800 cigarettes or more than 1kg tobacco.
Those customs people may want to know where you bought them, how you paid for them (should be tax and duty paid already), how much you normally smoke, who you bought them for and how often you travel.

They may ask who's paying or how much you intend to charge. The answer should be you're paying, there's no charge as they're gifts only.

You'd be unlucky to get stopped unles you look shifty :biggrin:

6th May 2013, 17:16
I always bring back quite a bit but always stick to one brand. That way it looks like it's for personal consumption

7th May 2013, 10:21
It has also been known when u have a large quantity and u are allowed to leave with them after convincing Customs that they are for personal use only then u may get a home visit a few weeks later to see how many you have left . If it doesnt tie in with what u say u smoke a week then they may assume u have been selling them and then u face the consequences. Also as marco says, buy just the one brand as different brands could infer you are purchasing on behalf of others.

7th May 2013, 11:28
I like watching on the TV where the customs get the personal use bootleggers to roll up a fag. They're normally wurzels returning to Bristol airport from Lanzarote or suchlike

7th May 2013, 13:23
lol. True. :icon_lol:

7th May 2013, 16:57
can u share some superslims to me steve??:biggrin:

7th May 2013, 19:50
can u share some superslims to me steve??:biggrin:

come with us there is room in the car, just pay for your hotel

Arthur Little
7th May 2013, 20:18
Steve ... I'm curious ... I know you're NOT a smoker yourself. :nono-1-1: Neither is Emma ... so I'm guessing friends, neighbours, Uncle Tom Cobley et al, have asked you to bring them back supplies of cheaper fags (I say cheaper because none of the popular brands smoked in :Britain: are particularly cheap on the continent! :NoNo:) for THEIR consumption.

Honestly ... :anerikke: ... IS it really worth all the hassle? :doh

7th May 2013, 20:28
Steve ... I'm curious ... I know you're NOT a smoker yourself. :nono-1-1: Neither is Emma ... so I'm guessing friends, neighbours, Uncle Tom Cobley et al have asked you to bring them back supplies of cheaper fags (I say cheaper because none of the popular brands smoked in :Britain: are particularly cheap on the continent) for THEIR consumption.

Tbh :icon_rolleyes: ... IS it really worth all the hassle?

If my memory serves me correctly, cigarettes are hardly a bargain in France compared to Belgium so might be worth taking the short trip over the border if you are going to Calais otherwise with the poor rate of exchange to the Euro, its not worth the effort purchasing in France anymore.

7th May 2013, 20:38
Steve ... I'm curious ... I know you're NOT a smoker yourself. :nono-1-1: Neither is Emma ... so I'm guessing friends, neighbours, Uncle Tom Cobley et al, have asked you to bring them back supplies of cheaper fags (I say cheaper because none of the popular brands smoked in :Britain: are particularly cheap on the continent! :NoNo:) for THEIR consumption.

Honestly ... :anerikke: ... IS it really worth all the hassle? :doh

two of my daughters smoke Arthur so why we are in brugge i said i would get them what i could, it will save them lots but i will not buy more then we can, the price i have be told is around £4.50 for a pack of rolling tabaco, over there, a very large saving i am told

7th May 2013, 21:01
Adinkerke not far out of Oostende used to be Fag & Tobacco HQ

I've just googled and it still seems to be


7th May 2013, 21:12
Adinkerke not far out of Oostende used to be Fag & Tobacco HQ

I've just googled and it still seems to be


thats the place, my bros goes there and they seem to be happy, and with us passing the place its worth a call in

Arthur Little
7th May 2013, 22:02
If my memory serves me correctly, cigarettes are hardly a bargain in France compared to Belgium so might be worth taking the short trip over the border if you are going to Calais otherwise with the poor rate of exchange to the Euro, its not worth the effort purchasing in France anymore.

That's the thing :icon_rolleyes: ... up until about a couple of decades ago, folks living in the Channel ports used to take part in what was soon dubbed "the fag run" - by hopping onto the ferries across
to Calais, stocking up from a warehouse at unbelievable [to us] prices and returning a few hours later.

"Dover 'n' Over" :wink: was another familiar term used for this trip.

Sadly (as was bound to happen) :bigcry: the authorities on BOTH sides latched~on to this caper, and the warehouse itself, no longer exists.

Arthur Little
7th May 2013, 22:23
......... *tobacco Alley

*thats the place, my bros goes there and they seem to be happy, and with us passing the place its worth a call in

:iagree: ... indeed it IS, Steve! Happy hunting! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th May 2013, 06:50
well with a ferry costing us for a car and up to 5 people return dover to calais £37, now thats a good price

8th May 2013, 08:09
I remember the days when the hovercraft was operating where several times I got free tickets and stocked the car up for not much outlay compared to the Uk prices. I then remember the French authorities increasing cigarettes by about £1 per pack of 20 which effectively meant it wasnt worth the trip over particularly as the exchange rate no longer works in our favour. Belgium might still be a better proposition though as that was always the cheapest place for the booze cruise.