View Full Version : beautiful day

6th May 2013, 17:04
well it seems to be the best day so far this year,i had to come inside for a while nice and cool inside,
My only moan is why o why do people in there gardens have to share there music with everyone else, down get me wrong but the music is coming from the next street, poor neighbours next door

6th May 2013, 20:11
....My only moan is why o why do people in there gardens have to share there music with everyone else, down get me wrong but the music is coming from the next street, poor neighbours next door

And you plan to live in the Philippines :biggrin:

7th May 2013, 03:43
And you plan to live in the Philippines :biggrin:

:smile: the same thought crossed my mind as soon as i read that.

On Sunday morning i knew i did not have to get up until 6am (lie in :Jump:) At 5am the bed started to shake as a local politicians van was playing his campaign jingle. Wouldn't have been to bad if it was outside the house instead of half a mile away. :icon_rolleyes:

7th May 2013, 20:47
well it seems to be the best day so far this year,i had to come inside for a while nice and cool inside,
My only moan is why o why do people in there gardens have to share there music with everyone else, down get me wrong but the music is coming from the next street, poor neighbours next door

:Brick::yikes::biggrin: you sounds like my neighbor Stevewool lolz:xxaction-smiley-047:Rasp::action-smiley-081:

7th May 2013, 20:54
And you plan to live in the Philippines :biggrin:

indeed i do, but here the t----ts do it once the sun comes out, over there they do it all the time, so i will get use to it,simples:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2013, 21:12
And you plan to live in the Philippines :biggrin:

very well said my friend:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: