View Full Version : A solution to the shortage of housing

9th May 2013, 11:33

9th May 2013, 12:49
On a serious note mass deportations of illegal immigrants and failed "asylum seekers" would free up a lot of housing

9th May 2013, 16:17
I agree.

Send all the people packing who have no right to even be here, nevermind housed courtesy of our bloody taxes. :cwm23:

9th May 2013, 16:24

I used to be a scenic painter for the BEEB (amongst other things) and I reckon I could spent a day on that plywood and the silly ..... would never have noticed!!
In Manila this would be a non story!

9th May 2013, 16:35
That'll do me.

Reminds me of the Phils. :biggrin:

I thought they were going to ease up on planning permission now...perhaps because anyone who could take you to court for racial discrimination was already ignoring such a minor detail. :icon_rolleyes:

9th May 2013, 17:24
That'll do me.

Reminds me of the Phils. :biggrin:

I thought they were going to ease up on planning permission now...perhaps because anyone who could take you to court for racial discrimination was already ignoring such a minor detail. :icon_rolleyes:

That seems to be the case in Slough, Hounslow etc with the sheds with beds dotted about all over an already blighted place. I thought they were going to get the drones photographing them but its probably an infringement of the illegals 'uman rites

10th May 2013, 01:04
I wonder if they were planning on putting a roof on?

10th May 2013, 09:20
On a serious note mass deportations of illegal immigrants and failed "asylum seekers" would free up a lot of housing
I agree Ded but this would have a detremental affect on house prices and fat cat lanlords if more houses became available. The prices would come crashing down. Good thing or bad thing?