View Full Version : Do you have $10 on paypal or solidtrustpay and turn into $257,400?

14th May 2013, 11:18

14th May 2013, 11:22
Nonsense - I'd advise you to keep away from these get rich quick scams

14th May 2013, 11:32
We are making money online not only that one but there are lots of ways which we get paid ..
This is only for those who are interested and not afraid..

14th May 2013, 11:51
beverly25, we have warned you before about posting such adverts here in the forum. If you would once again post such kinds here in the forum, moderators and admin here would not hesitate to ban you for being a :FlippieSpammer:

14th May 2013, 12:30
Beverly25 Take heed of Raynaputi she is right,one thing that all gets up our noses is spammers-and your spamming!
Any other subject is ok but we all know on here get rich quick schemes are bullshit,my argument would be when I've made my money (fat chance) I will send you the $10:biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
21st May 2013, 23:10
It beggars belief how many people fall for these get-rich-quick schemes.

21st May 2013, 23:42
People are apparently having problems with PayPal anyway now....can't get their money out. :Erm:

21st May 2013, 23:44
Ask my sweet stepdaughter how to make money.

A couple of facebook messages tonight and I was relieved of 200 quid. :Erm:

Now THAT has to be a bloody miracle. :NoNo:

22nd May 2013, 00:19
Ask my sweet stepdaughter how to make money.

A couple of facebook messages tonight and I was relieved of 200 quid. :Erm:

Now THAT has to be a bloody miracle. :NoNo:

Another strong reason to avoid "social media" :biggrin:

22nd May 2013, 00:40
She's had me twisted round her little finger since she was a toddler. :icon_lol:

22nd May 2013, 09:03
Most of these so called money making scheme's are called HYIP's and are simply pyramid schemes. After you have introduced your friends and family and it all goes AoverT you have to live with the fact you are responsible for losing them money. Their are plenty of legit ways of making money on the internet although still no bids for my kids :cwm25:

22nd May 2013, 09:14
You awful man.:icon_lol:

22nd May 2013, 09:25
Most of these so called money making scheme's are called HYIP's and are simply pyramid schemes. After you have introduced your friends and family and it all goes AoverT you have to live with the fact you are responsible for losing them money. Their are plenty of legit ways of making money on the internet although still no bids for my kids :cwm25:

Do you have a "buy them now" price :icon_lol:

22nd May 2013, 09:28
Maybe if I took the word 'retarded' out of the ad it may help :biggrin: