View Full Version : Mandleson admits Labour encouraged mass immigration

14th May 2013, 12:32
Immigrants? We sent out search parties to get them to come... and made it hard for Britons to get work, says Mandelson

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324112/Immigrants-We-sent-search-parties-to-come--hard-Britons-work-says-Mandelson.html#ixzz2TGW8KnLh

This despicable shower have destroyed our country - why people continue to support and vote for them is totally beyond me :cwm23: I look forward to Andy's comments


'I think we have to realise that the entry of migrants to the labour market is hard for people who are finding it very difficult to get jobs, or to keep jobs'
Lord Mandelson yesterday

'Migrants are filling gaps in our labour market that Britons are not available to fill or unwilling to fill. There has not been an adverse effect on employment of British nationals'
Mandelson in March 2009

14th May 2013, 12:50
I'm NOT against a multicultural society. ..what I am against is being over run with them.
The migrants are filling the gaps of the British who choose NOT to be available for work, at the moment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2013, 13:11
Also, through being soft on the idle and feckless, we have been the architects of our own downfall. :NoNo:

Too late now, what is done is done.

14th May 2013, 16:17
I never said mass immigration was not labours fault. In fact I know it was. :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Anyway stop crowing on about it because we cant do anything to put it right. There is no way back you will just have to accept it. In my and others situation right now I blame both parties. Labour let them in and the tories have made the new rules.

14th May 2013, 19:06
The British electorate have the power to change things around. ..that's only if the majority of them can be parted from the omnibus edition of the Jeremy Kyle show :NoNo:
Then have the gumption to vote for a party who's gonna stick to their manifesto and actually do something. The power is with us :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2013, 20:30
I never said mass immigration was not labours fault. In fact I know it was. :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Anyway stop crowing on about it because we cant do anything to put it right. There is no way back you will just have to accept it. In my and others situation right now I blame both parties. Labour let them in and the tories have made the new rules.

Andy the "new rules" were brought in solely to beef up the system and prevent the systematic abuse that was encouraged under Labours watch. If they were still in power we would still have untold sham colleges and fake students, there would be precious few raids on rogue employers, Abu Hamza and Abu Quatada would be sleeping soundly, Muslim groomers would be free to prey on vulnerable young girls - all in the cause of Human Rights, "multiculturalism" and rigging the future electorate. Remember the arrogant contempt Brown showed that former labour voting lady in Rochdale - "bigoted woman" he said and that is still the view of Balls, Millipede, Harman, Clegg and the rest of the bleeding heart liberal pseudo-intelligentsia.

Back in 1997 did you vote for Britain to become a multicultural cesspit and overrun by the absolute scum of the earth ? They must have kept that one well hidden in their manifesto

14th May 2013, 20:49
Manifestos are much like the marriage vowels. .they are not worth a toss :NoNo:. .they are not binding. .they can mix and match or totally discount them. Look at them before hand. .I didn't see legalisation of gay marriage in church. .but I did remember a vote on Europe being mentioned. ...no trust! !! ! You can't trust. Not this con/lib coalition. :cwm23:
Btw. .I didn't mean to contradict myself. .I'm just having words here ...Cheers

14th May 2013, 20:55
Very true.

The real scum does rise to the top. :icon_rolleyes:

16th May 2013, 09:28
Andy the "new rules" were brought in solely to beef up the system and prevent the systematic abuse that was encouraged under Labours watch. If they were still in power we would still have untold sham colleges and fake students, there would be precious few raids on rogue employers, Abu Hamza and Abu Quatada would be sleeping soundly, Muslim groomers would be free to prey on vulnerable young girls - all in the cause of Human Rights, "multiculturalism" and rigging the future electorate. Remember the arrogant contempt Brown showed that former labour voting lady in Rochdale - "bigoted woman" he said and that is still the view of Balls, Millipede, Harman, Clegg and the rest of the bleeding heart liberal pseudo-intelligentsia.

Back in 1997 did you vote for Britain to become a multicultural cesspit and overrun by the absolute scum of the earth ? They must have kept that one well hidden in their manifesto
I know why they bought the new rules in. The problem is like I have said before they do not look at individual cases. Did they specifically target what countries most immigration is coming from? No they didnt. And the answer to your second question is no I did not vote labour, conservative or libdems. But I did vote. And the first mp that spoke out against multiculurism (Enoch)the tories sacked him. Was he right?

16th May 2013, 10:12
Mr Powell was right in most of what he said in his famous speech except the bit about rivers of blood. ..as for multiculturalism. .we can only give our own perspective. .where I was brought up in rural areas of Berkshire Oxfordshire and Wiltshire we've been quite lucky in that it is nowhere near as bad as the Midlands Maybe that's why I'm for a multicultural environment. .:Erm:

16th May 2013, 12:06
I'd be happy if we had the type of "Multiculturalism" there is in Saudi Arabia - where all is weighed 100% in favour of their religion, their laws, their customs and practices, their language, their native citizens etc etc

16th May 2013, 12:18
Mr Powell was right in most of what he said in his famous speech except the bit about rivers of blood. ..as for multiculturalism. .we can only give our own perspective. .where I was brought up in rural areas of Berkshire Oxfordshire and Wiltshire we've been quite lucky in that it is nowhere near as bad as the Midlands Maybe that's why I'm for a multicultural environment. .:Erm:

Says he who was brought up with the carrot crunchers :biggrin:
I agree with Ded that there's nothing wrong with Multiculturalism but it is very much a 2 way street.
We should not be asked to constantly bend to accommodate everyone. The early immigrants came here and spoke English and eventually integrated into our society and we became all the better for their being here.
However they want to come now and help themselves to everything and give nothing. For Christs sake we've even got to supply some of them with translators whilst treating them free of charge on the NHS. Our little bit of the world has gone completely mad and until we wake up and recognise that we've got it completely wrong there's not a lot of hope for the future.

16th May 2013, 13:47
Says he who was brought up with the carrot crunchers :biggrin:
I agree with Ded that there's nothing wrong with Multiculturalism but it is very much a 2 way street.
We should not be asked to constantly bend to accommodate everyone. The early immigrants came here and spoke English and eventually integrated into our society and we became all the better for their being here.
However they want to come now and help themselves to everything and give nothing. For Christs sake we've even got to supply some of them with translators whilst treating them free of charge on the NHS. Our little bit of the world has gone completely mad and until we wake up and recognise that we've got it completely wrong there's not a lot of hope for the future.

Did they ? :Erm:

16th May 2013, 17:40
Did they ? :Erm:

I think bigmarco was referring about the ones who arrived from the Caribbean in the 50s and 60s to for fill the labour shortages caused by 2 world wars. . Now correct me if I'm wrong :biggrin: it has been known. ..but it was us, the British who went looking for them.

16th May 2013, 18:01
Mixed feelings about the Carribeans.

I'll always be thankful for the years I spent with my Caribbean fiancee, while she was alive,

but I'm not too happy about the gang culture, drugs, crime, and the horrid 'Estuary English' that has all but taken over the original 'London' accent and dialect. :NoNo:

16th May 2013, 18:13
Mixed feelings about the Carribeans.

I'll always be thankful for the years I spent with my Caribbean fiancee, while she was alive,

but I'm not too happy about the gang culture, drugs, crime, and the horrid 'Estuary English' that has all but taken over the original 'London' accent and dialect. :NoNo:
Sorry Graham. ..I forgotten about your fiancée:icon_sorry:

Perhaps these degenerates are from the 1st and 2nd generation. ..probably a result of being too industrious thus neglecting their parental duties. ..having said that, both my parents were both out at work, earning their corn and we turnt out alright. .I think :Erm: ....:biggrin:

16th May 2013, 18:32
No worries. :wink:

It's been 24 years since she died, but we'd had an 8 year long relationship, meaning that I still have a lot of 'ethnic' friends from that era, including her identical twin sister and her family, who live about 200 yds up the road from me. :smile:

17th May 2013, 19:42
the horrid 'Estuary English' that has all but taken over the original 'London' accent and dialect. :NoNo:

Worse still are white yobs talking like negro gangsters from the South Side of LA