View Full Version : Bedroom Tax Update

18th May 2013, 10:55

So by the time you take into account the DHP, the money the Housing Associations are losing by non-payments, the new staff employed, the cost of the food bank, etc, that probably equals the savings this tax is supposed to make :doh

18th May 2013, 11:01

I would prefer to see more money recovered from those fraudulently claiming, plus a halving of MP's salary and expenses. :icon_rolleyes:

Reducing prisoners to bread and water in unfurnished cells, with 8 hours productive work each day wouldn't go amiss either.

No language translation service for immigrants etc, would also save a few bob.

18th May 2013, 11:10
The more you read about this the more you begin to think this could do for Cameron what the Poll tax done for Maggie.
Why for example have they not cut our overseas aid budget in these times of austerity. Grahams quite right about the Translation service but there's many more savings to be made without introducing the bedroom tax.

18th May 2013, 11:34
Not to mention pouring billions into fighting hopeless wars in basket-case countries. :NoNo:

18th May 2013, 11:52
This 'bedroom tax' is set to become a huge disaster.