View Full Version : my most depressing hour

18th May 2013, 12:24
well folks i have just had the most awful experience in my whole life, well the last few years really, ASDA, what made me go there and why did i go there, not one person was happy no one smiled and my god those fat folk on them scooters, aint it funny they all seem to be down the chocs and cake aisles, to tell the truth there was a smilling happy face and it was mine when we got back in the car and drove out minus £50, o happy days:doh:doh:doh

18th May 2013, 12:38
Is that all ?

Blimey, I thought maybe you'd been forced to watch Eastenders. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
18th May 2013, 13:06
well folks i have just had the most awful experience in my whole life, well the last few years really, ASDA, what made me go there and why did i go there, not one person was happy no one smiled

:yeahthat:'s probably due - in part at least - to ASDA now no longer employing "Customer Greeters" (like I was for a short while after retiring early from Social Services in the mid~90s) to cheer the shoppers up as they came through the store's [then] revolving doors, Steve.

"Perthites" AREN'T exactly renowned for being the most sociable folks on God's Earth :nono-1-1: ... but it was truly amazing how their dismal faces lit up on being met with, "Good Morning/Afternoon", etc ... and (above all!) a welcoming :smile:

18th May 2013, 13:15
And there I was ready to hear some tragic news, I was almost welling up ready to hear another slug dead on the carpet....but :NoNo: But bad enough you lost £50 in there Steve.... Emma will have to wait a bit longer for the next LV bag now :icon_lol:...................:xxparty-smiley-004:

Arthur Little
18th May 2013, 13:31
Blimey, I thought maybe you'd been forced to watch Eastenders. :icon_lol:

:gp: ... television programmes don't come much more depressing :bigcry: than that!

18th May 2013, 13:37
Coronation Street....30 mins of screaming, fighting and shouting. :NoNo:

Emmerdale............. "

Eastenders............ "

Does my head in, the lot of them . :Brick:

Arthur Little
18th May 2013, 13:53
Coronation Street and Emmerdale ... my mum was a BIG fan of BOTH and, in fairness, each of these occasionally had their share of "lighter" - even humorous moments. But Eastenders ...! :icon_rolleyes:

18th May 2013, 14:30
In the early days of Coronation Street I was a fan also...lots of great acting, comedy and pathos.

Now, politically-correct, 'inclusive', totally unreal stressed-out nonsense. :NoNo:

18th May 2013, 19:09
And there I was ready to hear some tragic news, I was almost welling up ready to hear another slug dead on the carpet....but :NoNo: But bad enough you lost £50 in there Steve.... Emma will have to wait a bit longer for the next LV bag now :icon_lol:...................:xxparty-smiley-004:

forgot to mention, its Ems £50, so lift aint that bad:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
18th May 2013, 19:12
and my god those fat folk on them scooters, aint it funny they all seem to be down the chocs and cake aisles, You do come out with some amusing stuff Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th May 2013, 19:17
say it as it is jamie, those scooters, they are like moving isles, cloths hanging off them and kids on them too, and a big lump steering it :wheelchair::wheelchair:

18th May 2013, 19:51
say it as it is jamie, those scooters, they are like moving isles, cloths hanging off them and kids on them too, and a big lump steering it :wheelchair::wheelchair:

Oy, don't be knocking my sole means of getting out and about. We might be a nuisance to you young fit and able ones. :cwm3:


Ako Si Jamie
18th May 2013, 22:04
say it as it is jamie, those scooters, they are like moving isles, cloths hanging off them and kids on them too, and a big lump steering it :wheelchair::wheelchair:There was a guy driving a scooter around the library the other day and every time he reversed it, off went the siren. Shouldn't really moan but it went on for a bit and was pretty annoying.

Michael Parnham
18th May 2013, 23:04
Well most of those with these scooters don't really need them at all I'm sure, if they walked instead they would live many years longer!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th May 2013, 23:25
True, and anyone can buy one it seems. :smile:

Ako Si Jamie
18th May 2013, 23:41
True, and anyone can buy one it seems. :smile:http://thelipstickchronicles.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c57f753ef0147e0e8e98a970b-800wi

19th May 2013, 00:16