View Full Version : One dead in Woolwich 'machete' attack

22nd May 2013, 17:49
A man was attacked and beheaded in Woolwich, South London this afternoon. Near to a barracks. Two others injured by gun fire.

The man killed is believed to be a British soldier.

22nd May 2013, 17:50
- Police called to 'frenzied machete attack' in Woolwich, south-east London


22nd May 2013, 17:50
Barbaric .......s :cwm23:

22nd May 2013, 17:52
Judging from current reports the victim may have been a British Soldier.

Some have suggested this is a terrorist attack :censored:

Unbelievable accounts being suggested and recounted by witnesses in this busy London area.

22nd May 2013, 17:58
Despicable act.

The Police should have shot to kill

22nd May 2013, 18:17
I'm more for extracting more information out of the scum before lining them up before an Army firing squad:censored:
If as usual the Islamic hierarchy do their usual half hearted condemnation (with finger crossed so it doesn't count )then this ideological crap should be banned from this country full stop.
If it means shutting down the Mosques then do it!

Arthur Little
22nd May 2013, 18:57
A man was attacked and beheaded in Woolwich, South London this afternoon.

:cwm24: ... what NEXT ...??

Ako Si Jamie
22nd May 2013, 19:13
It didn't say on the news he was beheaded.

Ako Si Jamie
22nd May 2013, 19:14
I'm more for extracting more information out of the scum before lining them up before an Army firing squad:censored:
If as usual the Islamic hierarchy do their usual half hearted condemnation (with finger crossed so it doesn't count )then this ideological crap should be banned from this country full stop.
If it means shutting down the Mosques then do it!Agreed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd May 2013, 19:30
It didn't say on the news he was beheaded.

Sounds like it Jamie as they had machetes and it's been described as a sickening murder-Lets face it,it's what these Barbaric ..... do:censored:

22nd May 2013, 19:44
amazing, this is britain not some islamic state, people that do this should expect the death penalty, and when its on tv well dont even wait for the trail to take place, just amazing to see it on a everyday street

22nd May 2013, 20:01
ship em all out,

Ako Si Jamie
22nd May 2013, 20:14
Just watching it on Sky News. There's a lot of blood smeared across the pavement. Horrific.

22nd May 2013, 20:26
Seems to me from the clip doing the rounds that at least one of them is British. I might be wrong but it seemed an English accent.
Seems the cowardly :censored: run him over in a car before hacking him to death.
Forget Syria and Afghanistan it's time to go after the enemy within. These scum are being indoctrinated over here and it's time we go after the extremist clerics. :cwm23:

22nd May 2013, 21:21
Those of us who have been against allowing these sort of people and their stone-age beliefs into this country are condemned as racists, just as Enoch Powell was.

The fools who run this country will NEVER learn. :mad:

I can't say what I'd really like to say, or I'd be locked up. :NoNo:

Welcome to the future of our ruined country.

22nd May 2013, 21:34
Those of us who have been against allowing these sort of people and their stone-age beliefs into this country are condemned as racists, just as Enoch Powell was.

The fools who run this country will NEVER learn. :mad:

I can't say what I'd really like to say, or I'd be locked up. :NoNo:

Welcome to the future of our ruined country.
Bang on Graham,Maybe we should stop papping ourselves and say what we mean!

22nd May 2013, 22:04
Bang on Graham,Maybe we should stop papping ourselves and say what we mean!

I think it's very difficult to say what you mean or really feel when you have a Prime Minister who says :
"Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around"

22nd May 2013, 22:08
I think it's very difficult to say what you mean or really feel when you have a Prime Minister who says :
"Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around"
I think he actually said Muslim which makes his statement worse!
I'm afraid it's stuff like this today which made me vote Ukip,if it gets worse I would vote EDL!f...... sick of em all:cwm23:

22nd May 2013, 22:21
Absolutely despicable I wonder what the future holds for my son in this country supposedly ours I think not.

I have told my wife the sooner we get the chance to move from here the better.

What a shame I think this about the country I have lived in for over 40 years. :thumbsdown:

22nd May 2013, 22:30
EDL kicking off now-I know it's wrong but can't blame em

22nd May 2013, 22:48

22nd May 2013, 22:56
Gets worse now seen some Muslin guy on Sky as usual saying he understands why this happens and as I mentioned before half-heartedly condemning it

22nd May 2013, 23:09
Sorry to say, but im so glad I dont live in the UK anymore.

22nd May 2013, 23:12
I'm just sickened by the way blind eyes have been turned for so long. :NoNo:

Most of will remember the 'Trojan Horse' story from school.

Shame those who consider themselves so much cleverer than the rest of us plebs haven't learned anything from history, or just plain old wise men.

In the same vein, someone with the mental capacity of a Chimp could have predicted the outcome of the Afghanistan debacle. Ask the Russians. They don't muck about. :icon_rolleyes:

23rd May 2013, 05:20
Just waiting for a goody goody to say the police should not have shot them :NEW3:

23rd May 2013, 08:08
"http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/482567_10151612211841683_866786230_n.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/482567_10151612211841683_866786230_n.jpg.html)

23rd May 2013, 08:13
Just saw this !
One of the issues the Cobra meeting will look at is whether soldiers should wear their uniform outside their barrack
Yes they bloody well should wear their uniform where they wish-do not give in to these .....!!!

23rd May 2013, 09:02
Well at least we caught them alive, now they can serve a full 6 month community sentence :icon_rolleyes:

23rd May 2013, 09:20
It was awful, poor man.
I am really disturbed by the police actions before they were shot, apparently hiding around the corner, while members of the public were milling around taking pictures and those brave women who at least attempted to help, until the armed units turned up.
Not sure what I would have expected them to do, but they do carry tasers, but it seems that health and safety has completely taken over our emergency services.

23rd May 2013, 09:23
Hi Les, where can I get one of those Help for Heroes shirts?
Have to wonder what would happen if everyone who were against these scum trying to dictate to us how to run OUR country started wearing one.
At the end of the day this is OUR country, a FREE country and these people wouldn't be allowed the freedom of speech they have here in Afghanistan or where ever. If they don't like it I'll be the first person to donate to their one way ticket to their homeland, feel FREE to f:censored: off :Wave:

23rd May 2013, 09:37
Perspective: You stand more chance of dying from falling down the stairs in the UK than from a terrorist attack.

If we find out these scumbags come from London can we bomb it into Oblivion? :biggrin:

23rd May 2013, 10:05
Hi Les, where can I get one of those Help for Heroes shirts?
Have to wonder what would happen if everyone who were against these scum trying to dictate to us how to run OUR country started wearing one.
At the end of the day this is OUR country, a FREE country and these people wouldn't be allowed the freedom of speech they have here in Afghanistan or where ever. If they don't like it I'll be the first person to donate to their one way ticket to their homeland, feel FREE to f:censored: off :Wave:

they have freedom of speach, but we must be careful , whatever we say is racist

23rd May 2013, 10:58
Hi Imagine,

You're right of course, that is why I am always very careful in what I say and type. At no point did I say anything racist or xenophobic, I did however enquire where I could buy a shirt that showed my support for our armed forces. I also mentioned that this was a free country and if anyone doesn't like then they're free to go elsewhere where maybe their freedom of speech wouldn't be as tolerated as it is here :smile:

23rd May 2013, 11:06
Quite agree Simon.

Problem is, too many (dense) people confuse 'racism' with the anti-religious sentiment that people such as myself express. Lazy and ignorant thinking. :NoNo:

23rd May 2013, 12:55
Despicable act.

The Police should have shot to kill

The UK police always shoot to kill, although euphemistically it is called 'shoot to stop' but the only way one can be sure to stop a person who is armed and believed to be threatening life is to kill them.

As a former ‘authorised shot’ I know it is difficult to hit a person, let alone shoot them ‘in their trigger finger.’ In training many times officers missed the life sized torso targets.

23rd May 2013, 13:23
The parents of one of the murderer live in our village, SAXILBY, Lincolnshire and I was literally there, in the street where the parents live yesterday afternoon, around two-ish doing my part time job. How dreadful?!

23rd May 2013, 13:41
I've been to Saxilby many times, during the course of my work. Lovely place. :smile:

Also, my sister used to live in Nettleham...not far from you.

I heard it said on the news today that an address in Lincolnshire had been searched by the police. :cwm25:

23rd May 2013, 13:47
The FBI show the way things should be done by killing an extremist they were questioning http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22637231

23rd May 2013, 13:52
Yes, if the reports are correct, the scumbag got what he deserved and civilised society has been done a favour. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd May 2013, 14:04
Just on the news now that police are searching that house

23rd May 2013, 15:41
Sorry to say, but im so glad I dont live in the UK anymore.

Im not sorry.:NoNo:

23rd May 2013, 15:48
Hi Imagine,

You're right of course, that is why I am always very careful in what I say and type. At no point did I say anything racist or xenophobic, I did however enquire where I could buy a shirt that showed my support for our armed forces. I also mentioned that this was a free country and if anyone doesn't like then they're free to go elsewhere where maybe their freedom of speech wouldn't be as tolerated as it is here :smile:

sorry i wasn't suggesting you made racist remarks, i was just the point , they have freedom of speach in our country, but we as uk citizens have had our freedom of speach restricted

23rd May 2013, 16:30
I understood what you meant Stewart.

It's a one-way street now.

Freedom of speech only if you're abusing the host population. :NoNo:

23rd May 2013, 17:53
The London Standard is linking him to Anjem Choudhary who admits to knowing him. Well time Choudhary got his comeuppance :cwm23:


Ako Si Jamie
23rd May 2013, 19:19
I think it's very difficult to say what you mean or really feel when you have a Prime Minister who says :
"Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around"Just goes to prove how far this bellend is from realism.

23rd May 2013, 20:11
The London Standard is linking him to Anjem Choudhary who admits to knowing him. Well time Choudhary got his comeuppance :cwm23:


That is a very valid point.
But how can this so called 'radicalisation' be eradicated when the material is all over the internet for 'self-radicalisation' at the individual level.
I've a feeling that this will get more focus, let's see.
It's about time we took control and resolved this at source with those who preach it.

23rd May 2013, 20:15
Agreed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd May 2013, 20:18
It's about time we took control and resolved this at source with those who preach it.

Re-introduce the Death Penalty for treason then convict the extremists who are British subjects

23rd May 2013, 20:21
...and kick out any who aren't.

23rd May 2013, 20:31
such a sorry state we are all in it seems, so much hatetred it seems from so many people who call this there home, most are being paid for living here by our taxes but still they hate the british person, the goverment and anyone that will not follow there ways, the white person seems a easy target for these people from the young girls they can abuse and the white solider they can kill in our streets
what is the answer, i do not know, but i do know we dont want to see thugs on the streets ranting and raving and throwing bricks at the police, seeing what i seen on the tv last night made me feel so shocked afraid and frightened what may happen on our streets in the future and i know now we need to bring back hanging for people like those we saw yesterday,

23rd May 2013, 20:43
Hi Les, where can I get one of those Help for Heroes shirts?
Have to wonder what would happen if everyone who were against these scum trying to dictate to us how to run OUR country started wearing one.
At the end of the day this is OUR country, a FREE country and these people wouldn't be allowed the freedom of speech they have here in Afghanistan or where ever. If they don't like it I'll be the first person to donate to their one way ticket to their homeland, feel FREE to f:censored: off :Wave:


23rd May 2013, 21:09
Nice to see Merton Police have got their priorities right. Been a Police Van parked outside the big Mosque in Morden all day with at least 2 coppers in it.

23rd May 2013, 21:09
such a sorry state we are all in it seems, so much hatetred it seems from so many people who call this there home, most are being paid for living here by our taxes but still they hate the british person, the goverment and anyone that will not follow there ways, the white person seems a easy target for these people from the young girls they can abuse and the white solider they can kill in our streets
what is the answer, i do not know, but i do know we dont want to see thugs on the streets ranting and raving and throwing bricks at the police, seeing what i seen on the tv last night made me feel so shocked afraid and frightened what may happen on our streets in the future and i know now we need to bring back hanging for people like those we saw yesterday,

There's an interesting thread on here somewhere Steve about riots in Sweden. Check it out.

23rd May 2013, 21:13
Another thing we could insist on is since it seems lot's of hatred is
preached in the Mosques then all meetings,activity has to be recorded and sent as a live feed to relevant authorities ,oh wait Human right will come into that no doubt:censored:

23rd May 2013, 21:19
There's an interesting thread on here somewhere Steve about riots in Sweden. Check it out.


23rd May 2013, 21:38


I found it surprising Dedworth.

23rd May 2013, 21:47
wow we are not alone it seems but there does seem to be the same problem, its the people moving in to the land that has paid them well for being here, whats the saying dont bite the hand that feeds you, well its about time we chopped that hand off now i think

24th May 2013, 01:46
Video on daily mirror web page showing the scum being shot by the police :xxgrinning--00xx3::NEW3:

24th May 2013, 02:32
Video on daily mirror web page showing the scum being shot by the police :xxgrinning--00xx3::NEW3:


24th May 2013, 05:52
when these scumbags are tried and convicted it will be interesting how much time they get as killing someone with a knife gets less of a sentence than killing with a gun I wonder how this will pan out givin the shocking nature of the murder? it means that due to our screwed up laws these guys will one day walk amongst us again WTF this is where I agree with the yankee system life meaning life not a life in our cushy jails don,t you agree ?

24th May 2013, 05:57

pity she did,nt empty her magazine into the scum

24th May 2013, 07:35
I`d like to know why it took the old bill 20 minutes to get there?
The bravery of some of the people there during that 20 minutes was extraordinary..A few of them even seemed to confront them whilst they were still armed..
One person interviewed the scum with the cleaver and I don't think I even saw the camera shake.
Extraordinary bravery IMO.

24th May 2013, 07:49
Quite. Just why did it take so long.................and this brings up the obvious comment of how come it didn't take so long when the EDL turned up and kicked off.
This is probably purely due to the fact the police by that time expected trouble so the response time was fast - but it gives fuel to the anger.

Not going to comment too much on this, way too angry

24th May 2013, 09:12
I`d like to know why it took the old bill 20 minutes to get there?

The Police nowadays put grossly overweight and unfit officers out on the street rather than making them custody sergeants or letting them go on the sick.

I saw 3 lardy officers from 2 separate forces (Met & Surrey) gorging themselves at Cobham Services M25 the other week. Their flak jackets must have been specially made XXXL size. I should have taken their shoulder and vehicle numbers and queried their condition with the Home Secretary.

Thank goodness our armed forces adhere to strict fitness standards otherwise we'd have a load of useless bloaters on the front line.

24th May 2013, 09:27
I understand the police were there fairly quickly but kept back and did nothing until the armed response unit arrived. Quite shocking that they adopted this approach, surely they could have done something rammed them with some vehicles.
A lot of coppers seem to want the easy life nowadays sitting in vans outside Mosques or annoying motorists. :NoNo:

24th May 2013, 09:27
The police (un armed) apparently arrived in 9 mins, The Armed Response Unit was a few minutes behind. As all who live in the UK must be aware cops don't carry guns routinely, thus when armed incident occurs they are not just down the street.

And remember cops are just like the guys who post here, they don't have super powers, although they choose to put themselves in harms way to protect the public. An unarmed officer against a guy with a gun cannot do much to help anyone.

( I am surprised this post has taken so long to criticise the police, but now the usual suspect are crawling out of the woodwork with their penny's worth).

24th May 2013, 09:50
( I am surprised this post has taken so long to criticise the police, but now the usual suspect are crawling out of the woodwork with their penny's worth).

I've no problem with the majority of our Police but find it totally unacceptable that fat and unfit officers are allowed to remain in fully paid public employment




24th May 2013, 10:03
I'm always shocked at the tiny cops they seem to have in London too.:NoNo: I'm only 6'1", but seem to tower over some of them. Also, (while I'm having a moan) the uselessness of having unarmed women cops trying to tackle large drunken youths, etc. Equality laws gone mad.

Send a man to do a man's job for goodness sake. :doh

24th May 2013, 10:13
The Armed Response Unit was a few minutes behind.

20 minutes according to eyewitnesses. Forgive me for thinking they're there to protect and serve. I've seen a hell of a lot of pictures and recordings that show women and children in the area as this was happening. I think they deserved better protection than what they got.

24th May 2013, 12:02
20 minutes according to eyewitnesses.

And maybe the same people believe in Santa Claus too but I ain't going to believe them. The actual recorded police messages are accurate accounts, not guesses, might be's and may be's. If the Gov (elected by you the public) had not reduced police numbers (like all public servant) there might have a unit closer too.

(PS Warning : Everyone on this forum is going to have to prove they are not overweight or some of us will bar them for posting )

24th May 2013, 12:15
Hi guys I havnt been on here for a while. Working hard. I just had to contribute to this awful attack. So many questions to be answered on this vile attack. However I did see this and to be honest I cant argue with him. http://englishdefenceleague.org/edl-news-2/1919-tommy-robinson-response-to-woolwich-attack

24th May 2013, 12:18
“Once that information about a gun or guns being present was known firearms officers were assigned at 2.24pm. Firearms officers were there and dealing with the incident 10 minutes after they were assigned..


The highlighting is down to me, not the original report.

24th May 2013, 14:01
20 minutes according to eyewitnesses.

And maybe the same people believe in Santa Claus too but I ain't going to believe them. The actual recorded police messages are accurate accounts, not guesses, might be's and may be's. If the Gov (elected by you the public) had not reduced police numbers (like all public servant) there might have a unit closer too.

(PS Warning : Everyone on this forum is going to have to prove they are not overweight or some of us will bar them for posting )

I'm 80kgs, 61 years old and physically fit....and I still find it unnacceptable that Police Officers are not required to maintain themselves in good shape.
IMO this renders them incapable of carrying out the duties expected of them.

They already have the luxury of being able to take early retirement on a pension, as my brother-in-law did aged 45 years. (I still have a nephew...his son, on the force).

At that age I was still digging tunnels, and my site superintendant was 64 years old and probably fitter and stronger than some of his manual workers.

24th May 2013, 14:14
Graham it's not so much about individual coppers nowadays but teamwork.

You mentioned height challenged officers in London. I keep picturing a few drunken thugs brawling whilst the shorties stand idle, the minority physically fit officers break up the fight and bring the thugs to the floor where they are held down by a belly flop from the lumps :biggrin:

24th May 2013, 14:22
Well, from those fly on the wall cop shows, anything involving a foot chase of more than a couple of hundred yards (usually in pursuit of some scrawny smackhead), and some of the cops look like they need an ambulance calling for them. :NoNo:

Then again, could you be arsed, knowing that the criminal is going to be given another 'caution' ? :icon_rolleyes:

24th May 2013, 14:43
They already have the luxury of being able to take early retirement on a pension, as my brother-in-law did aged 45 years.

Unless they have changed the system (again)

Police Offices, unlike the civil Service, do not get free pensions but contribute to them

Whilst they can retire after 25 years’ service on half pay pensions, they cannot draw their pension until they would have completed 30 years’ service or they reach the age of 50.
Officers who retire after 30 years’ service get two thirds of pay pension.
Officers who are forced to retire get a pension commensurate with the period they have served with, if appropriate, an addition amount for injuries sustained on duty.
Again, unless they have changed the regulations, there is no requirement for officers to keep trim and physically fit and provisions are provided to encourage them to do so.

Incidentally. The pension is based solely on the pay, it does not include overtime, or allowances etc. Thus when I retired after 30 years, on 2/3rds 'of pay' pension it was in reality 1/3 of what I had been paid each month.

24th May 2013, 16:18
The UK police always shoot to kill, although euphemistically it is called 'shoot to stop' but the only way one can be sure to stop a person who is armed and believed to be threatening life is to kill them.

As a former ‘authorised shot’ I know it is difficult to hit a person, let alone shoot them ‘in their trigger finger.’ In training many times officers missed the life sized torso targets.

"Firearms Officers" 10 or 12 shots to "wound" them - this lot should go on a firearms course. The scum are lucky they weren't faced by the SAS where it would have been a double tap and a funeral.


24th May 2013, 16:25
+ Give them bigger guns. :biggrin:

24th May 2013, 16:26
On the video clip I saw, taken from an upstairs flat I think, the *****s (suspects) were running away. If so, the officers not only were trying to hit moving targets but also ensuring that they did not shoot innocent bystanders, who was in the line of shot (friendly fire ! ).

I agree through, pity they were not killed. But then if UK had the death penalty, failing to kill them would not have mattered. Am I allowed to say the death penalty should exist or is that as ASBO offence ?

24th May 2013, 16:26
They already have the luxury of being able to take early retirement on a pension, as my brother-in-law did aged 45 years.

Unless they have changed the system (again)

Police Offices, unlike the civil Service, do not get free pensions but contribute to them

Whilst they can retire after 25 years’ service on half pay pensions, they cannot draw their pension until they would have completed 30 years’ service or they reach the age of 50.
Officers who retire after 30 years’ service get two thirds of pay pension.
Officers who are forced to retire get a pension commensurate with the period they have served with, if appropriate, an addition amount for injuries sustained on duty.
Again, unless they have changed the regulations, there is no requirement for officers to keep trim and physically fit and provisions are provided to encourage them to do so.

Incidentally. The pension is based solely on the pay, it does not include overtime, or allowances etc. Thus when I retired after 30 years, on 2/3rds 'of pay' pension it was in reality 1/3 of what I had been paid each month.

John..I know you was a copper back in the day but do you think it unreasonable that the average tax payer today should feel that their general safety is not compromised in this kind of situation given the facts,testimony and video evidence of this case?
If it really took the armed coppers 20 minutes to deal with the situation then they perhaps should feel rather lucky that the terrorists in this case had 20 minutes to waste and hang around waiting for their martyrdom without the need to hack more innocent women,men and children with a meat cleaver..They even had more than enough time to be interviewed by the public for crying out loud!!
IMO,it could have been a lot,lot worse and from my perspective the old bill were unprepared for such an incident..
Im surprised at that given the supposed increased "security" since 9/11 and the London attacks.
I thought that the Police were a lot more prepared for this type of thing these days..
How naive was I?

24th May 2013, 16:32
Less likelihood of 'collateral', at close quarters, as was the case here ? :smile:


24th May 2013, 16:37
On the video clip I saw, taken from an upstairs flat I think, the *****s (suspects) were running away. If so, the officers not only were trying to hit moving targets but also ensuring that they did not shoot innocent bystanders, who was in the line of shot (friendly fire ! ).

I agree through, pity they were not killed. But then if UK had the death penalty, failing to kill them would not have mattered. Am I allowed to say the death penalty should exist or is that as ASBO offence ?

Actually John.. From the video I saw.One of them ran at high speed straight towards the Police car yielding a meat cleaver.. In my estimation he was shot roughly 5/6 foot from the vehicle just as the copper opened the vehicle door..
His scum mate seemed to have bottled it and followed the foot path which is where he looked to be shot down..
Cant be 100% sure as there was a large tree blocking the view of the elevated camera.

24th May 2013, 16:37
John...... but do you think it unreasonable that the average tax payer today should feel that their general safety is not compromised in this kind of situation given the facts,testimony and video evidence of this case?
If it really took the armed coppers 20 minutes to deal with the situation................

According to the Quote by Therpe, it was 14 mins for the armed unit to attend.

But the solution is in the hands of the electorate to ensure that they complain when the people who represent them don't do things the way they believe they should. But when was the last time (or even the first time ) when almost anybody actually confronted their MP about anything ?

I don't have a vote in UK, so don't blame me.

I live in Spain where the police are armed and not frightened of not getting public backing if they shoot someone. In UK the police get criticised for being too fat, let alone killing someone !

24th May 2013, 17:37
But the solution is in the hands of the electorate to ensure that they complain when the people who represent them don't do things the way they believe they should. But when was the last time (or even the first time ) when almost anybody actually confronted their MP about anything ?

I know you've expressed this a few times John and you are correct.

Reading it this time reminded me to phone up Mrs May's office about some unanswered emails. I gave them a call which should get it sorted.

She was in opposition when we last met so I feel an appointment at her surgery is needed :biggrin:

PS I'm 100% behind the Police when they kill the scumbags - I just wish it was a more regular occurrence

26th May 2013, 22:56
Just read an interesting article on this. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I totally agree with the last paragraph.
