View Full Version : Coventry mass machete killer asylum case shows 'UK immigration system is broken'

24th May 2013, 16:25
THE chief executive of Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre says that the decision to allow Kenyan machete killer John Thuo to stay shows that the UK immigration system is “broken”.


Even the hand wringing head of a do gooders organisation knows it is wrong

This is the piece of excrement he refers to :-

A murderer who killed up to 400 people in his homeland has been granted asylum in Britain.

John Thuo, 27, who butchered many of his victims in machete attacks in his native Kenya, has spent a decade living here in rent-free accommodation provided by the National Asylum Support Service.

He is believed to receive an allowance of up to £160 a month from the service, the Home Office unit responsible for asylum seekers’ housing.

Thuo, who was a member of the outlawed Mungiki sect in Kenya, admitted at an immigration tribunal that he killed ‘about 100 to 400 people’.

He also took part in female genital mutilation.

He was granted leave to remain in the UK for three years after an appeal, under the Human Rights Act, to the Immigration and Asylum Chamber.

He says deporting him would infringe his human rights because he would face execution by the sect on his return.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2328035/Machete-killer-Kenyan-man-butchered-400-people-homeland-stay-UK-benefits.html#ixzz2UDxHPym8

24th May 2013, 18:31
:censored: unbelievable. :NoNo:

What happened to war crimes...you know, the ones our soldiers are currently being hauled though the courts for ? :icon_rolleyes:

24th May 2013, 18:51
I think there are a few more genocide merchants from karzi states like Congo and Rwanda that have been given asylum

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2013, 20:04
It makes my blood boil when I read stuff like this.

That pond life doesn't deserve to live here and anyway who gives a .... if he gets sent back and gets executed?
One less scumbag off the planet and a job well done.

When a lot of us have to jump through hoops to get our mahals over here, germs like him just waltz into the country.

About time those spineless saps otherwise known as politicians got their act together.

24th May 2013, 21:01
It makes my blood boil when I read stuff like this.

That pond life doesn't deserve to live here and anyway who gives a .... if he gets sent back and gets executed?
One less scumbag off the planet and a job well done.

When a lot of us have to jump through hoops to get our mahals over here, germs like him just waltz into the country.

About time those spineless saps otherwise known as politicians got their act together.

Couldn't agree more. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2013, 21:06
Well done Blair

26th May 2013, 15:40
It makes my blood boil too. :censored:

It's just crazy. The problem is this is not an isolated case.

26th May 2013, 16:05