View Full Version : Organising documents for VISA application

26th May 2013, 10:53

I just wanted to ask how the embassy/VFS prefers documents to be organised when the application is submitted.

I'm thinking of having two binders, one with the originals and another with the copies all in plastic wallets, perhaps with a contents page detailing the documents in the various sections?

Does anyone has any experience/recommendations on this? I want to avoid frustrating the ECO with the way we organise everything!

26th May 2013, 11:58
What I have done was I place them separately in a different folder to avoid hassles in VFS. You can also arrange the photocopy docus in order identical to the orginal ones. :wink:

26th May 2013, 13:01
Thanks for the info!

Regarding copies, is it necessary to then provide two sets of all the photos we will submit?

26th May 2013, 13:15
Yes, just provide two folders, one with original documents and one with all the copies.

Put a contents page and number every document. Then refer to the document and number when you make a point in your intention letter.

For example :

' I have in my bank account x amount of savings' ' please see attached supporting document '24'

which will be a copy of your bank statements or bank balance. Do this for every point and prove every point you make. Give them no reason to deny you based on the rules of Paragraph 41.

Oh, and DO NOT put every document inside a plastic wallet. They normally staple everything and would cause them some hassle to take every document out of one these.

26th May 2013, 14:11

So is it better to just hole punch all of the documents and put them in a ring binder?

26th May 2013, 14:34
Dont give yourself too much hassle. Just separate the docus orig and copies in different folders and thats it. Dont staple, dont paste. no paper clips and pins just the docus in two folders and thats it. They wont take your folders anyway or anything, just the docus.

26th May 2013, 16:07
Yup, basically what melovesengland said. Hole punch is fine to keep them in order. I would recommend number every document so the officer can get to the correct document with ease. Don't make the folder too bulky it has to fit in one of their bags.

31st May 2013, 23:42
Thanks for the advice :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2013, 12:46
Im currently putting together my documents, what Im planning to do is to hole punch everything and put them in hard bound ring binders. Is this alright?

should I just put them all in one folder without hole punch as melovesengland said, Im afraid my documents will get lost without putting them in a ring binder.

help please

10th August 2013, 12:53
Im currently putting together my documents, what Im planning to do is to hole punch everything and put them in hard bound ring binders. Is this alright?

should I just put them all in one folder without hole punch as melovesengland said, Im afraid my documents will get lost without putting them in a ring binder.

help please

Your best strategy is to contact VFS and ask them how they will handle your docs.
VFS will have a procedure on how to collate the docs and present to the Manila Hub at the British Embassy.
However you present the application VFS will follow the established procedure.

Give VFS a call and report their response here, it will be a great help to those who follow.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2013, 20:45
Im currently putting together my documents, what Im planning to do is to hole punch everything and put them in hard bound ring binders. Is this alright?

should I just put them all in one folder without hole punch as melovesengland said, Im afraid my documents will get lost without putting them in a ring binder.

help please

As Terpe says, VFS will have a procedure for organising the documents for submission to the embassy.

Based on my experience, VFS will actually ask you to remove all of your documents (i.e. application form, supporting evidence etc.) from any ring binders or plastic wallets you arrive with. They will give them the once over to make sure nothing obvious is missing such as your TB test certificate if this is required.

My advice would be to prepare two folders: one which contains all of your original documents and another which contains the copies of the originals. This will at least allow you to keep them organised until you get to VFS. Then you can remove them and arrange them into two piles of originals and copies. VFS will then package them up accordingly for submission to the embassy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th August 2013, 02:10
Thank you Terpe and chrissy_uk, our appointment is on the 21st of this month, we're just making sure we're doing it right.

I appreciate the response will prepare the documents as advised, separate folders I think that is even easier.

Have a good day.


29th September 2013, 05:06
We pass all our documents just like what melovesengland suggested just the docs in two different bundle one bundle for the originals and one bundle for the photo copies :)

29th September 2013, 08:18
We pass all our documents just like what melovesengland suggested just the docs in two different bundle one bundle for the originals and one bundle for the photo copies :)

Thanks for your update :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2013, 14:29
It's a while ago now, but I remember submitting two (large!) piles of docs. I had gone to the extra effort of putting like docs together in large brown envelopes and titling the envelope i.e. "4 - BANK STATEMENTS". My letter refering to each envelopes contents i.e. "see envelope 6 - Accomodation". It looked lovely and neat and very well organised.

When I handed them over, the employee promptly removed all the documents from the envelopes and handed the envelopes back to me :icon_lol:

The above advice is spot on, keep it simple.

9th October 2013, 18:08
Yes keep it simple 2 folders I used paper clips to seperate the documents.. Just make it nice and simple for them. You will be fine as long as all the documentation is there.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2013, 19:15

I just wanted to ask how the embassy/VFS prefers documents to be organised when the application is submitted.

I'm thinking of having two binders, one with the originals and another with the copies all in plastic wallets, perhaps with a contents page detailing the documents in the various sections?

Does anyone has any experience/recommendations on this? I want to avoid frustrating the ECO with the way we organise everything!

We used 2 folders originals and copies and organized them in order of the questions on the visa application form

18th January 2014, 14:26
Yes keep it simple 2 folders I used paper clips to seperate the documents.. Just make it nice and simple for them. You will be fine as long as all the documentation is there.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hello andy.
Whats the order of docs you submitted?

10th February 2014, 17:43
Just to reiterate the above comments - forget folders, plastic wallets or anything else We filed ours neatly in lever arch files, each page in a plastic sleeve and the first thing the staff did was remove all of the documents out of the file and the sleeves and put a dirty great paper clip around the two separate piles.

All they want is the documents - nothing else.

Best of luck - Dave and Lolita

24th March 2014, 08:03
Hi, should we submit separate/ two copies of each evidences for genuine relationship as well like pics together, chat logs.. Etc.?