View Full Version : Solicitor takes on Burnley man's fight to stop children being deported to South Africa

31st May 2013, 11:04
watched this on the news last night, first case of not meeting the financial requirements but he managed to get the kids to stay in the UK. well done to Waseem Chowdhary, one of a few decent solicitors out there :icon_sorry:


31st May 2013, 12:39
:xxgrinning--00xx3: a touch of humanity

31st May 2013, 18:02
What a heart wrenching story.
Here's a link to the earlier story as featured in February:-


How on earth can our government allow murderers, rapists and terrorists to remain here and yet refuse to allow compelling and compassionate reasons in a unique case like this. :cwm23::cwm23:

31st May 2013, 19:07
What a heart wrenching story.
Here's a link to the earlier story as featured in February:-


How on earth can our government allow murderers, rapists and terrorists to remain here and yet refuse to allow compelling and compassionate reasons in a unique case like this. :cwm23::cwm23:

What happened to common sense in this :censored: stupid country of ours ? :cwm23:

We waste billions on foreign wars, billions on aid to basket-case corrupt countries, and admit thousands of conniving criminal parasites claiming asylum each year, any of whom could finish up being terrorists, rapists and murderers. :mad:

Meanwhile Tory MPs are still resigning after being accused of taking 'money for questions' from foreign governments. :NoNo:

As a nation we should be ashamed of ourselves.

5th June 2013, 07:01
Lords and MPs are different graham they live by a different set of laws and rules. If they are found guilty they only serve half the sentence of what the normal population do. And there is a chance of them getting their job back.

5th June 2013, 09:41
Yes indeed Andy. 'The ruling classes'. :xxgrinning--00xx3: