View Full Version : Filipino boy raped by Yemeni in Saudi

2nd June 2013, 14:27

A Yemeni man raped a 12-year-old Filipino in Saudi Arabia and tried to flee to his country but was caught just before crossing the border.

Saudi police had mounted a massive manhunt for the Yemeni following a report by a Filipino man that his son was abducted and raped by a Yemeni worker.

read more here .. http://www.emirates247.com/news/region/filipino-boy-raped-by-yemeni-in-saudi-2013-06-02-1.508857

2nd June 2013, 14:54
Vile, perverted scum :cwm23:

Fingers crossed for a early appointment with the swordsman in Chop Square

2nd June 2013, 15:03
Vile, perverted scum :cwm23:

Fingers crossed for a early appointment with the swordsman in Chop Square

yes, I doubt he will get the chance to do anything like that again :behead:

2nd June 2013, 15:18
Disgusting pig.

I hope he's executed. :mad:

Ako Si Jamie
4th June 2013, 23:40
Saudi justice is barbaric but in this case it will be fully deserved.