View Full Version : Pregnant Filipina raped, murdered

2nd June 2013, 14:36
your not safe in any country :NoNo:

A pregnant Filipina has been raped and killed by a still unidentified man in Logan Central, a suburb of Logan City in Queensland, Australia.

“My wife was eight weeks pregnant at the time she was taken,” Cory Ryther, husband of Joan Canino-Ryther, said in between sobs as he joined detectives at Logan police station on May 27. “I’d like to urge the public that anything they knew, anything … to come forward to get this guy.”

read more here .. http://www.emirates247.com/news/philippines/pregnant-filipina-raped-murdered-2013-05-28-1.508256

2nd June 2013, 15:22
How tragic. Poor lady. :NoNo:

2nd June 2013, 17:59
its tragic. saw her photos on Facebook. RIP

2nd June 2013, 18:09
Good to see Joe's sourcing all the cheerful news.
Nevertheless, a tragic story whatever her nationality was.

2nd June 2013, 18:09
Rape is a heinous crime. Period
Punishment should be removal of the *********** and a lifetime of solitary confinement. Just my personal opinion.

2nd June 2013, 18:14
I'm against keeping such scumbags alive, especially now that we have DNA testing.

The world is considerably over-populated anyway. We won't miss these evil people. :mad:

2nd June 2013, 18:21
Good to see Joe's sourcing all the cheerful news.
Nevertheless, a tragic story whatever her nationality was.

i don't make the news, shes was filipina, and this is a forum concerning the Philippines, good or bad its news and tragic :NoNo:

2nd June 2013, 19:03
I'm against keeping such scumbags alive, especially now that we have DNA testing.

The world is considerably over-populated anyway. We won't miss these evil people. :mad:

I know just what you mean Graham, and wouldn't argue against that.
I've a feeling that a life time alone with just their own thoughts about what they did might become an unbearable punishment.Perhaps I'm wrong and such people have no conscience at all.

2nd June 2013, 19:26
Frankly, I'd rather see the enormous cost that imprisonment entails given to starving children etc.

So many better ways to use the money, time and resources.:NoNo:

2nd June 2013, 19:36
I know just what you mean Graham, and wouldn't argue against that.
I've a feeling that a life time alone with just their own thoughts about what they did might become an unbearable punishment.Perhaps I'm wrong and such people have no conscience at all.

back to jodi arias murder trial(sorry:doh), after she was found guilty of murder 1, the jury had to go and decide if there was aggravating factors,

so what did she do, go and give an interview stating she would rather be put to death than face life in prison. the jury found aggravating factors so next was the penalty phase, the jury heard statements from the victims family and arias gave a statement on why she should not get the death penalty ( she said she changed her mind because she didn't want to put her family thru it :doh) sure :biggrin:, the jury came back hung, 8 for death, 4 for life, the penalty phase will have to be done again with a new jury (if they can one :doh)

i would rather die


when faced with death , i would rather live ..


death or live in prison without the hope of parole. which is worse :Erm:


2nd June 2013, 20:18
....death or live in prison without the hope of parole. which is worse :Erm:..

Yeah, this is the question. My feeling is that being banged up alone with minimal inputs and just counting the time will be a real punishment for most folks and most crimes.
That just me.

Frankly, I'd rather see the enormous cost that imprisonment entails given to starving children etc.

So many better ways to use the money, time and resources.:NoNo:

Graham that's a strong and valid point.
Should be a punishment. Solitary. Absolute minimal inputs and costs.

When I see the costings for keeping someone in prison in UK for a year it makes my blood boil.
Something somewhere is very wrong in UK.

I've said it before in this forum and I'll say it again, let's swap the cost and attention from criminals in prison to our old folk in care homes. Then switch the quality of life and funding our old folk currently get directly to those criminals in prison.
That's even a neutral cost action .......

Bah, getting wound up now. Time to quit this.

2nd June 2013, 21:10
one of the (few) reasons I've not been on here for a while, is that I've been watching the Arias trial live from Arizona thru the net each night, truly shocking case, broadcast for the world to see, but then surely citizens have a right to see justice in action ?

the victim was called a pedophile and abuser with no evidence :NoNo:

good points in Arizona the jury get to ask the witnesses questions thru the judge.


life in prison can be tough, no tv or radio for her, locked up 23hrs aday

2nd June 2013, 21:39
..life in prison can be tough, no tv or radio for her, locked up 23hrs aday

If guilty of heinous crime then good IMO
Minimal inputs.
Bare minimum for food also

If vigilant revenge on a KNOWN pedophile and abuser then not good

2nd June 2013, 21:42
If guilty then good IMO
Minimal inputs.
Bare minimum for food also

:xxgrinning--00xx3: pitty i couldn't find a clip of the meals, only 2 a day, one cold the other warm, 2600 cals. this sheriff doesn't take no :censored:

Ako Si Jamie
2nd June 2013, 21:47
I'm against keeping such scumbags alive, especially now that we have DNA testing.

The world is considerably over-populated anyway. We won't miss these evil people. :mad:My thoughts exactly Graham. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

robbie bobby
2nd June 2013, 23:20
IMHO People like this deserve to have their balls cut off and fed to them followed by a year in GITMO and when that's all done they want to be hung up and left for the critters!:cwm23:

2nd June 2013, 23:25
I'm against keeping such scumbags alive, especially now that we have DNA testing.

The world is considerably over-populated anyway. We won't miss these evil people. :mad:

:xxgrinning--00xx3:I agree
Not sure why we need to use animals for testing when we could make use of these scum.