View Full Version : bad day at the office

5th June 2013, 07:28
do you ever have them days where nothing goes right from start to finnish and it just gets worse and worse the longer the day is, well yesterday was mine.
Had to go upto newcastle yesterday doing a fw deliveries on the way and none of them went well, stuck at asda for 45 mins and could not find a few of the drops too, but the worst bit was coming home,
Driving down the A1 all in a line doing 55mph and this tw--t wants to join the A1 i cant move over to let him on i cant slow down because the lorries behind me but what does this tw--t do , yep still carries on onto the hard shoulder and tries to push me into the other lane, well after a few dlows on the horn he wakes up and does pish his way infront of me and then puts his brakes on how the f----k i missed him , everyone broke behind me and there was black smoke from tryes and lots of noise too, then this tw--t just drives off,
Is it me or when you are joining a motorway its you that has to correct your speed not those on the motorway, yes you try to let them in but if there is nowhere to go then they have to either slow down or stop, i wished at the moment i would have carried into the back end of his car, but then again it would be my fault and what claims would this person receive or was that his plan,
by the way i did offer to pull over to the hard shoulder and have a word with him but all i got was the 2 fingers and a very quick getaway from this TW-T

5th June 2013, 07:31
sorry about the SPHELLING still angry it seems while writing this

5th June 2013, 08:36
You should try driving a van in the Philippines :icon_lol:
Have to deal with similar situations every 5 mins when i am delivering in Manila!

Never have bad days here mate as every new day is an adventure :smile:

5th June 2013, 09:13
I think your <ENTER> key is broken as well :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
5th June 2013, 13:02
I know exactly where your coming from Steve, driving is not the same these days, in fact the traffic gets worse each day, no one's got any road manners at all! :crazy:

5th June 2013, 20:48
I think your <ENTER> key is broken as well :biggrin:

whats that and where is it on my keyboard, all my keys are worn out :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
5th June 2013, 22:44
A vehicle coming off a slip road onto the motorway doesn't have the right of way.

The ones I hate are the drivers who come off the slip road, don't indicate and just expect to join the motorway as if they had the right of way.