View Full Version : Bercow claims Eastern Europeans beat British workers

5th June 2013, 10:17
Speaker John Bercow sparked outrage last night for suggesting eastern European immigrants are better workers than British .people.


This trough feeding little grub is a disgrace and should be fired :cwm23: His grandfather was a Jewish Romanian immigrant

5th June 2013, 11:07

5th June 2013, 15:12
He's never bothered me in the past although I've always disliked his bitch of a wife.
However I have always understood the speaker is supposed to remain impartial/neutral. He's clearly overstepped the mark and I think he's bang out of order. Vote of no confidence please :cwm23:

5th June 2013, 15:20
He's never bothered me in the past although I've always disliked his bitch of a wife.
However I have always understood the speaker is supposed to remain impartial/neutral. He's clearly overstepped the mark and I think he's bang out of order. Vote of no confidence please :cwm23:

He's a serial trough feeder and expenses pi$$taker Marco - pays little or no tax and has a free luxury taxpayer funded apartment in the House of Commons plus a smaller one for the nanny (I'd guess she's also on the public payroll). A truly odious little man who along with his obnoxious wife makes me want to throw up