View Full Version : Bloated Lawyers - The Legal Aid Gravy Train

5th June 2013, 16:21
£15m for just one firm on legal aid gravy train Scale of taxpayers' bill revealed as Coalition vows to save £200m

Ministry of Justice released a breakdown of payments to lawyers
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling says system is 'not sustainable'
Demonstrators waved placards reading 'justice is not for sale'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2336003/15m-just-firm-legal-aid-gravy-train-Scale-taxpayers-revealed-Coalition-vows-save-200m.html#ixzz2VM5mjs80

Well done Minister Grayling !

I agree wholeheartedly with this comment from an enraged Mail reader :-

There was a time when the top lawyers would not touch legal aid cases as they could get far more dealing with private ones.however it appears the tax payers have changed all that.It is with little wonder they are opposed to any changes.

5th June 2013, 16:30
Frightened to death of losing their £300 an hour. :NoNo:

They've turned into nothing more than well-heeled parasites...only because our stupid governments (full of lawyers of course) have allowed them to get away with it. :mad:

5th June 2013, 16:40
if your working there is a good chance you don't qualify for legal aid :NoNo:, so why Should illegals and those that don't want to work qualify, yet those tax payers who are paying their £300 an hour will not qualify, its :Rasp: