View Full Version : Anyone want a free fridge freezer?

Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2013, 19:08
Colour : White
Brand : Unknown
Condition : Wear & tear & asphalt marks
Delivery : Collection only
Price : Free
Location : Middle lane of the northbound M6 near J8

Yup, there it was, a lonesome fridge freezer positioned in the middle of the M6 today as I drove past. :grosyeux:
Has to rival the time when I saw one of those cases people put on the roofs of their cars spring open scattering their clothes across the M1. :Cuckoo:

6th June 2013, 19:13
Dammit....just a bit too far away. :cwm3:

When I was 12 years old, and cycling ....yes CYCLING along the A1 dual carriageway near Ferrybridge, all of a sudden a large chicken house landed on the verge next to me. :cwm24:

Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2013, 19:19
Dammit....just a bit too far away. :cwm3:

When I was 12 years old, and cycling ....yes CYCLING along the A1 dual carriageway near Ferrybridge, all of a sudden a large chicken house landed on the verge next to me. :cwm24:Eggstraordinary. :icon_lol:

6th June 2013, 19:23
Blew off the back of a truck.

One of those things I DIDN'T tell mum and dad about. :cwm25:

Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2013, 19:25
You would have been banned from cycling probably.

6th June 2013, 19:29
Well, those were the days when you only came home for meals in summer. :biggrin:

I also didn't tell them about the time me and my mate built a camp fire in our den in a straw-filled barn either...or the fire brigade. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2013, 19:33
Did they treat it as arson?

6th June 2013, 20:21
No idea mate.

Didn't understand such things as a 9 year-old. :smile:

It made for an exciting spectacle though. Nobody knew we'd even been in there.