View Full Version : Long distance realtionship

9th September 2007, 18:03
what do you think of long distance realtionship. how to make it work. how does "love" developes deeply. :gost:


9th September 2007, 19:09
I been on LDR and I believed majority of the members here as well. It was pretty good, lots of adventures, ups and downs and barriers but we managed to juggle those circumstances for a year before we got together. Trusts, respect, honesty, patient, love, communication and understanding are some of the things to consider to keep the relationship work and healthy.
But, not all people were fortunate to be on LDR, they don't believed in this type of relationship because it didn't work for them.

9th September 2007, 19:42
Need to Be prepared to scarfice a lot of time and be prepared for a lot of tough times mentally for both sides.
Walking a long the road and seeing a couple thinking why you not with your mahal, knowing the other half is asleep so you can't call just to have a little chat.

The best way practically is to ensure good communcations making sure times are put aside when you can both chat to fit in with one anothers life.

9th September 2007, 20:28
Like going to bed at midnight most evenings, lol.

The times when you are apart can be difficult, and it does take a lot of commitment. Although saying that I don't feel that the love in an LDR is any different to other relationships.

9th September 2007, 22:47
This sort of relationship is difficult, but it can be managed. I was in such a relationship for more than a year before we could finally be together.
Mona and I found that the important thing for us was to manage to be a part of each others lives even when we were so far apart. This meant staying in regular contact, either by telephone or YM.
The feelings involved are no different from any other kind of love relationship, but the way you express them is going to be different because for most of the time you lack the physical intimacy of other couples.

9th September 2007, 23:00
A good question :) but it can work, although difficult at times, the distance and time spent apart and also the time and effort needed to sort out visas etc will prove your commitment, if you can both wait and be patient, then the rewards of a true love can be yours. Just follow your heart! Me and Anilyn have known each other for 2 years 2 months and we will soon be married and as with most of us in this forum, ours was a LDR.


9th September 2007, 23:34
Long distance relationships take a lot of hard work,trust and most especially the commitment to make it last. A lot of things to be considered as you go along and sacrifices to make just to be in each others arms. A lot of challenges to take but in the end it is always worth fighting for.:cwm38:

10th September 2007, 02:56
Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love.

Although you may feel like you are losing faith in your relationship at times, hold fast and trust your heart!

I, like you, truly believe that love & relationships are what make your life special, and that ones built on love & understanding are always worth preserving, regardless of the miles that may separate two people.

10th September 2007, 05:18
im in a LDR right now and its working quite well although there were fall outs we still can manage. the worry about spending to much just to meet each other and to talk to each other on the phone is a pain but it never bothers us. We've been through a lot and when we were together we dont want to be apart anymore. we talk on the phone 5 times a day and constant texting.
What do you feel after going thru all this suffering from this realtionship.

10th September 2007, 14:17
i've been on LDR for almost 5 years now...and still going strong...the secret with mine i guess is communication.

Pepe n Pilar
10th September 2007, 14:34
I am on ldr relationship for quite sometime since i have arrived back home. Relationship is going stronger everyday. We exchange e-mails everyday, webcam and chats on weekends, and regular calls and textes as well.

10th September 2007, 16:06
Long Distance Relationship is hard work. It needs sacrifice...patience...phone bills...:REGamblMoney01HL1: computer rental if you don't own one :icon_lol: etc... but when there is trust and both are faithful to each other...it's worth the wait.:luv4:

16th October 2007, 18:11
Long distance relationship.
For me its the greatest adventure I`ve ever been in my entire life. I can compare it with when Im doing the Trail Walking in the countryside, as hiking is one of my interest, I can say that LDR is adventure, exciting, full of suprises, trials, and most of all its amazing. I met my fiance for years ago. Since then we have a regular communication thru phone calls, sms, YM and emails. Im very fortunate that I found a man whose a lot of patient, brave, thoughtful and sincere. He is my bestfriend.In for years we`ve been together 8 times in different occasions. Due to family reason and work commitments were apart, but the love keeps going strong everyday. Thanks to the technology that we can get in touch very often, it feels like were together everyday as we keep in touch morning, afternoon and night time. I bet my faithfulness to him and trust that keep us going and my faith to everything he said to me.Im like a child to him that I believed everything he said to me. After all what we`ve gone through we know that nothing in this world can seperate us again when we finally achieved our dreams to live together permanently. It is really amazing, despite we came from different country and race but as the saying goes, when youre inloved nothing is impossible.

16th October 2007, 18:49
I love it! I'd prefer to be with her, of course, but our love is strong enough and, perhaps unlike many married couples, we take the effort to spend an hour or so just chatting every day.

Imagine how hard it was 100 years ago - waiting for letters that could take months. (I read a lot of books about naval history, when a letter might take three months to arrive).

Even 20 years ago there was no internet, and phone calls cost £1.50 per minute, if you could get through. Even 10 years ago, no webcams and phone calls were still expensive.

So I consider myself lucky, first of all because of my love for Mae, and secondly because it is now and not 10 years ago! I think these changes should transform the way people think about LDRs.


16th October 2007, 19:06
Many people cannot handle a LDR because most relationships and desires are based on physical contact. A LDR can only work if both people are strong and commited to the `Goal` of knowing you are together even after months or years of pain and sacrifice.
A relationship which has withstood the trials of LDR must be very strong and worth every minute and penny. :)

16th October 2007, 19:11
My first serious girlfriend lived in Hartlepool while I lived in London. And I thought that was an LDR! At least they speak good English in the Philippines!


16th October 2007, 21:58
what do you think of long distance realtionship. how to make it work. how does "love" developes deeply. :gost:


Well, it works for me:) Constant communication is important. Love developes through chatting and it goes deeper as the days go by. Especially you gonna find out if its real when you meet in person:D