View Full Version : good news came my way

7th June 2013, 20:51
well just had my statement from my wealth management service and my portfolio is very good upto now.
The performance for the last 12 months is 14.72%
The last 4 months 4.68%
Yes shares can go up and down i know, but this investment was made just over 3 years and its still is better then what was invested

Arthur Little
7th June 2013, 22:46
Tbh ... with the present state of the British Economy, I'm scared stiff :cwm24: of dabbling in Stocks & Shares.

NOT that I've ever had the spare cash to even consider making any significant investment(s). :NoNo:

7th June 2013, 22:51
Wow...wish I'd put my spare fiver into a high interest account now. :cwm3: