View Full Version : MPs calling for lower income requirement for migrants

10th June 2013, 13:19
sounds promising. but where did they get £22,400 from ? unless they've included one child ?

MPs are looking into lowering the income requirement for British nationals and permanent residents seeking to sponsor a non-European Economic Area spouse or parter.


10th June 2013, 13:23
sounds promising. but where did they get £22,400 from ? unless they've included one child ?

The figure is currently £22,400 to sponsor and a further £2,400 for each further child
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration (APPG) is discussing lowering this figure to £18,600


That's already the current amount! :doh

10th June 2013, 13:30
That's already the current amount! :doh

yes, itv have got it wrong :doh

New financial rules for migrants from outside the EU are "tearing British families apart", according to a parliamentary report.


10th June 2013, 14:03
Yes, the initial reports did quote the correct figures....plus of course the government's firm stance on the matter.

The problem with 'fair' rules is that they tar everyone with the same brush.

But, this country is all about fairness now, not about common sense. :NoNo:

10th June 2013, 20:04
Interestingly, this seems to have been quite a theme today.
I saw an interview on BBC Breakfast News, on the BBC News Channel, in the Newspaper (i) and also on local radio.

Most folks really just don't know.
An un-named government minister has admitted the sad family situations resulting from the policy were never considered and forseen and that something must be done.

Maybe the change will come from media and 'internal government' pressures rather than any legal challenge.
Let's hope the media coverage will continue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th June 2013, 20:53
as always the one,s like me that dont earn the £18600 will never benifit anything this goverment do am not going to kill myself working all hours to get the money government minister can say whatever they like it still wont change anything for alot of us in the same boat no money=no wife in uk:censored:

10th June 2013, 20:54
They were quoting the lady who was sent packing, and away from the 5 month old baby she'd been breast-feeding.

Yet we are still flooded out with bogus 'asylum seekers', Romanian criminals etc.

It really makes my blood boil, at what a set of absolutely spineless, hopeless :censored: we have running this country. :mad:

12th June 2013, 17:43
I really find that hard to believe Joe. ..half the UK population wouldn't make the 22.5 k. ....I couldn't live on that alone.

Would be interesting to see the figures of relationship success failure rates since the bar was raised. ..