View Full Version : naturalization for a british citizen

12th June 2013, 20:35
we are hoping to do ours very early august this year but we are wondering how long this may take,
We are also wanting to have a holiday this december so we need the passport by then , what are our chances do you think of getting it all sorted before we fly

14th June 2013, 14:55
If you ask 100 people you'll likely get 100 different answers based on their own individual experience.

Looking at the forms and the guidance the advice is to allow 6 months.

Steve, my personal recommendation is to use your Local Nationality Checking Service. We found it relaxed, convenient and very professional. Statistics indicate that decision making is a little faster too.

More importantly Emma gets to keep all her key original documents and can keep her passport.

Here's what UKBA state:-

The nationality checking service is provided by local authorities (for example your county council or city council). A local authority can accept and forward your application to us. They will ensure that your form is correctly completed, and they will copy your documents and return them to you. They will ensure that your application is validly submitted and that the unwaivable requirements for citizenship are met. However, they will not give you nationality advice.

This service has been very popular since its introduction in 2005 as there are a number of advantages:
last year only 2% of applications made this way were unsuccessful. This compares with 10% refusals for other applications;
you can keep hold of your documents (like your passport) - we can, however, request the originals if we need them.

14th June 2013, 15:06
Using the Local Authority checking service 2/3 years ago it took Mrs D approx 3 months or so till the oath taking and then a further 6/8 weeks for the passport. Note she had ILR under employment/residency period

14th June 2013, 19:41
thanks all, seems we shall have a holiday before we apply and a great big one once Ems gets the passport, plus may throw a party too for a my friends too, ups thats only 1 then so i shall open the party to you lot too:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:dates to be added later

14th June 2013, 20:00
I don't think you need to be naturalised Steve. :Erm:

14th June 2013, 20:07
I don't think you need to be naturalised Steve. :Erm:

Moot point :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Joke lang :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2013, 20:08
thanks all, seems we shall have a holiday before we apply and a great big one once Ems gets the passport, plus may throw a party too for a my friends too, ups thats only 1 then so i shall open the party to you lot too:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:dates to be added later


Whoo hoo a party invitation .....................hang on, what's the catch :Erm:

There's a nice Hilton in Derby City centre too. I can use my points

14th June 2013, 20:13
no catch, only thing to get is the passport for Ems then i think its about time we had a get together

14th June 2013, 20:17
no catch, only thing to get is the passport for Ems then i think its about time we had a get together

Just joking Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It's a great idea. I'm in.

14th June 2013, 20:24
thanks all, seems we shall have a holiday before we apply and a great big one once Ems gets the passport, plus may throw a party too for a my friends too, ups thats only 1 then so i shall open the party to you lot too:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:dates to be added later

Steve, just remember that starting October 28, 2013, there is a new requirement for Naturalisation, the English test with B1 level.

14th June 2013, 20:24
i am sure a get together could be sorted and it would be good to see each other again, dates around november i should think , i wonder if anyone else would be in too

14th June 2013, 20:26
Steve, just remember that starting October 28, 2013, there is a new requirement for Naturalisation, the English test with B1 level.

indeed rayna, thats why we are doing ours this coming august, Ems came here july 31st 2010 on a fiancee visa so thats just over the 3 years

14th June 2013, 20:29
indeed rayna, thats why we are doing ours this coming august, Ems came here july 31st 2010 on a fiancee visa so thats just over the 3 years

Don't forget Steve, that time here in UK under Fiancee visa DOES count as UK residence when applying for Citizenship:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2013, 20:37
our local council will do the checking service for us , i have spoke to them about it a few months ago and they said come back near the date so not long to wait now:xxgrinning--00xx3: