View Full Version : It's kicking off in Paris

13th June 2013, 20:10
France's burkha ban sparks violence across Paris after police try to arrest woman for wearing a veil and pregnant woman is attacked for covering her face

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2341113/Frances-burkha-ban-sparks-violence-Paris-police-try-arrest-woman-wearing-veil-pregnant-woman-attacked-covering-face.html#ixzz2W7nthq8q

At least the French can rely on the CRS going in hard to sort out this rabble

Fit in or Fcuk Off

13th June 2013, 21:21
i love the french,

13th June 2013, 21:28
oh la la :biggrin:

trouble will spread

Michael Parnham
13th June 2013, 22:36
i love the french,

I don't:thumbsdown:

13th June 2013, 22:45
I'm surprised that all the womens' organisations in OUR country put up with this medieval nonsense. :NoNo:

13th June 2013, 22:46
Good on the frogs,about time we kicked it out too :cwm23:

14th June 2013, 00:34
I'm not a great lover of the French but they certainly seem to have more balls than the shower we have here.
Well time we got rid of all this nonsense from the classroom and the workplace. How on the one hand you can talk about equality of opportunity and at the same time allow a group of people to treat women/girls as second class citizens is beyond me.

14th June 2013, 07:31
I'm not a great lover of the French but they certainly seem to have more balls than the shower we have here.
Well time we got rid of all this nonsense from the classroom and the workplace. How on the one hand you can talk about equality of opportunity and at the same time allow a group of people to treat women/girls as second class citizens is beyond me.
Totally agree Marco.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2013, 12:32
As seen recently in Selfridges the burka is a security/safety risk and has no place in public.