View Full Version : Countdown

11th September 2007, 09:14
The countdown to Jet arrival in the Uk started a few days ago, with the receipt of the Sticker from the CFO and the purchase of that all important, morale boosting one-way ticket.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It stands at ... 8 days to go... and 1 wake up...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Today she went to get her X-ray done, and first thing tomorrow morning she will go with it to the City Health to obtain her Health Certificate to show, to Immigration, on arrival in Manchester Airport.
Hoping that she will not have to be screened here, thus saving time and hassle.

The pad is nearly ready. After many years of neglect, I kind of gone a bit wild with the spending... but what the heck... She is worth every penny.

Amazing, the amount of useless stuff collected over the time here. Bags and bags full of junk which is no point in keeping any longer. :doh
The charity shops will survive with what I will donate for quite a while.
I shredded 2 bin bags full of old papers, bank & CC statements, wage slips dating from 1998. I put tons of other stuff in the attic, and there still is more to go...
I thought of posting a few items on Ebay, but after reflection, they are not worth the time of the day. It is just misguided sentimental value really.:NoNo:

8 more days and this chapter will come to a conclusion. Jet will be finally here.
The wait, the anxiety, the misgivings, the hassle of dealing with selectively deaf immigration officials, is all over...

Soon the real test will start....

Again, without the encouragement, help and information drawn from this site, it would certainly have been a much longer and distressing affair.

Thanks everyone.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2007, 10:15
God bless you mate - and good luck.

Hope the 8 days fly by for you.

Al. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2007, 10:35

:rolleyes:HAPPY HAPPY!

11th September 2007, 11:09
i am so happy for you dom & i pray that jet arrives there safely. enjoy each other. :)

11th September 2007, 11:37
Congratulation & Goodluck!
May u have happy life together .....forever!:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

11th September 2007, 11:56

11th September 2007, 18:15
if i get mine ill do countdown part2 .
im happy for you! :cwm12::xxparty-smiley-050:

11th September 2007, 18:21
Congrats and may both of you live happily ever after. Cheers to that.. :Beer:

Pepe n Pilar
12th September 2007, 03:49
Congratulations Aromulus

12th September 2007, 10:15
Congrats Rom,I wish u all the best..finally u will be with Jet..:)

12th September 2007, 10:32
- 7 and counting...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The x-ray is in the bag, and it looks like that the Health certificate is required from workers only, but Jet is going to see her Doctor at the local Hospital for an MOT....:rolleyes: Or general check-up...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The "sanitizing" is nearly done here, not there ever was any compromising material anywhere, as Jet will be the first person ever to set foot in my pad, apart from my kids.

I have my last 6 days vacations booked down, and the way it worked out, with 2 week-ends in between.... It will stretch to 10 days altogether...:xxgrinning--00xx3: Bliss....:luv4:

And as someone mentioned in another post....There will be lots and lots of "getting to know each other".... better...:D

The adrenalin is starting to kick in....

12th September 2007, 11:26
Good idea to have a check up just to make sure no problems.

Also make sure she goes for full check up and what have you at the Dentist, as im sure you know the difference between the uk and phill ones in cost etc.

Also worth asking doctors/dentist for any notes or a letter if any past or long term health issues.

I wish i had six days once the missus came over, i had two weeks in phill flew over together which was a wonderful experience then a day together before i went back to work on the thursday, on the friday i was off sick as a mossie bite on my foot had gone bad and i had to take the day off so managed a long weekend.

But felt so bad that thursday leaving the missus in a strange land on her own for the first time so quickly after my mahals arrival:NoNo:, but now she is busier than me and im left in the house on me own more:icon_lol:

16th September 2007, 21:57
- 3 days and a wake up....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The closer it gets the more the adrenalin pumping...

18th September 2007, 14:28
Congrats and best wishes to u both!

18th September 2007, 14:34
Bloody heck.....The kettle never boils while you're watching it..................:NoNo:

18th September 2007, 14:36
Good luck and wishing you guys more happiness!!! It is so much nicer to have someone to cuddle up with every now and then esp. at night.. Enjoy!!!

18th September 2007, 14:38
Good luck and wishing you guys more happiness!!! It is so much nicer to have someone to cuddle up with every now and then esp. at night.. Enjoy!!!
or someone whom you can talk to or someone who'll listen at you everytime you have worries or somebody to share ur plans with about the future!!!

18th September 2007, 14:50
- 3 days and a wake up....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The closer it gets the more the adrenalin pumping...
3 days or sleepless nights.. we felt it t0o before my husband came back to get me.. I'm sure, it is worth the wait when you become reunited. Perfect feeling!

18th September 2007, 15:05
A Y N U L W Q A S G :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2007, 07:35
Jet's last day at home...

We chatted last night, as soon as she woke up and told me that she only slept a couple of hours.
I did ask her to go back to bed and try to grab a few hours shuteye, but to no avail...:Brick:
It seems that the excitement is really getting the better of her, but what I am worried about is the tiredness at the end of the long flight.... Jet lag x 2....:doh
She will feel like a limp lettuce for a couple of days after....

Another 36 hours, or thereabouts, and she will be here.

I was hoping for the weather to hold a while longer, but the last two days have been cold...ish.

Oh well, down to Matalan and JJB for some winter gear for her and some thermal knickers....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2007, 08:44
Aromulus the thought of holding Jet in your arms this time tomorrow evening must be making your knee's knock, I wish you and Jet a great future ahead. take care and god bless you both

19th September 2007, 08:54
just count the hours then a couple is happy together:)

wish u both all the best.

19th September 2007, 09:13
Don't forget the electric balnket, leg warmers, hot water bottler, 3 quilts, cooker on full with the door open......

19th September 2007, 09:42
Don't forget the electric balnket, leg warmers, hot water bottler, 3 quilts, cooker on full with the door open......

Lecky blanket... next on the list...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Leg warmers.... She will have to pick the colours:Erm:
Hot water bottle....Check...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Quilts................ (5 present) Check.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Cooker... Check.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And.... I re-directed the tumble drier vent towards the inside.... Just in case...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:dohAnd on the subject of vents.... I better get some sealable covers for the wall vents.... B&Q here i come...........:REGamblMoney01HL1:

19th September 2007, 12:12
Make sure you get the dual electric blanket from Argos....that way you don't have to have it on yuour side during the heat wave when she's cold.....